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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What really sucks to me is that irregardless of how I end up feeling about the overall campaign, the massively scaled down challenge rooms is gonna be a big knock to my enjoyment. I loved going through those, and seeing them basically pulled down to a paltry 4 is awful. Even then, one of the predator rooms I did was in a bank as an alarm was blaring while you were timed, which basically meant just rush around and noisily take everyone out.


What really sucks to me is that irregardless of how I end up feeling about the overall campaign, the massively scaled down challenge rooms is gonna be a big knock to my enjoyment. I loved going through those, and seeing them basically pulled down to a paltry 4 is awful. Even then, one of the predator rooms I did was in a bank as an alarm was blaring while you were timed, which basically meant just rush around and noisily take everyone out.

Exactly. Heck, couple of the freeflow challenge maps are a 2 minute thing that stops if you get hit. And at least one predator map has star requirements that just seem to be an advertisement of the features Arkham Knight added rather than a considered set of things to do. The maps suck

If you're going to go the AR route, which is interesting, you should expand the maps not reduce them. Heck, that would even allow a context for allowing people to populate challenge maps with enemies they choose, or if they wanted to expand on the concept let people edit the design of challenge maps.

They really dropped the ball there. I'm completely willing to trade the game in, and I didn't have that same feeling for Asylum or City.

This game just blew my GODDAMN MIND just naturally moving through the environment doing sidequests. Minor post-ACE factory spoilers:

I was right outside one of an enemy encampment when I thought I saw something weird out of the corner of my eye. This is the poster:


Only that isn't what I saw. This is:


If you pan the camera back and forth the poster keeps switching.

I've been talking up the presentation in this game and this is a perfect example why. It's such a clever visual trick that most people wouldn't even see, I only vaguely realized what I saw, went "huh?" and looked back and realized what happened. This type of thing being plopped in the middle of a big open world is what's so impressive to me, it's not something they can clearly frame and force you to experience.

That's really cool.

I don't know if you've played the Scarecrow Nightmare race thing on PS4 but some of Scarecrow's dialogue in that is great and touches on the same topic.


Can't believe people are down on this game, or not praising it more anyway. I actually skipped Arkham City because the idea of an open world batman didn't really appeal to me but after playing this I think Rocksteady did really well. Just the types of interaction you can have around the world, complete with these smooth animations, really sell the feeling of being batman better than anything else for me. And the game is doing surprisingly impressive things when it comes to destructability, even the smaller power winch sequences.

I'm mid-way through the game so I can't commit on the full story line yet but I'm loving 1/3rd of the game spoiler
joker's appearances throughout everything, incredibly detailed and well done. Really sells the idea of him having gotten in Batman's head and driving him insane, I was sure they weren't going to commit to it but they've actually been incredibly consistent with his appearances.

Also, as the Batmobile's the hot topic for this game I just wanted to weigh in and say that though the tank battles aren't the most fascinating thing, it still feels satisfying weaving through the tank's shots with the thrusters and later on playing cat and mouse with the Cobra tanks. Especially the APC side-quests have led to some seriously amazing chase sequences so far, although the slow-motion effect does wear out its welcome a little bit.

When I read about the overuse I was afraid they were literally going to force you to stay inside the tank but I feel like overall, the game justifies the usage of the tank enough and the general traversal never requires the batmobile. Again, these are my thoughts after going through it about half-way, but I've fully completed certain side-quests storylines.


Can't believe people are down on this game, or not praising it more anyway. I actually skipped Arkham City because the idea of an open world batman didn't really appeal to me but after playing this I think Rocksteady did really well. Just the types of interaction you can have around the world, complete with these smooth animations, really sell the feeling of being batman better than anything else for me. And the game is doing surprisingly impressive things when it comes to destructability, even the smaller power winch sequences.

I'm mid-way through the game so I can't commit on the full story line yet but I'm loving 1/3rd of the game spoiler
joker's appearances throughout everything, incredibly detailed and well done. Really sells the idea of him having gotten in Batman's head and driving him insane, I was sure they weren't going to commit to it but they've actually been incredibly consistent with his appearances.

Also, as the Batmobile's the hot topic for this game I just wanted to weigh in and say that though the tank battles aren't the most fascinating thing, it still feels satisfying weaving through the tank's shots with the thrusters and later on playing cat and mouse with the Cobra tanks. Especially the APC side-quests have led to some seriously amazing chase sequences so far, although the slow-motion effect does wear out its welcome a little bit.

