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Batman Arkham City |OT| Smashin' Faces, Glidin' Places


Fixed2BeBroken said:
so true. I just think its some people just wanna be too cool for this shit. "everyone loves it? il hate on it and try to make some valid points that are actually nonsensical....yea...that'll make me stand out"
In this thread people aren't allowed to have opinions.


Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.



Amir0x said:
It's kind of silly to interpret what I said to "scaling back." Is Metroid Prime "scaled back" from GTA? No, they're entirely different game types. One is no more ambitious than the other.

They're two very distinct game types, and I like both. But there is a certain amount of appeal to the structure of Arkham Asylum that I miss. For example, I find the set pieces of individual enemies of Arkham Asylum to be more boundary pushing than Arkham City. They're longer, more complex level designs featuring very very interesting secrets. But on the other hand, the "hub" of Arkham City is more impressive than Arkham Asylum in other ways. It comes down to what you think works and what you don't.

I think the massive amount of side quests and riddler challenges are neat, but so far from what I've seen this max amount of added content has seemed to come at the expense of the main story missions which are shorter, less involving and meaty than the first game's. It's a trade off that, for this series anyway, I don't think I prefer.
Well, I guess it's been a while for me with AA, but it feels pretty similar when I get to boss "lairs". Maybe they aren't as intricate, but I'll take that trade off to be able to play around in the city, personally. To not move on to actually patrolling Gotham in a Batman game would have been a mistake to me.

I kinda think if they would have basically had the same structure for this sequel, you would have fans crying left and right ( though I'm sure people not digging this one would be denying ) that they should have gone to a more open world setup instead of not having Bats get his full Gotham on. This hub world, while at times is a little messy with all there is to accomplish, is the perfect structure to me. Play around, collect xp, beat bad guys, explore and when you feel like it, basically play the story just like AA in structure.

If it was balls out GTA style, it would fall apart. The hub works nicely for me. The metroid style of backtracking is far lessened in this and I really enjoy that. Those big environments filled with bosses had you doing that in AA too often for my taste.
Sullichin said:
Doesn't seem to be the majority opinion.

I haven't played enough of the game yet to see if the interior level design is up to snuff, but the addition of gliding around a city, like Batman should, is very welcome.
Of course it's not the majority opinion, but it seems to be one that is gaining traction in the thread.

I'm loving the game, and I feel like it's a great evolution of what was presented in Asylum. It's exactly what I wanted.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
Or I should. As, I have complete control of what I post and choose to post how I post and do not post to appease someone who feels he is the one to pass judgement on a Poster's edicate as if he is the Ruler of Posts. I never said I didn't want or wanted anything from you.

Alright then, as long as you agree to this then you shouldn't be mad when someone points out that instead of actually pointing out how someone's perspective is stupid, you just keep repeating it like a mantra in utterly throwaway and valueless posts with no backup whatsoever. In other words, you get what you give. So as long as you know this, then there's no reason to even care since that was clearly what you intended :)

cackhyena said:
Well, I guess it's been a while for me with AA, but it feels pretty similar when I get to boss "lairs". Maybe they aren't as intricate, but I'll take that trade off to be able to play around int he city, personally. To not move on to actually patrolling Gotham in a Batman game would have been a mistake to me.

I kinda think if they would have basically had the same structure for this sequel, you would have fans crying left and right ( though I'm sure people not digging this one would be denying ) that they should have gone to a more open world setup instead of not having Bats get hie full Gotham on. This hub world, while at times is a little messy with all there is to accomplish, is the perfect structure to me. Play around, collect xp, beat bad guys, explore and when you feel like it, basically play the story just like AA in structure.

If it was balls out GTA style, it would fall apart. The hub works nicely for me. The metroid style of backtracking is far lessened in this and I really enjoy that. Those big environments filled with bosses had you doing that in AA too often for my taste.

Yeah, like I said, it's a perspective. For me, I think I prefer the first game's structure and I have a lot of reasons why. For you, you'd take the trade off (however slight or large we're discussing here) and you have reasons why to. I can respect that. I'm not saying the game is bad by any measure.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I hope Bioshock Infinite doesn't feel like this. I want the focused approach of Bioshock so it can retain any type of unpredictability and uniqueness.


Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.

I never get statements like these as they are always assumptions. Unless you are willing to go back and match up the people that said these exact things then you are just making a vague baseless generalization and assuming that the people who want a smaller more linear experience in AC are the same people who said they wanted a more open world in AA.

I like both AA and AC but they do feel way different in their structure...not sure which one I prefer though.
Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.
Posts like this are worthless. Do you have an example of one person saying both of those things?


