ooooh was it good??? I won't pick it up till monday 
what happened to nightwingSanjuroTsubaki said:Are you guys dense? Retarded? No discussion after the best issue of the run so far!?
SanjuroTsubaki said:Are you guys dense? Retarded? No discussion after the best issue of the run so far!?
LiveFromKyoto said:Grids.
SanjuroTsubaki said:Are you guys dense? Retarded? No discussion after the best issue of the run so far!?
I am as well. This is the first book in "Batman" to finally set the tone for things to come. As far as the reference goes I have no clue. If your trying to make sense of it look who the reference is directed towards to begin with!Spike Spiegel said:I'm still trying to process all that's going on, it's insanity. For instance, did anyone else catchI mean, WTF was that?Caligula's reference to Bat-Mite during the torture scene?
Spike Spiegel said:I'm still trying to process all that's going on, it's insanity. For instance, did anyone else catchI mean, WTF was that?Caligula's reference to Bat-Mite during the torture scene?
It's still really, really ambiguous (what's with the mirror?), but Bat-Mite being real was also very heavily implied last issue.Spike Spiegel said:I'm still trying to process all that's going on, it's insanity. For instance, did anyone else catchI mean, WTF was that?Caligula's reference to Bat-Mite during the torture scene?
LiveFromKyoto said:Anybody else notice there's something crawling over Mite's back? You can kind of see a face there in the gargoyle scene, and he's always got insect legs wrapping around him now.
What? *goes to check*Snaku said:Oh shit, there is something on Mite's back! o_0
Batman #667 "The Island of Mister Mayhew" - attending a meeting of the International Club of Heroes, Batman and Robin find themselves caught up in a murder mystery that ultimately could claim their own lives as well. After trapping them on a billionaire's private island, someone is killing off members of the Club, men inspired by Batman to don costumes and fight crime. Is the killer one of their own? How will they escape the island? And who is the mastermind behind this attack, the mysterious Black Glove?
You are losing. Shall we raise the stakes gentlemen? We have your children. Advantage -- Evil.
MisterHero said:what happened to nightwing
i haven't got the issue yet
Nice catch, what the hell is that thing?Snaku said:Oh shit, there is something on Mite's back! o_0
Prime crotch said:If anyone's taking the cowl it's Richard Grayson.
How come Dick is short for Richard? Never got that.
Imm0rt4l said:Bruce has gone batshit insane. Did they allude to batmite being real?
Blader5489 said:The rumor out of Comic-Con is thatDick becomes Batman, Jason Todd becomes Red Robin, "Nightwing" is renamed "Red Robin" and one of the other Batman books (Robin I think) gets renamed "Batman and Robin."
Um, what?BenjaminBirdie said:He's a dead rat. You can see it in one of the panels.
FoneBone said:Um, what?
You mean this?Zabka said:It's the latest issue, when Batman.sees the grids
Also if it's a dead rat, why is it magically floating? What's with, um, certain dialogue in #678? Why has no one bothered to tell Tony Daniel?Spike Spiegel said:You mean this?
I dunno if I'd call that a rat... could just be the bug/mite thing popping up on Batmite's back again.
Tony Daniel said...
Wow - I'm so happy that this issue has been so well-received. Thanks for the kind words. I will be honest, I know a lot of people are wondering if Charlie actually sees Batmite.
I drew as such (and the script written as such) so that we don't really know if Charlie sees it or not. Or if Batmite is really there at all.
If I had to make a call, I'd say he actually can see Batmite there. (He's definitely not talking about anything else behind Batman).
As for the thing behind Batmite, I don't even know what it's supposed to be. We're not supposed to get a good look at whatever it is. I have one more script to get to, where maybe I'll finally find out.
ToyMachine228 said:When's the next RIP anyway?
Spike said:Damn, I hope DC didn't spoil who will be taking the mantle of the Bat with their blurb for November's Action Comics #871!!
Just a quick question: Does the Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul have anything to do with this run?
ToyMachine228 said:Not that I've noticed. And who knows about the Action Comics solicitation. It could mean something. I'm loving all these shake ups in the Batman universe, but it's taking too damn long to find out. We have to go through RIP, and Final Crisis, and then possibly more to find out what's going to happen.
ToyMachine228 said:What are you dense? Retarded? The last issue of Batman RIP ships tomorrow!
Prime crotch said:I don't know if I'm more excited for this to end or to Gaiman begin his short-run.
bathala said:is there going to be compilation of this arc? Seems interesting from OP
The coverart sure has me hyped.Blader5489 said:I know I'm more excited for Gaiman's story.