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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing


Wait a minute, I'm over 50% of the way through this now but I've gotten confused about the timeline of some of this:

When does the scene with Gordon after getting sprayed by Scarecrow take place?

I thought that segment took place later on (hence present day) but following that scene, you regain control of batman again events follows on immediately.

The point is in the scene with Gordon, the joker infected people where still alive, but in my game they're now dead and that scene hasn't happened again, so when did the convo with Gordon happen?



that whole quest line is utter bullshit

You need to solve all 230 or whatever Riddles to face mecha Riddler? Fuck that.


Is the % sign next to 'Continue Story' for everything in the game or just the story? If it's for everything then roughly how much is the story?



that whole quest line is utter bullshit

You need to solve all 230 or whatever Riddles to face mecha Riddler? Fuck that.

I don't even think I will bother
saving cat woman.
I'm at a point to where I just want to be done with it.


It's been like that with each game though.

The way they teased it though in this game was ridiculous though.
Start the fight then oh wait nope gotta do the challenges first bye bye!
The Riddles are always the least exciting things about these games and after slogging through the Batmobile stuff I really could live without seeing another green question mark.


Wait a minute, I'm over 50% of the way through this now but I've gotten confused about the timeline of some of this:

When does the scene with Gordon after getting sprayed by Scarecrow take place?

I thought that segment took place later on (hence present day) but following that scene, you regain control of batman again events follows on immediately.

The point is in the scene with Gordon, the joker infected people where still alive, but in my game they're now dead and that scene hasn't happened again, so when did the convo with Gordon happen?

It was a flashback to before the events of the game; the giveaway is that Batman is wearing the Arkham City suit instead of the Arkham Knight suit.
Is the % sign next to 'Continue Story' for everything in the game or just the story? If it's for everything then roughly how much is the story?

You can find a breakdown by checking "Gotham's Greatest" or whatever on that menu (hit X on Xbox), The breakdown is also available on your quest screen
got into the game a ways last night...

really don't get any of the batmobile hate. Like literally not a single bit of it.

open world driving is fine. neither amazing nor awful. default controls are blah (who puts brake on []??? really!!!)

bat-tank was surprisingly fun. it goes into tank mode and I think "oh shit.... let's see how bad it is" and instead "oh wow. This isn't bad and opens up something else to do in game."

You disappoint me critics. For all the crying and complaining over the tank, you end up coming off as a bunch of whiny babies saying nothing more than "keep your new stuff out of my game!!!!! I only want the old stuff!!"

??? /boggle like what wasn't fun? I mean it wasn't like "greatest thing evar!!!!!" but it was basically harmless open world driving gameplay. tank is basically simple third person shooter gameplay. Again, not mind blowing but really harmless and certainly not a chore, broken, or annoying.

You need to get further into the game. The open world batmobile stuff is fine, along with some of the puzzle/traversal gameplay, but there are forced elements in the late game that make the entire batmobile experience infuriating. Get back to us when you do.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
You need to get further into the game. The open world batmobile stuff is fine, along with some of the puzzle/traversal gameplay, but there are forced elements in the late game that make the entire batmobile experience infuriating. Get back to us when you do.

while I'm not sure I'll agree (I really do actually like the bat-tank stuff) I will see if anything changes by the end.

like I said.. for example I liked the riddler race at the beginning... I mean the context for it was utterly stupid.. like I can't believe that's how they set it up... but the race itself was fun.

but we'll see as the game continues.

The end of the Perfect Crime quest line is probably the most twisted thing in the whole series. Holy crap.

this so far is my only complaint of the game.. that they lock the side mission advancement behind main quest progress. It feels so forced and unnatural. "Hey here's this really cool mystery to solve.. Or save the firemen!!! Oh we're sorry.. yuo haven't played the video computer game long enough to do more in these quests." Goes from feeling a natural part of the Batman/DC world to "hey video gamer don't forget you are playing a video game on a video game console just in case you forgot it was a video game"
I'm about 50% done the game and I have very little complaints about the batmobile sections so far. One, it's god damn amazing to drive in the open-world. But more importantly, I don't really find the tank encounters bad at all. They aren't as diverse as the foot encounters, but they're relatively easy and because the batmobile controls pretty fantastically, I've actually enjoyed them so far.

I enjoy the APC chases quiet a bit too.


So, what difficulty is everyone playing on? This is my first Batman game and I am playing on hard. I don't find it too hard, but I did die several times at the first boss, the
until I figured out I had to use the Vulcan gun.
Saw this texture problem pop up out of no where. Scared the shit out of me when I saw that he had a persons face on his forehead.




I've played all the games in the series (the console ones at least) and I thought there would be too much going on for a newcomer.

