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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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From the Batmobile thread



Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
maybe it looks dirty and dusty because bruce comes out of retirement and its been stashed away for a long time, and this is the first time he has uncovered it in months/years


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Batman kills people now confirmed.

What have you done Arkham Knight.
Isn't batman over the whole i-dont-kill thing in the Dark Knight Returns? Not that that turret is gonna be filled with real ammo (probably some shock charge nonsense or something) but im pretty sure he had his fill with that line of thinking by then


How quickly people forget that Tim Burton's beloved batmobile had two machine guns on it. Neither of which were used to kill but rather 'machine gun' open a factory door.

There is literally historical precedence for these machine guns in Batman's cinematic past.



we desperatrly need a new Superman animated series.

I completely agree, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that Batman is much more toy-friendly than Superman; with all his gadgets, vehicles, various costumes, etc. He's a merchandise bonanza, which is why he tends to get a bigger focus when it comes to animated TV series. Half the goal of the WB execs is to make truckloads of cash off of tie-in toys and action figures with each of these shows. With the Superman animated series, they ended up reeeealllly stretching the toy line. Like, there was a flying car toy (which obviously never appeared in the show) because, damn it, we need to see the Superman equivalent of the Batmobile. What? He doesn't have one? Eh...just make it up.
Is this this the start of a fun light hearted Disney vs Warner Bros. friendly feud thing?

Didn't they adjust do a Superman Jedi thing?
Was there a Star Wars response to that as well?
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