When I read about the overuse I was afraid they were literally going to force you to stay inside the tank but I feel like overall, the game justifies the usage of the tank enough and the general traversal never requires the batmobile. Again, these are my thoughts after going through it about half-way, but I've fully completed certain side-quests storylines.

The halfway point of the game was the beginning of the decline for me.
This game just blew my GODDAMN MIND just naturally moving through the environment doing sidequests. Minor post-ACE factory spoilers:

I was right outside one of an enemy encampment when I thought I saw something weird out of the corner of my eye. This is the poster:


Only that isn't what I saw. This is:


If you pan the camera back and forth the poster keeps switching.

I've been talking up the presentation in this game and this is a perfect example why. It's such a clever visual trick that most people wouldn't even see, I only vaguely realized what I saw, went "huh?" and looked back and realized what happened. This type of thing being plopped in the middle of a big open world is what's so impressive to me, it's not something they can clearly frame and force you to experience.



I'm with you, I'm 50% story, 35% general and I've been fighting as Batman much more than with the Batmobile, I understand that there's a terrible Tank fight near the end but so far everything is fine.

Thank god – another person fighting the good fight!

Ah, man... That really bums me out.

Seriously I've spent at least double my time with the game on foot than in the Mobile.

The rest of the game more than makes up for it imo. And I still really enjoy the Batmobile. It's super well implemented and smooth, so if you just focus on beating the encounters as efficiently as possible, it's pretty satisfying.

Can't believe people are down on this game, or not praising it more anyway. I actually skipped Arkham City because the idea of an open world batman didn't really appeal to me but after playing this I think Rocksteady did really well. Just the types of interaction you can have around the world, complete with these smooth animations, really sell the feeling of being batman better than anything else for me. And the game is doing surprisingly impressive things when it comes to destructability, even the smaller power winch sequences.

I'm mid-way through the game so I can't commit on the full story line yet but I'm loving 1/3rd of the game spoiler
joker's appearances throughout everything, incredibly detailed and well done. Really sells the idea of him having gotten in Batman's head and driving him insane, I was sure they weren't going to commit to it but they've actually been incredibly consistent with his appearances.

Also, as the Batmobile's the hot topic for this game I just wanted to weigh in and say that though the tank battles aren't the most fascinating thing, it still feels satisfying weaving through the tank's shots with the thrusters and later on playing cat and mouse with the Cobra tanks. Especially the APC side-quests have led to some seriously amazing chase sequences so far, although the slow-motion effect does wear out its welcome a little bit.

When I read about the overuse I was afraid they were literally going to force you to stay inside the tank but I feel like overall, the game justifies the usage of the tank enough and the general traversal never requires the batmobile. Again, these are my thoughts after going through it about half-way, but I've fully completed certain side-quests storylines.



Fair enough.

The guy seems really, really down on it.

Maybe he should just lighten up and have fun.
slight /s

Tbh he said he was playing on Normal, too, then was complaining that the combat was too easy/too one-dimensional. Doesn't seem to want to help himself.
There wasn't any point throughout my time with the game where I thought "hey this is really cool" or "I really like this game, I'm having fun now". I found the entire game very generic, and NOTHING exciting happens.

The best thing is the story, and even then, I just didn't care about who the Arkham Knight was.

The combat and the takedowns are as good as they have ever been in the Arkham series.

It's just that it easily gets overshadowed by Batmobile stuff.


could never
Had no idea you could counter and hijack vehicles, now all I do is hunt for cars to swoop down on from above. This game makes for great video making.


Okay, I stopped paying attention, because it just kept leading me to a bunch of pointless thug vehicles. I don't know why there are so many of those, or why the game thinks they're important enough to bother me about every 30 seconds. You don't even get XP for taking them out. They also start repeating the same lines of flavor dialogue quickly, it just seems... very, very strange.

Strange, it just seems to be wasting my time. Like, it tells me there's a riot going on 300m away, I go and clear out the riot and then... absolutely nothing happens. Not even any XP. It's just weird.

I've been finding the firefighters etc on my own.

I noticed last night that there's a story precedent for this.