I'm decent at combat from playing Shadow of Mordor, and I'm still trying to get a hang of traversal but I'm getting there. It's a learning experience for sure, but I'm loving it.
I'm about 50% done the game and I have very little complaints about the batmobile sections so far. One, it's god damn amazing to drive in the open-world. But more importantly, I don't really find the tank encounters bad at all. They aren't as diverse as the foot encounters, but they're relatively easy and because the batmobile controls pretty fantastically, I've actually enjoyed them so far.

I enjoy the APC chases quiet a bit too.

This is exactly how I feel. I'll add that chasing convoys is amazing, I had a spectacular chase last night.
On the flip side, I can't believe how much it is being praised. But hey, that is just how it goes sometimes. Glad you are having fun.

I am interested to see how much I enjoy it. I am liking what I have seen so far, and I simply enjoyed the previous games. Didn't think they were spectacular, the stories especially were super garbled. From videos I have seen of this one, I really like the presentation at least. Very well directed. Well, should see on the weekend.


Are all of your complaints centered around the batmobile?

At the core, yes. There is just too much of it being forced in and the segments are awful. But I am not really enjoying the side stuff, either. *shrugs*

The year has been incredible so far, so I figure something had to give. There was bound to be at least one disappointment for me and this has been it by a landslide.


At the core, yes. There is just too much of it being forced in and the segments are awful. But I am not really enjoying the side stuff, either. *shrugs*

The year has been incredible so far, so I figure something had to give. There was bound to be at least one disappointment for me and this has been it by a landslide.

Look on the bright side. You still have a gruff sorceress loving monster hunter waiting for you in Kaer morhen!
This particular section is probably what's going to lead to me not replaying this game. I've replayed Asylum and City every few months since those games came out, absolutely love'em, but all this tank shit in Knight is just too much. I actually love most of the Batmobile stuff, really enjoyed the Riddler challenges with it, love calling it in while I'm on the run and powersliding around corners at top speed and ejecting out of it like a mile into the air, but the arena tank battles just aren't fun after a certain point. You have to do it like twenty times in the main story alone, and then another twenty in side missions, and the first instance of it is exactly the same as the last except by the end you're facing way more enemies and more frustrating enemy types.

I finished the game last night and I'm honestly pretty disappointed, after being such a huge fan of Rocksteady's first two. That same magic is still there in a lot of places, and I love the ways they've updated all facets of Batmanning. AK is unquestionably an Asylum-to-City-sized leap, not just 'we made City again' like Origins was. But the endless tank battles are just such a drag, and the lack of any really good, unique bossfights like Mr Freeze's is a real shame. The side missions feel like Ubisoft-style mindless tasks to repeat over and over; chase a truck, fight some guys, tail a van, rescue a dude, do another tank battle. There are so few lengthy in-door areas in the vein of Asylum and City, and you keep revisiting the same ones over and over; it feels like they ran out of time or money at a certain point and just decided to pad the game out with more tank battles. Gotham itself just doesn't have that dense, tightly-designed feel, because it's intended to be blasted through at afterburner-speed, and all the streets are wide enough for impromptu tank skirmishes.

And, goddamn, why do all the character models still look awful? It was something I forgave in the first two games because I loved everything else about them so much, but after Origins' fantastic Batman model, Arkham Knight's cast just looks shitty. For all their specular-highlighting, depth-of-field, chromatic-aberration, particle-effects-out-the-ass graphics Batman still stands like a robot just like he did in 2009.

Great post. Sums up my experiences so far.
This is exactly how I feel. I'll add that chasing convoys is amazing, I had a spectacular chase last night.

They really highlight how destructible the environment is. I actually managed to crash into and went inside a smaller building in one just a while ago.

Edit: I consider the batmobile in this game to be the anti-Roach. Nothing outside of the big buildings really stops it. I'm so used to TW3 that initially I was expecting it to come to a halt at the smallest of objects.


yeah, it's really, really annoying. "press d-pad down to use the remote batarang" right across the center of the screen." is that not a hint? then there's the section where
you're leaving a penguin hideout and you're cornered by a bunch of armed enemies and sentry guns. the game then has batman verbally tell you you need to remote to the batmobile and then shows you the exact location you have to take the batmobile in order to shoot the soldiers
. another section you chase down a vehicle, the game tells you to "press L1 to exit the batmobile, then says "press triangle to interrogate the driver." i might as well just turn my brain off. absolutely terrible. when does dark souls 3 come out?

I feel you man. Dark Souls can't be annualized fast enough for me. But I'm constantly told I need to broaden my AAA horizons beyond FromSoft output and this quote from Polygon gave me some hope, cause I kinda liked some things about Arkham City and I wanted to like it more:

Justin McElroy @ Polygon said:
The most notable non-feature of Arkham Knight is in the way it refuses to give you all the answers. It gives you the tools to pretend to be Batman and then trusts that you'll be able to make your way. When you're trapped with a monologuing enemy, Arkham Knight doesn't remind you that you can remotely blast enemies with the Batmobile; it waits patiently for you to come to it on your own.

