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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Eh i'd be happy with more traditional film techniques over cgi'd rubbish :). That was a key reason why i felt The Punisher (2004) was one of the better comic book hero movies in recent times.

Look at someone like Christopher Nolan that uses CGI to aide the story along rather than over saturating the screen with computer generated imagery like a Michael Bay in the Transformers movies.

The cgi used in the Spider-man trilogy aside from one sequence in Spidey 2 that "fooled me" was too animated to the point where you could see it was computer generated rather than true life.

I feel that the flying sequences seen in Superman and Superman 2 were better (even though they were done with physical trickery) than the cgi laden flying sequences in Man of Steel. If they improved the camera angles and stopped the shaky cam it might be an improvement (or it'll look even more fake :-/).

so you're saying we're all stuck in a computer program right now ? dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnn

:rolleyes, i'm not derailing the thread. I stand by what I said and the Matrix had a lot of cg mixed with practical stunts.
and if you think the flying in the 78 Superman movies are better than MoS then you just have bad taste or like everything kitschy.
:rolleyes, i'm not derailing the thread. I stand by what I said and the Matrix had a lot of cg mixed with practical stunts.
and if you think the flying in the 78 Superman movies are better than MoS then you just have bad taste or like everything kitschy.

Sorry the matrix comment with dun dun dun was a joke gone wrong :-/

I genuinely prefer the flying in the 78 Superman film over the flying in MOS. They are both fake to a degree but i can't get over the camera angles used, it was either "too close" or "too far away" i gather it was done to hide the computer generated imagery but that just annoys me.
Sorry the matrix comment with dun dun dun was a joke gone wrong :-/

I genuinely prefer the flying in the 78 Superman film over the flying in MOS. They are both fake to a degree but i can't get over the camera angles used, it was either "too close" or "too far away" i gather it was done to hide the computer generated imagery but that just annoys me.

before I answer, did anyone else have a multi quote this post button? or am I inside the Phantom zone??

I prefer the sense of speed in MoS, far closer to what we would have in the comics. I understand a few of the shots might have been too close.
Goyer's lesser involvement with BvS and the fact they hired Affleck's guy to re-write the script gives me some hope it'll be better than MoS but while that Comic Con clip was cool I just can't get hyped for this yet. I kept my expectations in check for Man of Steel and expected it to be a 7/10 for me but then even that ended up being too high once I started actually thinking about what I had just saw.

killing Zod
ended up being the thing that bothers me the least since there was already comic precedence for it but there should've been some somber follow up instead of the gag scene that fell flat.
Goyer's lesser involvement with BvS gives me some hope it'll be better than MoS but while that Comic Con clip was cool I just can't get hyped for this yet. I kept my expectations in check for Man of Steel and expected it to be a 7/10 for me but then even that ended up being too high once I started actually thinking about what I had just saw.

killing Zod
ended up being the thing that bothers me the least since there was already comic precedence for it but there should've been some somber follow up instead of the gag scene that fell flat.

which gag scene?
Still dissapointed with the choice of Rosenberg mainly because it almost guarantees we won't get an All Star Superman Lex which was by far the best version of his character IMO, given his motivations for everything hr did and was
Goyer's lesser involvement with BvS and the fact they hired Affleck's guy to re-write the script gives me some hope it'll be better than MoS but while that Comic Con clip was cool I just can't get hyped for this yet. I kept my expectations in check for Man of Steel and expected it to be a 7/10 for me but then even that ended up being too high once I started actually thinking about what I had just saw.

killing Zod
ended up being the thing that bothers me the least since there was already comic precedence for it but there should've been some somber follow up instead of the gag scene that fell flat.

I honestly don't know how you can rate it lower and think it's the worst thing ever.
which gag scene?

Maybe "gag scene" isn't the right term to use but I'm talking about Clark the drone scene which was played off like "damn that was grim, let's lighten up a bit and have Superman needlessly destroy millions of dollars worth of tax payer funded government property and give that Major Farris character a line about Superman being kind of hot." I would've preferred the follow up being an extended scene with Clark and Martha instead of going right to something to lighten things up, that could be saved for the last scene with Clark still just starting at the Daily Planet and then suddenly excusing himself to do some Superman stuff just before the credits roll.