Basically, I think it's the Bat-computer picking up on keywords said by anyone in the vicinity. You'll notice that guys are only ever talking about Batman, or one of the rogue's gallery, or places or events – or people in trouble. I'm pretty certain the idea is that the Batcomputer is filing nearby audio output and prioritising it for Bats to hear.

A lot of the time it'll be meaningless and won't add any info to what Bats needs to know. But othertimes it'll catch a keyword or a panic-phrase which alerts Batman to something going on (eg a firefighter). Panic-phrases like this include the police saying 'riot'. Obviously if you want you can go beat the thugs up. But it's actually just something happening, which the Bat computer has picked up on. It's not a mission.


Anyone having massive problems with the update on the PS4? It's a 3GB update but is going to take me 7 hours to finish. I'm on a 152mb connection. It isn't my connection, and it isn't even my PS4 as all the DLC downloaded instantly. The 1GB Scarecrow stuff downloaded in 3 minutes.
None of the side missions are interesting.
Not even a single one. The waypoint thing being random is the extra kick in the balls.

I have very mixed feelings about this game.


Found a game-breaker last night. I was walking around last night (I think it said Ryker Island or Riker's Island or something) when I saw an interactive door using Detective Vision.

Walked through it to find what looked like a (side-quest spoiler)
Penguin Weapon Cache

However, I'd only found one of these previously so I don't think the game was ready to find this one. I couldn't grapple out of the room, use hatches in the room, blow anything up or interact with anything. I was completely and utterly stuck.

Tried a couple of re-loads, nothing.

Walked around for twenty minutes using every combination of gadgets I could think of, nothing.

Unless I have a save file that goes a few save locations back I'm going to have to delete my progress.

I'm pretty sure this just means it'll be a unique location you will be taken to in due course. Don't worry about - unless you're at like 99% completion and it's the last thing left which still won't work.

A lot of things are great but there's some severely questionable priorities from Rocksteady. It's their only chance to do the batmobile so they do absolutely everything they can with it even if it's detrimental to overall gameflow. To think Asylum was once praised as a crowning example of perfect pacing.

100% of all sidemissions including Riddler trophies to get best ending is horrific. Hell even having multiple endings at all doesn't make much sense. Add that the main story does seem to be much longer than the previous games & it's just asking too much of the player's time IMO.

A lot of people seem to think it's an alternate ending, like there are 'bad', 'good', 'best' endings.

This isn't the case. It's an 'extended' ending, like the sting at the end of a film's credits. 100% is just to give you a little more insight on the game's events. There's no difference to the ending you get by finishing the story.


It's an 'extended' ending, like the sting at the end of a film's credits. 100% is just to give you a little more insight on the game's events. There's no difference to the ending you get by finishing the story.

Do you get the 100% ending if you finish the story first then do the rest?


Do you get the 100% ending if you finish the story first then do the rest?

Yeah I believe so, man. You get it once you 100% the game at any stage, AFAIK.

None of the side missions are interesting.
Not even a single one. The waypoint thing being random is the extra kick in the balls.

I have very mixed feelings about this game.

The way I see it, people are expecting things from the game that the game was never going to do. (And that the earlier games never did, either.) The side missions are gameplay exercises in an action and puzzle game. That's it. They don't/rarely purport to have anything more than some great action sequences, great stealth sequences, great/questionable Batmobile sequences or great puzzles. This isn't The Witcher. The quests aren't story-based. They're not trying to immerse you and surprise you with twists or developments. They're literally just Batman cracking down on criminals.

If you want surprising, literary quests, go play The Witcher.

If you want action game side missions where you use your tools and ingenuity to take out bad guys, play Batman. That's the point. Though there are a few side missions with great stories, like the Wayne Tower one (only available late in the game.)

Edit: the waypoint thing also isn't random at all. It takes a moment of thought to work this out. When you first get a new side quest line, it's because Batman is given a lead. Hence, he has a waypoint. After you follow that lead through, you usually don't have another lead. So you have no waypoint. You have to find the lead on your own, listening out for audio cues or exploring with Detective Mode on.


Had no idea you could counter and hijack vehicles, now all I do is hunt for cars to swoop down on from above. This game makes for great video making.

