Uno Venova
It has arrived 
Same here. It was really annoying at first but now I use it all the time. It's really useful for getting around the city.thetrin said:It's actually really easy. I couldn't figure it out at first, but it's poorly explained.
You're probably doing it at the height of the jump, which you're not supposed to do (it's also what I thought you had to do when I first got the grapnel boost). You do X, X (HOLD) while you're zip lining up. It then speeds your zip, and you get launched. Holding X brings up your glide, and you fly.
It's really easy, they just do a piss poor job of explaining it.
It's also fucking awesome fun to chain a bunch together and get some good height and momentum.RoboPlato said:Same here. It was really annoying at first but now I use it all the time. It's really useful for getting around the city.
You need to keep holding X while you dive, then just let go of the dive button and you'll naturally swoop forward at a slight upward angle. I kept fucking it up for a while because I'd let go of X or something. You'll get used to it and it'll be second nature in no time once you figure it out.cpp_is_king said:I practiced for like 10 minutes and I only got it to work like three times. I don't know if I'm just terrible at the game but pulling off this move seems unnecessarily difficult.
Well, in the moves menu, you can always check out everything there is to do.RoboPlato said:Now that I think about it a lot of the controls are poorly explained. I can never remember the quick use buttons for gadgets and the help messages that stay on screen are really annoying. I want to turn them off but sometimes they seem like they'd be useful when I really don't know what to do. I wish there was a setting when they would only come up as an initial tutorial or when necessary instead of always on or always off.
The question marks that hide behind a fence when I hit a pressure plate are baffling me. Maybe I need an upgrade?
Yeah. There's a weird inconsistency to the context sensitive displays too. Sometimes it tells you, sometimes it doesn't. I wish it would do one or the other.RoboPlato said:Now that I think about it a lot of the controls are poorly explained. I can never remember the quick use buttons for gadgets and the help messages that stay on screen are really annoying. I want to turn them off but sometimes they seem like they'd be useful when I really don't know what to do. I wish there was a setting when they would only come up as an initial tutorial or when necessary instead of always on or always off.
2&2 said:For anyone with the 360 version installed on their HD:
Does the disc continue to spin a looooong time after the game starts?
This is the first time I've seen this happen.
Oh ok, so that's the gel. LT + B is the electrical charge, and LT+Y is the grapple.VindictiveGnome said:LT + X to plant and detonate. 360 version.
Bingo. I think it's a nice improvement from AA.kaskade said:Oh ok, so that's the gel. LT + B is the electrical charge, and LT+Y is the grapple.
MacBosse said:So I'm battling thugs left and right when the chopper spots me with its spotlight and goes over the radio-com "I got a visual on Batman and it looks like he is kicking all kinds of ass".
... OMG. GOTY.
That's one of my gripes. I loved AA. This feels so different that it's astounding and overwhelming. Part of me so far really likes the tightness of the narrative and gameplay of the first game, the other part loves the openness of AC. I really have to hand it to rocksteady. They've done an amazing job of making two completely different style of games with the same core mechanics.kaskade said:Side missions feel kind of weird in this game. The main story is so time sensitive it's kind of weird just wandering off. Probably just something I have to get used to.
Some of the side mission stuff feels kind of irritating. In particular the political prisoners and the Riddler informant guys. The political prisoners don't seem to provide me with ANYTHING for saving them and the Riddler guys make me fight with this weird style so as to not accidentally finish them off.RoninChaos said:That's one of my gripes. I loved AA. This feels so different that it's astounding and overwhelming. Part of me so far really likes the tightness of the narrative and gameplay of the first game, the other part loves the openness of AC. I really have to hand it to rocksteady. They've done an amazing job of making two completely different style of games with the same core mechanics.
Yeah, the way the game's mechanics actually work goes against the narrative they're trying to tell. It's like "Go find so and so" and then you spend 3 hours looking for riddler trophies and beating people up while trying to answer phones.krameriffic said:Some of the side mission stuff feels kind of irritating. In particular the political prisoners and the Riddler informant guys. The political prisoners don't seem to provide me with ANYTHING for saving them and the Riddler guys make me fight with this weird style so as to not accidentally finish them off.
krameriffic said:Some of the side mission stuff feels kind of irritating. In particular the political prisoners and the Riddler informant guys. The political prisoners don't seem to provide me with ANYTHING for saving them and the Riddler guys make me fight with this weird style so as to not accidentally finish them off.
Have you fought a group with two tasers, two shields, two armored, a gun crate, a Riddler informant and tons of stuff to throw at you yet? It makes me want to kill myself.Tadale said:I think 'weird style' is good. Changes the way you handle combat.
In AA the key was building up the combo (without knocking anybody out) then throwing down a bunch of ground takedowns for like 5000 points each. The triple batarang and ultra batclaw made it very easy to do.Anabuhabkuss said:You haven't grasped the mchanics just yet.
There's more to the combat than simply not getting hit. You are scored on how many times you get hit, how many moves and gadgets you use. You have to mix it up and do it flawlessly. You shouldn't only be getting 7000 on the first challenge. My first time I had 31k ish.
You have several moves in your arsenal to keep the combat and score going:
Bat cape
quick batarang
flip over
down strike
gadget (left trigger+ square, triangle,or circle or x,y,b)
MacBosse said:So I'm just soaking in the awesome atmosphere in Arkham City, fresh into the game right after the first "mission" when I see from my high vantage point that a group of about ten thugs has gathered on the street. Oh goodie, a good first romp with a large group I giggle for myself diving head first into the first thug.
So I'm battling thugs left and right when the chopper spots me with its spotlight and goes over the radio-com "I got a visual on Batman and it looks like he is kicking all kinds of ass".
... OMG. GOTY.
krameriffic said:Have you fought a group with two tasers, two shields, two armored, a gun crate, a Riddler informant and tons of stuff to throw at you yet? It makes me want to kill myself.
Yea, between this and the *iceberg lounge spoiler*MacBosse said:So I'm battling thugs left and right when the chopper spots me with its spotlight and goes over the radio-com "I got a visual on Batman and it looks like he is kicking all kinds of ass".
... OMG. GOTY.
SpeedingUptoStop said:Yea, between this and the *iceberg lounge spoiler*, it's pretty clear these guys know what makes Batman and gaming beautiful.Batman beating the shit out of a shark
Same is happening to me. I thought it was a glitch so I just continued and I'm going to go back to it once I finish up the area I'm currently in.Anabuhabkuss said:I don't even know what to do with the second. it just disappears at a gambling sign and then...?
lawblob said:Weird. I ordered this on Amazon a few months ago, but subsequently canceled the order. I got an email today stating that I had received the $10 pre-order credit..
Anyone else get this? I guess its just a nice thing in my favor...?
My favorite is holding them by the leg and dangling them over the ledge.SpeedingUptoStop said:Oh man, the interrogations. So satisfying. Beating up the last dude, then slamming Y, Batman rushes right across the rom and grabs this mudda fucka by the throat, That'sBadassBatman.
I've only done that withRoboPlato said:My favorite is holding them by the leg and dangling them over the ledge.
The dialogue is awesome during those too.
Thug: "Don't hurt me!"
Batman: "Wouldn't dream of it." *Punches thug in throat*
LosDaddie said:So what am I missing out on if I pick-up the game today, and (obviously) didn't pre-order? A batman skin? I think I can deal with not having the TAS Batman skin, if I can find a NOS can with the Batman Beyond skin code.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to use my Uncharted 3 pre-order and just get Batman instead.
LosDaddie said:Anybody?![]()