I don't know, maybe they'll properly address it in BvS.
Maybe "gag scene" isn't the right term to use but I'm talking about Clark the drone scene which was played off like "damn that was grim, let's lighten up a bit and have Superman needlessly destroy millions of dollars worth of tax payer funded government property and give that Major Farris character a line about Superman being kind of hot." I would've preferred the follow up being an extended scene with Clark and Martha instead of going right to something to lighten things up, that could be saved for the last scene with Clark still just starting at the Daily Planet and then suddenly excusing himself to do some Superman stuff just before the credits roll.

I don't know, maybe they'll properly address it in BvS.

oh lord. "Superman should this, not that. why isn't he Christopher Reeve, why doesn't he smile? why doesn't he feel more sad about killing someone" on and on and on! the movie can't be everything to everyone. we got modern Superman!
oh lord. "Superman should this, not that. why isn't he Christopher Reeve, why doesn't he smile? why doesn't he feel more sad about killing someone" on and on and on! the movie can't be everything to everyone. we got modern Superman!


Oh lord, it's the guy who aggressively attacks and has a fit over anyone who doesn't think Man of Steel is perfection personified and not at all seriously flawed. We get it, you're a MoS fanboy or just have low standards because we got a "modern Superman" HE FINALLY FOUGHT SOMETHING THAT WASN'T AN INANIMATE OBJECT WHOO!. I think the third act was complete shit, get over it.

Oh lord, it's the guy who aggressively attacks and has a fit over anyone who doesn't think Man of Steel is perfection personified and not at all seriously flawed. We get it, you're a MoS fanboy or just have low standards because we got a "modern Superman" HE FINALLY FOUGHT SOMETHING THAT WASN'T AN INANIMATE OBJECT WHOO!. I think the third act was complete shit, get over it.

I always thought that bloke was Zack Synder the way he defends that movie.

Oh lord, it's the guy who aggressively attacks and has a fit over anyone who doesn't think Man of Steel is perfection personified and not at all seriously flawed. We get it, you're a MoS fanboy or just have low standards because we got a "modern Superman" HE FINALLY FOUGHT SOMETHING THAT WASN'T AN INANIMATE OBJECT WHOO!. I think the third act was complete shit, get over it.

I'm not the one that constantly posts about it, maybe you're the one who should get over it.
I more meant I wanted a more physically imposing Lex like in the comics and cartoons, not just some bald asshole like movie Lex always seems to be. I want All Stars "I trained my body and mind to their limits and still fall short only because you're an alien!" Lex

we don't know yet. maybe we'll get the post crisis Lex.
and LOL at all of you jumping on me. so if I endlessly shit on the movie I'm somehow impartial but if I defend it I'm somehow irrational and a fanboy.

you guys and your damn double standards. maybe I'm just tired of having to dredge through the same posters with the same posts over and over to get to one post that actually talks about the actual movie instead of talking about what ifs. Christ some of you are insufferable.
Maybe "gag scene" isn't the right term to use but I'm talking about Clark the drone scene which was played off like "damn that was grim, let's lighten up a bit and have Superman needlessly destroy millions of dollars worth of tax payer funded government property

For real, Superman spiking a fucking drone spy satellite aimed at America is probably the most patriotic thing he did all goddamn movie. :)
If you makes you feel better, I love Henry Cavill as Superman and was on board his casting years before he was even cast and I'll defend his playing the part til the death. I just think he deserved a better written script and movie that didn't once again rehash the real estate angle.

I always thought that bloke was Zack Synder the way he defends that movie.

I was guessing Goyer.

For real, Superman spiking a fucking drone spy satellite aimed at America is probably the most patriotic thing he did all goddamn movie. :)

Don't get me wrong, MoS needed some lighter moments but that and the getting revenge at the dick at the bar by destroying his truck which probably wasn't his just felt flat with me as it and the drone scene did with the audience I saw MoS with. I don't care all that much that he destroyed the drone but it just felt out of place and tacked on after the heavy scene that came before. Like a lot of things with MoS it could've been done better.

And yes, I expect Clark to have a great deal of humanity to him since that's one of his core, defining traits that puts the "Super" in Superman and how Superman is more about who is his rather than what he can do, that should've been a defining moment in the movie that followed up on the earlier flashback where Johnathan told him that someday he'll have to decide what kind of man he wants to be. Again, I didn't really have much of a problem with their doing it, just wish it was handled better or maybe even saved for another movie. It ended up feeling like Goyer wrote himself into a corner and did it for shock value, it needed more than the five seconds of Clark breaking down.

