Zeliard said:Seriously Solo, do that first AR set even if you want to ignore side missions. You'll thank me later. I can't imagine not having that upgrade.
Zeliard said:Seriously Solo, do that first AR set even if you want to ignore side missions. You'll thank me later. I can't imagine not having that upgrade.
Figured that out. I didn't think I had to leave being that I didn't find who I was looking for lolSquare Triangle said:Exit the building.
Correct, I wrote off the first game as some average looking game.Tallshortman said:That would make sense if you were referring to AA though, not so much with AC since AA was absolutely fantastic. Did you just never look into the first game?
BeautifulMemory said:What upgrade? Because I didn't do it and I have been progressing :0
Deadly Cyclone said:Figured that out. I didn't think I had to leave being that I didn't find who I was looking for lol
badcrumble said:My feelings on this are mixed. I feel likethe opening would be a lot better if it just launched straight into the Bruce Wayne bit, even though I understand that there's nowhere else to put that particular Catwoman scene if you want to preserve the pacing of the opening.
I'm confused about the Catwoman stuff. One segment started automatically for me early on, where you infiltrate Poison Ivy's place, but now I've played another ~35% of the story and nothing with Catwoman at all. Do you have to go trigger her segments?
JohngPR said:If anyone an make Superman not seem boring and unoriginal, it'd be Rocksteady.
thank you. I don't mind knowing, that's what I assumed but I won't be able to get back to it for some time.MasterShotgun said:(Spoilered in case you change your mind on wanting to know)
That's all I will say.You are going to be one happy man.
LeonSKennedy90 said:Man I heard Superman called a LOT of things over the years, but "unoriginal"!? There's a new one
You can't even get a large number of them until you progress in the story and acquire many of the gadgets that allow you to get them. So I'm not even bothering until later.RPGCrazied said:I've been playing 2 days straight, and only 30% in the story. Those riddler trophies and riddles sure do eat up time.
Agreed. This also means there isn't nearly as much weight behind it when you encounter villains. I've probably already encountered more supervillains than I did in all of Arkham Asylum, and I'm only like 10% of the way through the story.Chiggs said:Same here. Arkham City is definitely a top notch game, but it lacks the focus of the first game.
Mr. Paer said:Need help on the final Catwoman mission
There has to be some sort of strategy for this!Maybe it's a combination of playing on hard and not having upgraded her health at all throughout the campaign, but fighting Two-Face seems impossible. Whenever you take down his guards, he just calls more in, so no matter what you do there are a bunch of gunned goons running around the whole time. Two-Face is always just standing in the open, so if I drop in to attack I'm immediately shot at and killed by everyone before I even have a chance to escape.
JohngPR said:To be fair, I meant in regards to video games not the character himself.
Superman has spawned some pretty generic games in its lifetime as a video game license.
I don't think I got an upgrade from the second set. I cant remember honestly but I think it was just xp.Pimpbaa said:Do you get upgrades after that? Because I absolutely loath them and will not do them if they don't give me anything.
I'm watching their quick look now and I'm laughing at how terribly he's botching the combat and such.JohngPR said:Such an awesome game and the Giant Bombcast crew decides to focus their Batman: AC discussion on the Catwoman online pass stuff.
Look for a wall with a question mark painted on it. Do not use detective vision because you can't see through it. Interact with the wall.Deadly Cyclone said:Dammit, there is a hostage I have marked on my map and it's right by a riddler trophy but I cannot find the hostage at all. By the black canary building. Dumb.
Deadly Cyclone said:Dammit, there is a hostage I have marked on my map and it's right by a riddler trophy but I cannot find the hostage at all. By the black canary building. Dumb.
LeonSKennedy90 said:Hey, no argument here. I rented Superman 64 when I was younger, and it was an experience that has scarred me for life
krameriffic said:I'm watching their quick look now and I'm laughing at how terribly he's botching the combat and such.
They are really, really selling the game short with this quick look. I typically like them to show off the way a game plays, but this one is bad. He's done with the story already so he can't show any mission gameplay, he's terribad at the combat, bleh.
Do not watch it for impressions if you're on the fence about the game.
krameriffic said:I'm watching their quick look now and I'm laughing at how terribly he's botching the combat and such.
They are really, really selling the game short with this quick look. I typically like them to show off the way a game plays, but this one is bad. He's done with the story already so he can't show any mission gameplay, he's terribad at the combat, bleh.
Do not watch it for impressions if you're on the fence about the game.
MCXC Pioneer said:There's too much to do, it's really distracting. Arkham City is good but it lacks focus.
I feel overwhelmed. Every time I turn around there's some political prisoner bitching or the riddler in my ear. There's simply too much thrown at the player too early on, I miss the clear focus AA had.hamchan said:Then just follow the main objectives? How can you blame the game for giving you a lot of optional things to do.
MCXC Pioneer said:I feel overwhelmed. Every time I turn around there's some political prisoner bitching or the riddler in my ear. There's simply too much thrown at the player too early on, I miss the clear focus AA had.
Also I said the game was good so remember that in case you're freaking out.
That's because you ignored the point I made, good job.hamchan said:I don't really care if you think the game is good or not, it's just that the "too much to do" complaint doesn't seem very legitimate to me because I don't see that as a negative at all, and all of it is optional too.
Zeliard said:Seriously Solo, do that first AR set even if you want to ignore side missions. You'll thank me later. I can't imagine not having that upgrade.
You do know that you can mark their location for later though, right?krameriffic said:You can't even get a large number of them until you progress in the story and acquire many of the gadgets that allow you to get them. So I'm not even bothering until later.
Have you played AC brotherhood? Im currently playing it and they give youway too much shit to do. Yes i have the option not to do all the quest, but seeing everything on the map is daunting. If batman is like that then....=/hamchan said:I don't really care if you think the game is good or not, it's just that the "too much to do" complaint doesn't seem very legitimate to me because I don't see that as a negative at all, and all of it is optional too.
Kung Fu Grip said:Have you played AC brotherhood? Im currently playing it and they give youway too much shit to do. Yes i have the option not to do all the quest, but seeing everything on the map is daunting. If batman is like that then....=/
Kung Fu Grip said:Have you played AC brotherhood? Im currently playing it and they give youway too much shit to do. Yes i have the option not to do all the quest, but seeing everything on the map is daunting. If batman is like that then....=/
What about Batman: No Man's Land. Similar concept to Arkham City.BobTheFork said:I think I may agree with the 'lack of focus' comments. It comes from (possibly) having too much side stuff. Every single time I've gone somewhere (not that far in) I feel like I'm being mobbed with side work. Of course you don't need to do it, but it interupts the flow a bit. Honestly though, I'll take the trade-off; Being able to just freely move around Gotham is too fucking good. Sometimes Asylum felt too linear and too closed-in, but it's an opinion issue. A Batman: Year One game with all of gotham would be godly.
Domino Theory said:Do you know how to do the third AR mission of the first set where you have to dive down towards the water then go right back up? I'm stuck on that one.![]()