Am I the only one who's having serious issues with the control scheme?
This design choice is terrible, and is really a killer coming off the silky smooth access format used in Asylum and City. Anyone on this board who's familiar with game design and the hardware structure of next-gen consoles, what limitations might have prompted Rocksteady into making this design choice, because it really disrupts the flow of the game. I don't like having to access the wheel menu on numerous occasions during a single predator encounter. Predator encounters were never a favorite feature in these games for me, and they're made into an even bigger grind because of this new routine.
On a game design level, would Rocksteady be able to bring back the previous access formats with a patch or even include it as a new feature on their inevitable GOTY edition, or is everything so hardcoded into the game now that it would be impossible to do? I think of Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, which addressed one of the biggest complaints by players by adding a rotatable camera into the game. it really did improve an already excellent game. Arkham Knight's game experience would improve as well in that respect.
And I don't believe that Arkham Knight's control's are too complex that they couldn't remap rhe controls to accomate this. Just basically move all the gadgets back to the directional pad, including the batmobile remote.
1. When using the remote batmobile, you simply select the batmobile remote icon from the direction pad and then activate it using the bumpers like any other gadget from the previous games.
2. Move detective vision to L3 or R3, or even back to its former position on the controller and have the batmobile summoned by pressing down on either of the stick buttons.
3. Move all the select wheels onto the stick buttons. You press down on one of the stick buttons to access the wheel, and use the other stick for making your selection.
4. Or Rocksteady could just move the select wheels onto their own dedicated menus using the select button, or onto the waynetech button.
I really like this game so far, even with the batmobile/tank feature force upon me, but some of the design changes made at the expense of the previous games are really frustrating.