Amir0x said:
I like this game, but so far I would say Arkham Asylum is the better game. It's more focused, the set piece were far superior with much more impressive level design. The guided structured level design makes for more polished gameplay and mission design, and I didn't know I'd be saying this about a Batman game but it just seems to work better that way. I really, really miss it. The Riddler puzzles are better here, for sure, but other than that... it feels like a step back. Or at least, it's a much "different" Batman game and I'm not sure it's what I wanted. I liked getting to an area in the previous game and knowing this is "such and such's place", and then having to go through really sweet set pieces with immersive, detailed and layered levels. In this game, much of that is pulled back. Areas belonging to specific enemies aren't as impressive. The city itself is "impressive", but I think it's missing that punch of the individualized areas of the first game which seemed far more meaty.

I don't know maybe those areas begin to expand and become more impressive with later game missions, but the early game story content is very disappointing. Story/Enemy specific areas are much shorter, less involving.

It's by no means a bad game, and the combat has been improved definitely and it's fun... but I just think I prefer the previous games structure more. It's a preference and I think I hope for Arkham City/Asylum 3 they go back.

Yea I agree for the most part. Batman: AA had this Bioshock-esque flavor for each segment/area/villain, except for when there was some backtracking.

In Batman: AC, I find myself just gliding+ diving while chasing a hot/cold meter, randomly dropping down to beat up groups of thugs for xp and because the combat is amazing.

The amount and quality of vocal work is astounding.
Amir0x said:
Alright then, as long as you agree to this then you shouldn't be mad when someone points out that instead of actually pointing out how someone's perspective is stupid, you just keep repeating it like a mantra in utterly throwaway and valueless posts with no backup whatsoever. In other words, you get what you give. So as long as you know this, then there's no reason to even care since that was clearly what you intended :)

Sigh, you're corny. Im done with this convo with you cause all you care about is ur epeen cred or whatever it is anyways. But I totally understand why cause Ive seen pics.

I hope Bioshock Infinite doesn't feel like this. I want the focused approach of Bioshock so it can retain any type of unpredictability and uniqueness.

Judging from that one video....it could or it couldnt....hard to tell.


TangoAlphaLima said:
I think this has to be the direction they're headed for #3. More of an open world with random encounters, tons of side missions, and, hopefully, a Batmobile you can drive. All set in Gotham proper, none of this Arkham nonsense.

I won't buy this game.

Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.

I've never said that. Maybe you should change.
Some of the riddles are actually really entertaining. They make good use of the remote control batarang. For instance, in the Courthouse, I just had to guide a batarang through an electrified set of wires (to electrify the batarang), down a set of stairs and over a gate in order to hit and overload an electrical box to open a door to a Riddler trophy. That's fucking cool.

Even the finnicky one where I had to guide it through a thin air vent with a sharp right turn and into a Riddler sign was fun (even though it took about 30 tries).


AEREC said:
I never get statements like these as they are always assumptions. Unless you are willing to go back and match up the people that said these exact things then you are just making a vague baseless generalization and assuming that the people who want a smaller more linear experience in AC are the same people who said they wanted a more open world in AA.

I like both AA and AC but they do feel way different in their structure...not sure which one I prefer though.

And there's also apparently no nuance to discussions. It's always one or the other thing.

For example, for years I've discussed how I wanted an open world Batman game. However, there are good ways to do it and bad ways to do it.

However, wanting an open world Batman game does not exclude ALSO wanting a new Metroid-esque Arkham Asylum Batman game. We've seen that style and we know it is highly effective and there are many reasons why.

And there's the third option, what I'm discussing. That although Arkham City is clearly a good game, I just think some of the trade-offs they made to get this hub world made the game less focused, level design less impressive, less complex. I think if you could have the high complexity and personality of the enemy hubs in Arkham Asylum MATCHED to the highly open hub world of Arkham City, we'd meet at the center and nobody would complain at all.

I'm not saying this is a bad game either. I'm just saying I think I prefer the first game's structure considerably more, and I'm also saying that maybe my opinion will change in the second half if the game gets more complex with their level designs.

Fixed2BeBroken said:
But I totally understand why cause Ive seen pics.

Haha, failure to post any defense of your empty opinions followed by thinly veiled insults referring to an Amir0x that doesn't even exist anymore. Well done, captain. You're a great success tonight :p


Skilletor said:
I won't buy this game.
Who are you kidding. Of course you will. Acting like Rocksteady will just have it fall apart should they choose to go that direction is a mistake. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea compared to previous games, but you'll buy it, then maybe disappointed.

