Dumb and pointless, like the rest of that garbage movie.
Sure, it's an AV Club interview by Tasha Robinson on Sep 22, 2010, two days before the North American premiere....
ZS:There was a point when they created this little bible—the rules, things I liked and didn’t like. Because there’s a lot of trendy things—you never know what the animators will try to whack into the movie.
AVC: What was on the likes/doesn’t like list?
ZS: “He doesn’t like handheld. He doesn’t like zooming.” Every now and then, they’d try to sneak in a zoom, and I’d be like, “Really?”
AVC: There’s a sequence in the middle of the movie where an old warrior owl lectures the young owl hero about how war is hell, and heroism is overrated, and violence is awful. It’s hard to reconcile that message with how much this movie loves the owl battles, and how much your films fetishize violence.
ZS: Yes.
Heh. This comes early in the interview, and is interesting considering the tack he took on Man of Steel.
edit: Ha! This is actually better:
Didn't Snyder say WB butchered Sucker Punch? I could have sworn he said he would love to release his Director's Cut version.
edit: Ha! This is actually better:
"Superman is SERIOUS we NEED a cool coloring filter."
just playin don't kill me.
Hopefully they'll keep it this color.
Hopefully they'll keep it this color.
I still can't believe how bad his hair is receding.
I still can't believe how bad his hair is receding.
"Superman is SERIOUS we NEED a cool coloring filter."
just playin don't kill me.
cool batman design
Huh. What's it from? It's like an up-armored version of the Injustice suit.
EDIT: Other than the chin.
EDIT2: Actually, now that I keep looking at it, it's really not much like the Injustice suit. Definitely plays up the same "bat-armor" themes of that, though.
Odd, looks like it, where are those shots from?Did altering the filter also cut his hair?
Eh.. way too overdesigned for my tastecool batman design
I still can't believe how bad his hair is receding.
cool batman design
"Superman is SERIOUS we NEED a cool coloring filter."
just playin don't kill me.
I really hope Affleck pulls a Ledger and prove all doubt wrong or this would be an disaster.
I really hope Affleck pulls a Ledger and prove all doubt wrong or this would be an disaster.