I think it could be just me getting old, but this series could use some streamlining in the controls department. There are just so damn many input commands to remember, often in the heat of battle. And when you start upgrading moves you just get more. Ugh. It makes it into one of those games you really have to devote your time to. I remember taking a break from City and coming back and its like, how the hell do I control the Batman and his many gadgets.
Anyway I'm still at the beginning of the game, but got to the point where it opens up a bit, and I'm enjoying it more. The city itself is really impressive once you slow down and start to notice details. I dig how not everything is highlighted on your minimap or even in game, you really have to just use your eyes and pay attention. Great example was chasing down
early on - almost any other game would have him highlighted with a big arrow or some shit. Refreshing.