What else you wanna know about yourself?
Fixed2BeBroken said:
Naw, just came to the realization it would be a waste of energy, thus being done with it.

And yet you continue to respond and not be done with it, along with petty insults. Way to be the bigger man, ol' buddy


cackhyena said:
Who are you kidding. Of course you will. Acting like Rocksteady will just have it fall apart should they choose to go that direction is a mistake. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea compared to previous games, but you'll buy it, then maybe disappointed.

What else you wanna know about yourself?

I have no interest in a sandbox game. I hate them.



Fixed2BeBroken said:
Naw, just came to the realization it would be a waste of energy, thus being done with it.

Well then, being done, you could have been done without the failure insults. Would have made your exit more effective. Anyway, just thought it was amusing. Really, all your posts were entertaining so in that respect, I guess they weren't a complete failure.

I hope you continue to enjoy the game. It is certainly unveiling Rocksteady as a very multitalented developer, at the very least.

Skilletor said:
I have no interest in a sandbox game. I hate them.


I don't know if you could quite call Arkham City a "sandbox" game. It's not THAT open, not yet anyway.
Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.

What a silly post. I also believe this is ban worthy, so you might want to edit it?
Buckethead said:
To everyone who decided to poop on this great game (they probably haven't finished) with their negativity:

These same people are probably the same that were hating on that guy who reviewed the game without finishing it too. lol


One thing I really love about Arkham City is the difference between the way Catwoman feels and Batman feels in fights.

Is it bad to vastly prefer the nimble awesomeness of Catwoman combat?

keltickennedy said:
These same people are probably the same that were hating on that guy who reviewed the game without finishing it too. lol

It's the same every topic: People think negativity and criticism somehow "spoils" their fun. It's no wonder reviewers fail to properly critique games and people are so lenient with developers and why publishers get away with so much: many gamers don't want to hear this stuff.


I'd be in the dick
Skilletor said:
I have no interest in a sandbox game. I hate them.

I'm usually the same way but Arkham City makes me think that Rocksteady could pull it off. Only a couple sandbox games have been worth my time.

Amir0x said:
One thing I really love about Arkham City is the difference between the way Catwoman feels and Batman feels in fights.

Is it bad to vastly prefer the nimble awesomeness of Catwoman combat?
I agree. I do love breaking limbs as Batman but Catwoman is a lot of fun to use.
cackhyena said:
Who are you kidding. Of course you will. Acting like Rocksteady will just have it fall apart should they choose to go that direction is a mistake. Maybe it won't be your cup of tea compared to previous games, but you'll buy it, then maybe disappointed.

What else you wanna know about yourself?

Clearly he's thinking it would be a reskinned GTAIV starring Batman. That's not what I'm thinking. I think whatever Rocksteady comes up with next might be genre changing. Probably not the profound effect of a GTAIII or Halo:CE, but maybe not far off.

Let's face it, they've got to go somewhere different in #3. Arkham Asylum was a great setting, and Arkham City is a natural progression of that. But where do you go from here? You can't send Batman to another city filled with nothing but criminals, can you? I don't think so. Open world Gotham. That's where it's at, and I bet it will be glorious.


Amir0x said:
I don't know if you could quite call Arkham City a "sandbox" game. It's not THAT open, not yet anyway.

No, I don't think so. That's why I'm interested in it. I meant if the next Batman game is open world with vehicles and batplanes and random missions, I won't play it. I don't want that. I prefer the focus that these two games have compared to something like GTA.


So how does knife dodging work? Hold Y and and move stick away (like straight back?) from attacker? Or does the direction of the wings matter?

Edit: figured it out.
TangoAlphaLima said:
Clearly he's thinking it would be a reskinned GTAIV starring Batman. That's not what I'm thinking. I think whatever Rocksteady comes up with next might be genre changing. Probably not the profound effect of a GTAIII or Halo:CE, but maybe not far off.

Let's face it, they've got to go somewhere different in #3. Arkham Asylum was a great setting, and Arkham City is a natural progression of that. But where do you go from here? You can't send Batman to another city filled with nothing but criminals, can you? I don't think so. Open world Gotham. That's where it's at, and I bet it will be glorious.

this, this, and this.....but still with a structured story/main campaign in the mix.


TangoAlphaLima said:
Clearly he's thinking it would be a reskinned GTAIV starring Batman. That's not what I'm thinking. I think whatever Rocksteady comes up with next might be genre changing. Probably not the profound effect of a GTAIII or Halo:CE, but maybe not far off.

