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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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The sign just to the right of Superdeath is an inverted Superman shield with a swastika instead of an S on the inside. The Drone on a stick could also be implying that Supes is taking an active part in maintaining peace by his own volition or by being the US governments lackey, or at the least a portion of the public believes his international interventions are done at the governments behest


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.

ayy lmao


I like how they're going to address the destruction from MoS with an angry public.
I don't know that they are necessarily. I like that they're clearly bigots and crazies. There's no reason to bring a "Grey"'s head-on-a-stick to a rational discussion about Superman and/or collateral damage, except to express bigotry.

There's no reason to have a swastika on a poster, except to be making absurd allegations against Superman.

I have no problem with protest people existing- it's inevitable- and between bigots and the walking wounded, there will be protests... but they should be fringe rather than the representation of a prevailing view. Their position makes no sense just facially. If Superman was an alien Nazi, they'd find themselves transported to a lunar death camp in their sleep... but instead, he respects their free speech and- likely- is doing public feats of do-gooding as was the plan for the move to Metropolis.

EDIT: Nevermind, there are some clear protest signs against the destruction.
Whether it's a reaction to public criticism or they always planned it that way, I like that there is narrative fallout from Superman's clumsy heroics in MOS.


Seconded. Love the movie, but Supes would never fall for an Aikido throw.

Batman would have to be as strong as Superman to twist his wrist and force Superman to make that jump.

[/fanboy rant]
Nah, Superman has normal mass. Otherwise he couldn't be transported by elevator, car, monorail, etc. I believe Bats could start to throw Superman... but Superman's reaction time and second nature flight should mean he doesn't crash land.

So long as we're talking Superman vs. Batman...
The Internet made it into another movie!

But I'm happy (and was hopeful) they would address it.

I just hope they don't beat us over the head with it

Did they really address it or was that part of WB's plans all along?

I like to think they made superman's first appearance inept because it was his first appearance. They're building him up through the films imo.


Did they really address it or was that part of WB's plans all along?

I like to think they made superman's first appearance inept because it was his first appearance. They're building him up through the films imo.

Oh I meant address it in the movie

Not the ramblings of the internet

I always said that my liking the idea would be contingent on how the fallout is handled.
Oh I meant address it in the movie

Not the ramblings of the internet

I always said that my liking the idea would be contingent on how the fallout is handled.

Yeah I like the idea of Olsen having prosthetics too. Some people think it's dark, I just think it's good storytelling to have your world be alive and reacting.

the question is whether Luthor is behind this or are there people with a legitimate beef?

Legitimate hopefully, lex could fund it but it shouldn't be manufactured by him.



I'm probably overthinking this with respect to a facially incoherent protest, but what exactly do you think the message behind this drone is supposed to be? Are they pro-drone and upset Superman downed one? Are they anti-drone and saying Superman is like one?

I guess they're anti-drone, because they have an alien Grey head on a stick, which presumably means "We hate aliens!" rather than "We love aliens!" and that sort of fits with the quasi-political signs of the swastika in the shield and "GO HOME FASCIST." But Superman downed a drone! You could say they didn't know about that scene, but if they didn't why would they even have a drone in the protest, what's the association?!

Not criticizing the film- this isn't story breaking as protesters are whack jobs- but trying to get inside their mind if at all possible.


This is why I didn't understand the "Superman destroyed Metropolis/let thousands die/killed Zod" uproar. MoS wasn't made to exist in a vacuum; rather, it was the first part of a larger story.

Think back to Batman Begins: Batman more or less killed Ra's in the end by leaving him to die in a situation he knew Ra's couldn't escape from. However, over the course of The Dark Knight, he realizes he can't make moral compromises. Instead, he has to adhere to the rules, even when it's hard; in fact, especially when it's hard. Otherwise, Batman can never become the inspirational "symbol" that Bruce wants to become. That's why Batman saves Joker's life, even though Joker was arguably a far bigger danger than Ra's, and nobody in Gotham would have minded a bit if he would have let him fall. Murdering criminals inspires people to dress up in hockey pads and go after Scarecrow with shotguns. Taking the high road inspires people to be something greater.

Now, apply all that to MoS. This was Clark's first real time "being" Superman, and he was partly making it up as he went along. It was also the first time he had an extended fight with someone as powerful has he was (Faora and the other Kryptonian weren't on Zod's level, and I don't think they had developed heat vision at the time Superman fought them, either). Being faced with a situation worse than anything he had ever encountered before, Superman made the choice to focus on stopping Zod as quickly as possible, and in the end made the only choice that seemed reasonable in the moment.

In BvS, however, Clark has had time to mature as Superman and look back on the events of MoS. He likely feels great regret over the damage his fight with Zod caused to Metropolis (even though most of the damage had already been caused by the World Engine), as well as over killing Zod; not just because he took a life, but because he killed the only other member of his species and the last connection he had to Krypton. He's also seen how the public has reacted to this, as we see with these protesters. If some rumors are true,
this is also one of the primary motivations of Batman starting off as anti-Superman: he thinks Superman is an out-of-control force who can't be allowed to use his power to play God with human lives.
I believe that all of this will influence Superman's decision making in BvS, and lead him to take a more "traditional" Superman path: causing less property destruction, going out of his way to save civilians, and sparing Luthor's life when he has a chance to kill him or let him die.

TL;DR: I think people forget that MoS was the first part of a larger story, and that its events will change the character of Superman in future movies in ways that re-contextualize the "controversial" parts of MoS.

I'm probably overthinking this with respect to a facially incoherent protest, but what exactly do you think the message behind this drone is supposed to be? Are they pro-drone and upset Superman downed one? Are they anti-drone and saying Superman is like one?

I guess they're anti-drone, because they have an alien Grey head on a stick, which presumably means "We hate aliens!" rather than "We love aliens!" and that sort of fits with the quasi-political signs of the swastika in the shield and "GO HOME FASCIST." But Superman downed a drone! You could say they didn't know about that scene, but if they didn't why would they even have a drone in the protest, what's the association?!

Not criticizing the film- this isn't story breaking as protesters are whack jobs- but trying to get inside their mind if at all possible.

What i thought about the drone from earlier on the page

The sign just to the right of Superdeath is an inverted Superman shield with a swastika instead of an S on the inside. The Drone on a stick could also be implying that Supes is taking an active part in maintaining peace by his own volition or by being the US governments lackey, or at the least a portion of the public believes his international interventions are done at the governments behest

in short the Blue Drone means, people think he's being a Government Drone


in short the Blue Drone means, people think he's being a Government Drone
That's not bad, I like that explanation.

Then just an awkward coincidence that there was a drone-related scene in the prior film. The color could be symbolic but many Predator Drones are already blue.


I prefer ripped MMH which is why Rock should have gotten the role to play him. Now should get Sharlto copley to play him. Fuck cumberbatch.
Giancarlo Esposito has been my Martian Manhunter choice for a couple of years now. Just let him do a CG capture performance like Caesar in the new Apes movies.
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