Ya i called my car one time, but instead fell ontop of a car and pulled the guy outta the window. "You can do that?!!?"


could never
Ya i called my car one time, but instead fell ontop of a car and pulled the guy outta the window. "You can do that?!!?"


Going into new releases kinda blind these days is enriching my gaming experience. I feel so much joy now when I do cool shit I didn't know about.
This game just blew my GODDAMN MIND just naturally moving through the environment doing sidequests. Minor post-ACE factory spoilers:

I was right outside one of an enemy encampment when I thought I saw something weird out of the corner of my eye. This is the poster:


Only that isn't what I saw. This is:


If you pan the camera back and forth the poster keeps switching.

I've been talking up the presentation in this game and this is a perfect example why. It's such a clever visual trick that most people wouldn't even see, I only vaguely realized what I saw, went "huh?" and looked back and realized what happened. This type of thing being plopped in the middle of a big open world is what's so impressive to me, it's not something they can clearly frame and force you to experience.

I encountered the same effect
with statues and ornaments on a building
while playing last night.
They kept changing into variations of the Joker.



The game (PS4) is right now on sale at Amazon.de it is surprising cheap for a brand new release. So if someone from mainland Europe would like to jump in. ....

I even just took an early break an drove to my local Media Markt to pick up the game there. (Amazon price)


None of the side missions are interesting.
Not even a single one. The waypoint thing being random is the extra kick in the balls.

I have very mixed feelings about this game.

They're very 'Ubisoft' in that regard. A formula repeated, outside of a few exceptions.

Rescuing a fireman isn't too different to clearing a roadblock. Capturing towers is a less interesting predator scenario that the
side mission. Characters like Penguin,
have their side missions amount to doing pretty much the same thing, in the same sequence, multiple times.
side mission is underwhelming outside of his appearance. The road bomb side mission is just ... ugh, tedium distilled. I've yet to complete the
murder investigation
side mission, so that might have a cool conclusion, but so far the novelty of it wore off after the first instance.

Riddler's side missions are the most varied, I thought the 'Friend in Need' one was good for what it was and the APC pursuits are cool for what they are, but most of the side missions just aren't that engaging, and I wouldn't have cared if the game didn't find a way of 'blackmailing' you into doing them.

How do i get the "pick up and do a critical beatdown on 3 thugs" requirement for that one AR challenge done, btw?

R2 + O (circle) when an enemy is on the ground, followed by mashing square.


I think this game made me realize I am done with gaming. Nothing excites me anymore with games.

I am just going thru the motions and I am overwhelmed by how many damn moves and gadgets he has. I can't remember half of it and I don't want to upgrade and look at that hexagonal upgrade interface. I just don't care. I am not enjoying it at all.

I've become a casual gamer I guess.


R2 + O (circle) when an enemy is on the ground, followed by mashing square.


regardless of the AR requirement, when would i ever use this move? R2 + triangle takes the dude down without having to give him a further beating.

even though, the takedown leaves you open for attacks, while you can still counter out of a beatdown, i suppose.



regardless of the AR requirement, when would i ever use this move? R2 + triangle takes the dude down without having to give him a further beating.

even though, the takedown leaves you open for attacks, while you can still counter out of a beatdown, i suppose.

The funny thing about that is I played through the game without realising that you can now execute a beatdown on a foe who is on the ground by mashing square next to them. In previous games trying to punch a downed enemy would result in a whiffed hit, but not in Arkham Knight. It's far more efficient that a ground takedown (R2 + triangle).

Give it a go.

I think this game made me realize I am done with gaming. Nothing excites me anymore with games.

I am just going thru the motions and I am overwhelmed by how many damn moves and gadgets he has. I can't remember half of it and I don't want to upgrade and look at that hexagonal upgrade interface. I just don't care. I am not enjoying it at all.

I've become a casual gamer I guess.

I think I'm going to take an exodus from gaming after MGSV. For as big as these games get in size, spectacle and graphics don't mean that much to me. For a lot of games the core gameplay doesn't seem to improve on the games before in terms of having fun, and I think I play games more habitually than anything else. Plus DLC practices suck.

Gosh, that sounds jaded, but I was hoping Arkham Knight would be that awesome game that reignited my desire to play AAA sequels.


is it me or is the hand to hand combat a little off? i can't seem to get into rhythm.

I also had that issue.