Let's face it, they've got to go somewhere different in #3. Arkham Asylum was a great setting, and Arkham City is a natural progression of that. But where do you go from here? You can't send Batman to another city filled with nothing but criminals, can you? I don't think so. Open world Gotham. That's where it's at, and I bet it will be glorious.

If they have an open world Gotham, I hope what they do is have the hub world, and then design 10-12 highly complex sub worlds where you enter and they're almost equivalent to Zelda dungeons (or the original Arkham Asylum's Metroidvania structure) in their highly detailed set pieces and level complexity. This would be a good middle ground between the two designs.


I'd be in the dick
Zeth said:
No I mean that's what I'm using that made it look much better. Crushed blacks suck.
Oh, I know. I was just letting you know so you didn't go back to it. A lot of people put it on and it looks awful.
Wrestlemania said:
Posts like this are worthless. Do you have an example of one person saying both of those things?
Yes, I think I copied and pasted them all to a txt file on my computer somewhere for the day that someone would ask me for a reference.


I thought it was obvious that my post was mostly made in jest (apparently not), but at the same time it does hold true to many GAF'ers thoughts on the game upon release. A good number of us absolutely loved it, and I recall reading that a good number of us wanted a larger environment to play with for a sequel, as if we were really the Batman - stalking rooftops, chasing on rooftops, etc. etc. (hence, the excitement when Arkham City was announced). If you're up for it then go ahead and read the Asylum OT and see for yourself.

Therefore, I found it funny that this "eh, I wish it was scaled back to a more guided experience" talk is suddenly coming up, when it's a total 180 of what was going on upon Asylum's release. I think it's simply a case of too much going on and that it overwhelms some people. I found myself completely forgetting the Main Missions in favor of the Riddler and other Side Missions. Again, it's exactly what I asked for and I couldn't be happier. But that's just me, apparently.


Those advanced AR challenges are mad difficult. I can't seem to glide just above the ground for a long time for the first one. Advance AR Challenge #4 is also making me swear out loud, lol. :p

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not that far into the game but I'm dreading a mishmash of villains for the sake of appearing and an open world that will detract from the story. In Arkham Asylum, you felt imprisoned and hopeless as you basically had to overcome Joker's traps and everything else -- alone. In Arkham City you still are and feel like Batman but I feel the story won't be as impactful which made Arkham Asylum an amazing game and not just a great game.

I honestly don't know what setting they could've used to top Asylum. Nonetheless, I'm still expecting a great game.


the perfect dark said:
Did anyone else find the riddles in AC too easy? I solve almost every riddle in a very short time after I got them displayed (text messages).

My problem early on was that it took me a while to figure out which Riddler puzzles I absolutely could not solve yet (due to not having the proper abilities yet) and which I could get done but just didn't quite know the solution to at the moment.

There are a lot of Riddler puzzles early on that you simply cannot do without getting abilities that only come later, so it took me a while to get comfortable with which was which. After that, it got easier and I wasted less time at puzzles.
Amir0x said:
My problem early on was that it took me a while to figure out which Riddler puzzles I absolutely could not solve yet (due to not having the proper abilities yet) and which I could get done but just didn't quite know the solution to at the moment.

There are a lot of Riddler puzzles early on that you simply cannot do without getting abilities that only come later, so it took me a while to get comfortable with which was which. After that, it got easier and I wasted less time at puzzles.

I think he is referring to the story riddler puzzles, not the "Get the question mark" ones, fyi.

which is true...some of them are alot easier...but there are still some difficult ones.


Amir0x said:
If they have an open world Gotham, I hope what they do is have the hub world, and then design 10-12 highly complex sub worlds where you enter and they're almost equivalent to Zelda dungeons (or the original Arkham Asylum's Metroidvania structure) in their highly detailed set pieces and level complexity. This would be a good middle ground between the two designs.
Actually, that sounds pretty boss. But how do you not make it seem like Gotham is basically "on fire" so to speak. making the separate hubs so vast would mean that each villian has carved out his own little spot in Gotham. Sounds like a practical doomsday scenario. Actually, that sounds good as well.
Amir0x said:
One thing I really love about Arkham City is the difference between the way Catwoman feels and Batman feels in fights.

Is it bad to vastly prefer the nimble awesomeness of Catwoman combat?