When reconstructing a hologram of a crime scene, The World's Greatest Detective actually has to use logic and deduction. Riddler puzzles? Actually kind of puzzling. The feeling of having to intellectually engage with your environment and abilities makes for the most satisfying simulation of Batman yet.

In an era where my hand is chapped from being held by every AAA game on the market, Arkham Knight feels nothing short of revolutionary.

So now my question would be what was the Polygon guy smoking, did he play a different game or does the game actually let go of the hand after a while. How far are you in? At least the Riddler trophies are not spoiled by handholding right? they weren't in City..

What I don't understand is why do the hints keep popping out when you have unchecked the 'Hints' option in the settings. That doesn't make sense, are there even more hints by default? Or maybe it's a bug?
Like I said in my post early today, the story mode is the only part of the game which seems inundated with forced Batmobile stuff, which there's a fair amount of. But if the Story Missions are, say, 20% of the game, and only two of the side missions (out of what, 12?) require the Batmobile, then more than half of the game doesn't actually need it at all.

I played for almost four hours last night and I was in the Mobile for about 15 minutes. Maybe 20. I had a phenomenal time just doing side missions and exploring the world, neither of which needed the Batmobile. Then I did a really long story mission, which only needed the car for 3-4 minutes at the end.

The problem for me on top of the main story having a lot of tank filler is that very few of the sidequests are interesting. Many of them are Ubistyle garbage and even some of the ones that aren't are still dull like the
one. The only sidequests in this game that I find to be any good are the
TwoFace Bank Heists, Man-Bat and The Perfect Crime missions


love on your sleeve

that whole quest line is utter bullshit

You need to solve all 230 or whatever Riddles to face mecha Riddler? Fuck that.

I started that quest line last night and then looked up how long it was just out of curiousity. Yeah no, right back to the main story.
Oh sweet. A late game spoiler
Another Batmobile boss fight against the Arkham Knight but this time it's in some tunnels
I think this game hates me. I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do here.


Figured it out but still, fuck this.


If you are half way through it should already be obvious.

It was obvious one hour in once you know it's not Joker.

about half way through the game they basically slap you in the face with who it is.

and if you still don't know who it is until he reveals himself then you make Slowpoke look like Albert Einstein
Oh sweet. A late game spoiler
Another Batmobile boss fight against the Arkham Knight but this time it's in some tunnels
I think this game hates me. I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do here.


Figured it out but still, fuck this.

Battlezone and Dig Dug. Seriously, I hate both of those sections. I have no idea what Rocksteady was thinking when they put those two encounters together. They really took me out of the game. It gets better, though.
It was obvious one hour in once you know it's not Joker.

about half way through the game they basically slap you in the face with who it is.

and if you still don't know who it is until he reveals himself then you make Slowpoke look like Albert Einstein

I haven't got to the reveal yet but am sure of who it is. I imagine a knowledge of Batman movies as reference also helps as it basically parallel's a plot in one of them.


It was obvious one hour in once you know it's not Joker.

about half way through the game they basically slap you in the face with who it is.

and if you still don't know who it is until he reveals himself then you make Slowpoke look like Albert Einstein
I'm not sure it's obvious if you're not familiar with the comics. My wife has no idea who it is, and she's about half way through the story, whereas I had a pretty good idea from the promotional materials (and have a pretty good knowledge of the comics).


How do you beat up the brutes with electric gloves on? I keep getting shocked no matter what I do and there's no tips coming up to tell me =/
I agree with Polygon (or was it Eurogamer?) who said that the loss of intimacy and Gothic mystery which has always been a huge element of the Batman comics has been a big loss for this series. Arkham Asylum was ripped straight out of Detective Comics (they always forget the Detective aspect!) but City and Knight especially are way too bombastic and over the top. Not to mention Batman is now being strung along like a common GTA protagonist instead of being proactive. Origins was half-and-half, kind of like TAS.

Can we have a Batman game from the guys who made Sherlock Holmes: Crime & Punishment? They can outsource combat encounters to Rocksteady but the rest can be all storytelling and character building and of course actual crime solving. Low budget, day in the life of The Batman kind of deal.
I agree with Polygon (or was it Eurogamer?) who said that the loss of intimacy and Gothic mystery which has always been a huge element of the Batman comics has been a big loss for this series. Arkham Asylum was ripped straight out of Detective Comics (they always forget the Detective aspect!) but City and Knight especially are way too bombastic and over the top. Not to mention Batman is now being strung along like a common GTA protagonist instead of being proactive. Origins was half-and-half, kind of like TAS.

Can we have a Batman game from the guys who made Sherlock Holmes: Crime & Punishment? They can outsource combat encounters to Rocksteady but the rest can be all storytelling and character building and of course actual crime solving. Low budget, day in the life of The Batman kind of deal.

I think AK has the best detective mechanics in the entire series.
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