I put it down to a few things. More unique enemies (enemies that do special things, or need to be taken down in a specific way) and more enemies in general. It just didn't seem to flow as well as it did in the previous games.

If you get to a dual-play section tell me what you think of those. That's where I felt like the combat had that fun core, where I didn't have to strategize about the best way of taking down everyone, but the challenge came from completing the fight as smooth and stylishly as possible.

How do I get that mofo with the riot shield?

O -> X, X
I'm not really getting combat, I just randomly press the face buttons and I do alright. Feels like there's no strategy unless I'm missing something..


I think this game made me realize I am done with gaming. Nothing excites me anymore with games.

I am just going thru the motions and I am overwhelmed by how many damn moves and gadgets he has. I can't remember half of it and I don't want to upgrade and look at that hexagonal upgrade interface. I just don't care. I am not enjoying it at all.

I've become a casual gamer I guess.

Take a break, man. Everyone needs it sometimes. A few days, a few weeks, a few months, a few years. Chances are you'll come back to hardcore gaming when something totally random excites you.

I think I'm going to take an exodus from gaming after MGSV. For as big as these games get in size, spectacle and graphics don't mean that much to me. For a lot of games the core gameplay doesn't seem to improve on the games before in terms of having fun, and I think I play games more habitually than anything else. Plus DLC practices suck.

Gosh, that sounds jaded, but I was hoping Arkham Knight would be that awesome game that reignited my desire to play AAA sequels.

I feel the same as both of you, but it's actually because gaming has fully satisfied me this year, more than any other year. It's led me to feeling like I've burnt out on them, or rather that they've been 'sucked dry' for me.

The Witcher 3 and Batman have become two of my GOATs, and I feel like that's all there is to it now. I've had my emergent, transcendental gaming experiences, and I'm feeling increasingly like I've got all I can out of gaming. At this stage, AAA gaming is literally giving me my dream experiences. Dying Light, TW3, Batman and MGSV literally hit my four all-time gaming fantasies. Once MGSV is out, if it follows the trend of other titles this year, I can't imagine I'll have anything to look forward to ever again, because they're all delivering on my highest, highest hopes and dreams for gaming.

In my case, I'm still having loads of fun playing games and it's all inspiring my brain, but one of my friends is finishing like a book a week and is insanely stimulated, while I have like 7 books I'm halfway through that some game distracted me from. I think I'm going to seriously cut down my gaming time from October.

PS it helps enjoy Batman if you forget structure and expectations and just have fun. I never bother selecting a mission when the game prompts me to. I just swoop out into the city to find them myself, and I let myself get distracted. It's so much fun this way, I'm loving it.


Finished the main story last night.

Probably my favourite game in the Arkham series.

This is how I feel, definitely. It's a pity it's not as vital or refined as Asylum, but the amount of fun I'm having, coupled with countless moments of sheer 'I am the Bat'ness, it's won out for me.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So I got the new batsuit and met the AK. Holy shit multi fear takedowns are awesome. Been trying to complete side content before tackling the main story. Traversal is so much better.


So I got the new batsuit and met the AK. Holy shit multi fear takedowns are awesome. Been trying to complete side content before tackling the main story.

You can pace it out quite comfortably, I think. A main mission, 3 or so side missions, rinse and repeat.

I found the side content felt more integrated into the world than in most open world games, so treating them as part of the main story is the way I went with it.
I'm not really getting combat, I just randomly press the face buttons and I do alright. Feels like there's no strategy unless I'm missing something..

You won't be able to randomly mash face buttons for too long. The special enemies all have different ways of being dealt with and the game will start mixing and matching enemy types a lot more as you continue.

And anyway the goal is to string huge combos and look amazing while doing it so stop mashing



You won't be able to randomly mash face buttons for too long. The special enemies all have different ways of being dealt with and the game will start mixing and matching enemy types a lot more as you continue.

And anyway the goal is to string huge combos and look amazing while doing it so stop mashing


Gif captures it perfectly



You won't be able to randomly mash face buttons for too long. The special enemies all have different ways of being dealt with and the game will start mixing and matching enemy types a lot more as you continue.

And anyway the goal is to string huge combos and look amazing while doing it so stop mashing


That's easy enough with 4 thugs.

Trying to be that smooth with a ninja, brute and an electrified foe doesn't amount to anything the freeform.
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