Just wait till you get to play as Robin. His moves are sick nasty!! For example, his triple counter move is straight out of The Matrix Reloaded. (Neo with the pole, running sideways, kicking agents) OMFG!! Also his grapple attack...instead of pulling enemies, he uses it to fling himself towards them with a side kick.


keltickennedy said:
Just wait till you get to play as Robin. His moves are sick nasty!! For example, his triple counter move is straight out of The Matrix Reloaded. (Neo with the pole, running sideways, kicking agents) OMFG!! Also his grapple attack...instead of pulling enemies, he uses it to fling himself towards them with a side kick.
Do you get to play with Robin in the story at some point? I don't have any preorder stuff.
Revolutionary said:
Arkham Asylum comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it was in an open city where I can perch on rooftops and stalk my prey like the Batman actually would, not this indoor gargoyle perching shit!"

Arkham City comes out... "This game is so fucking awesome but I wish it were back in a smaller environment and more of a guided experience"

Never change, GAF.

Yup, typical GAF


Fixed2BeBroken said:
I think he is referring to the story riddler puzzles, not the "Get the question mark" ones, fyi.

Ah, I see. Makes sense.

cackhyena said:
Actually, that sounds pretty boss. But how do you not make it seem like Gotham is basically "on fire" so to speak. making the separate hubs so vast would mean that each villian has carved out his own little spot in Gotham. Sounds like a practical doomsday scenario. Actually, that sounds good as well.

Well, technically in Gotham City certain villains DO usually have little parts of the town carved out. I know Joker usually is hiding out somewhere, Ventriloquist might take over a warehouse. It doesn't need to happen concurrently... for example, say a "mission event" is a story following Joker and you're going around doing sub missions until the main event opens up and then you're in his sub hub world and you've got the more complex missions of Arkham Asylum/Metroid-type design. Then once that's done, time would move forward in the game world and you'd be facing another villain's sub missions before eventually conquering his sub world. In this way, you wouldn't need to have all these guys running wild at the same time.

However, toward the end of the game maybe they WOULD team up (to tie the story together - many Batman stories have been about many villains teaming up) and then you'd go into the final hub world which would feature a mixture of challenges utilizing all your abilities, very similar to Zelda.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Foliorum Viridum said:
Oh dear... it sounds like I might not like the less linear approach :(
I think alot of people won't. Unfortunately, I have friends that keep convincing themselves that "open world" means "longer game" which will justify their purchase but won't analyze the quality as long as the game is 40-50 hours.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Fuck me there is so much going on in the game. Getting voicemails from
while traveling to the next objective, thugs talking below, phones are ringing, god damn helicopter has a lock on my location, riddles are popping up, flying through the AR telling me it's ready to train, god damn Alfred calling me up to banter or whatever next thing ya know, Gordon's gonna fill me in on how his urinary tract infection is making it hard for him to piss, this game is insane, I LOVE IT!!


Amir0x said:
Ah, I see. Makes sense.

Well, technically in Gotham City certain villains DO usually have little parts of the town carved out. I know Joker usually is hiding out somewhere, Ventriloquist might take over a warehouse. It doesn't need to happen concurrently... for example, say a "mission event" is a story following Joker and you're going around doing sub missions until the main event opens up and then you're in his sub hub world and you've got the more complex missions of Arkham Asylum/Metroid-type design. Then once that's done, time would move forward in the game world and you'd be facing another villain's sub missions before eventually conquering his sub world. In this way, you wouldn't need to have all these guys running wild at the same time.

However, toward the end of the game maybe they WOULD team up (to tie the story together - many Batman stories have been about many villains teaming up) and then you'd go into the final hub world which would feature a mixture of challenges utilizing all your abilities, very similar to Zelda.
I'm sold. They really do need to find a way to incorporate the vehicles a little as well. I'm not far enough into this to know whether they do or not, but it would be nice.
Dr Eggman said:
I think alot of people won't. Unfortunately, I have friends that keep convincing themselves that "open world" means "longer game" which will justify their purchase but won't analyze the quality as long as the game is 40-50 hours.
It's a real shame, because Arkham Asylum had a great sense of exploration whilst being a very guided experience. The ways in which you got new toys to backtrack with and how the environment changed over the course of the game was fantastic.

I'm sure I'll enjoy this game, but without that? Well, it will be hard to imagine liking it more than AA.



cackhyena said:
I'm sold. They really do need to find a way to incorporate the vehicles a little as well. I'm not far enough into this to know whether they do or not, but it would be nice.

Now that would be cool, riding Batman's Batmobile around. But structurally, when you got out... obviously you couldn't just park it. Would the Batmobile guide itself back to the bat cave until you called it back? I wonder the logistics of that in a fully open world game.
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