At least Jon Peters finally got his damn spider. :p

Anyway, I'm done, this topic is about BvS not MoS.



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I more meant I wanted a more physically imposing Lex like in the comics and cartoons, not just some bald asshole like movie Lex always seems to be. I want All Stars "I trained my body and mind to their limits and still fall short only because you're an alien!" Lex
Well I dont know about that Lex but the one I dont like is mecha suit Lex, I like the Lex that schemes, manipulates and does a lot of shady shit behind scenes. I always felt that the whole mecha Lex shit was just a way to put him on equal footing with other superheroes.


Here's a cool one from deviantart.



Rumor: No Darkseid until Justice League 2

While discussing the possibilities of Star-Lord’s father in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, Faraci was discussing how Marvel might introduce the Eternals, a godlike race that served as protectors of Earth. And then this happened:

“My sources tell me not to expect Darkseid in the DC movieverse until Justice League 2, so that means a Guardians 2 in 2017 would definitely have the Eternals beating the New Gods to big screens.”
For the uninitiated, the New Gods are DC’s crew of all-powerful cosmic creatures. Darkseid is perhaps the most dangerous of the bunch.

This is potentially huge news, since fans have expressed a short-list of hopeful villains, including Darkseid and Doomsday.

Grain of salt as always, but if this pans out...I approve.
that is good
even though the new 52 comics (Justice League) immaturely brought him out to coincide with the Earth 2 storyline it felt really misplaced and early

Glad they choose to keep him back... there are multiple villains who can be used


That's good.

I love how they're confident enough that it will be a JL2 :p

The movies will do well,hell ASM 2 crossed over 700 million!

It's whether they do what Warner expects for us to keep seeing em, but if nothing else

Would imagine would continue getting Bats/Supes/JL movies and everythng else would be canned


Something I just thought about that I'm sure has been brought up before, but since it is WB and with the 2016 release, could they be filming BvS and one or two JL movies back to back for a quicker release ala LOTR/Hobbit trilogy? Seems plausible.
Something I just thought about that I'm sure has been brought up before, but since it is WB and with the 2016 release, could they be filming BvS and one or two JL movies back to back for a quicker release ala LOTR/Hobbit trilogy? Seems plausible.

I don't know if it's been confirmed but I think there's been a lot of speculation that they are doing a lot of work for JL at the same time as BvS.


Even though I've been the main one stating there's no chance Darkseid isn't the villain, I'd happily eat crow on this one. Not using Darkseid gives them a chance to go with a simpler villain in the first movie, thus allowing for more time to develop the League in the first one and Darkseid and the New Gods in the second.

I'm curious about Brainiac as well... since he is more of a solo act, how do you make him interesting for the entire league.

Funny enough, I think Smallville has the answer. If I'm remembering correctly, I think Brainiac's story in that show had him taking over/crashing all the computer systems on Earth. You could expand on that, have him gain control of all the world's military weaponry and some experimental stuff from LexCorp (maybe something like the fake Kryptonian army from "Birthright"), creating too many disasters worldwide for just the Trinity to handle alone.

Another nice thing about Brainiac is that you can still use him to explain Cyborg's origin. In fact, Brainiac is probably a better fit for that than Darkseid was.
Brainiac would be a great first villain. I always thought an interesting route would be to do the Justice league intro episode with Brainiac instead of those weird white glob things. Also, I need Geoff Johns Swollniac:

Also, have him have Supergirl and Krypto in a bottle until they're freed.

Because I want Supergirl and Krypto


Even though I've been the main one stating there's no chance Darkseid isn't the villain, I'd happily eat crow on this one. Not using Darkseid gives them a chance to go with a simpler villain in the first movie, thus allowing for more time to develop the League in the first one and Darkseid and the New Gods in the second.

Funny enough, I think Smallville has the answer. If I'm remembering correctly, I think Brainiac's story in that show had him taking over/crashing all the computer systems on Earth. You could expand on that, have him gain control of all the world's military weaponry and some experimental stuff from LexCorp (maybe something like the fake Kryptonian army from "Birthright"), creating too many disasters worldwide for just the Trinity to handle alone.

Another nice thing about Brainiac is that you can still use him to explain Cyborg's origin. In fact, Brainiac is probably a better fit for that than Darkseid was.

That could work, as it also answers the question, what the hell do you do with Batman during the climax
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