The Return of
Just beat the game.....sooo good. Definitely going to run through it again NG+ and go after everything. Also, playing as Catwoman is just so awesome.
hamchan said:I don't really care if you think the game is good or not, it's just that the "too much to do" complaint doesn't seem very legitimate to me because I don't see that as a negative at all, and all of it is optional too.
Several minutes in, the LIVE pop-up indicating that the download for Dungeon Defenders completed appeared but so did a message from Arkham City stating, "New downloadable content is ready to use. You are now being returned to the title screen." Clicking 'A' dumped us out of the game and back to the title menu with our most recent progress lost.
Dachande said:Roughly how long is the Catwoman section?
Sn4ke_911 said:
I think it looks fantastic, but those PC videos look incredible. You can survive a month without this phenomenal game.Truant said:How does the 360 version look? Honestly. I'm seriously considering getting it tomorrow.
I'm currently replaying AA on Steam and it's pretty sharp maxed out at 1080p. I don't want to wait a month![]()
1 to 1 and a half hours.Dachande said:Roughly how long is the Catwoman section?
Sinthetic said:Pictures don't do this thing any justice. It's stunning, packed with a clear plastic slipcase.
The blooded parts are embossed! ;D
koene said:Wow, that looks really great. Can't wait to get mine in my hands when I get home.
Sinthetic said:It's about 100 times better without the crappy 5MP picture. You are in for a treat!
Kyoufu said:Does the combat ever improve? Right now its mindless mashing of Square plus Triangle during visual cues to counter.
Please tell me there is more to combat than this.
Kyoufu said:Does the combat ever improve? Right now its mindless mashing of Square plus Triangle during visual cues to counter.
Please tell me there is more to combat than this.
Nemesis556 said:So I think my game has glitched =/
This is following the first "major" villain battle and being given the task to follow a certain trail....
So I've been following the blood, supposedly to Ra's Al Ghul but eventuallly I got a fence. Climbed over it and spoke to some random NPC who was actually related to the identity theft quest. The game was like PROGRESS MADE on SIDE QUEST or something and now the blood trail has vanished.
I heard somewhere that you just grappel up to the roof and a chase scene ensues, but that hasn't happened.
Has making progress on a side quest during a main quest mission blocked my progress? I'm a bit worried since I have no idea what to do now =/
Spirit3 said:Help! The game will not initiate the first story driven interrogation. No matter how I go about clearing the room to trigger the sequence the final (fifth) enemy locks up and basically becomes a statue.
I honestly think you'll be fine either way.Deepack said:Ok, about to buy this game.
Torn on which platform I should get it for. Played the original on PS3, because my 360 was on the fritz back then. Now I have the choice and going by the screenshot comparison made by The Lens Of Truth ( it seems like the 360-version looks slightly sharper.
Any noticable tearing or framerate probs in any of the versions?
Also, ignorance is bliss.
Solo said:PS3 version has infrequent mild tearing. Otherwise its bliss.
mocoworm said:Yahoo games score Batman: AC - 6 out of 5
There needs to be a distinction between "L.A. Noire: 10/10", "CoD:Whatever: 10/10" and "Batman: AC 10/10"Interfectum said:Can't wait till this trend takes hold.
Any game that doesn't get a 10/10 or 11/10 will be deemed a disappointment.
hamchan said:There's also caping dudes with shields and jumping over other dudes with electric prods (lol). Also if you time your Square pushes you get critical hits and 2x multiplier, but if you don't play the combat challenges then the multiplier doesn't matter I guess...
Yes, the combat is quite shallow.
Jintor said:The multiplier doesn't matter? What kind of gamer are you?!?!?! A 50+ hit combo is its own reward!
RPGCrazied said:On those riddler pressure plates, wtf?Like this one one the ground, and another is on the side of a wall. How are you suppose to get that?
hamchan said:Pfft 50+ is weak. 100+ is where it's at.
hamchan said:Pfft 50+ is weak. 100+ is where it's at.
neorej said:Play the entire game with 1 long combo. Like a boss.
BY2K said:Strange: What is Batman doing?
Tyger Guard: I don't know, sir. He's just been throwing punches to everything that comes close to him without end. He leaps from building to building STILL throwing punches. He's unstoppable.
Sinthetic said:Pictures don't do this thing any justice. It's stunning, packed with a clear plastic slipcase.
The blooded parts are embossed! ;D
BY2K said:Strange: What is Batman doing?
Tyger Guard: I don't know, sir. He's just been throwing punches to everything that comes close to him without end. He leaps from building to building STILL throwing punches. He's unstoppable.
Kyoufu said:I wish the health system wasn't like this. If you have virtually no life left the only way to gain health back is to clear a group of enemies?
Jintor said:You shouldn't be getting touched in any case, dude.