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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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How much of that was due to bad writing or a bad director? Affleck can really push or elevate the role, but if it's poorly written or directed, I don't know if he can save it.
I guess that's kinda monumental.

I'm almost embarrassed knowing how long I've been waiting for this movie,and how much is left.

Can anything live up to this hype?
When does filming for Justice League starts? i expect pretty soon given the monumental post production for BvS.

when they cast kyle and shazam

Also today marks 400 days until the movie is out...

Within 400 days we'll at least have Arkham Knight (hype), Vixen, Batman vs Robin, Gods and Monsters (hype), another season of Arrow and Flash, 2 seasons (maybe) of Supergirl, Gotham, Teen Titans, and possibly more unannounced (Suicide Squad game) things.

Not a bad 400 days for DC fans

still does nothing for the pain :(
Avengers 2 looks alright, I'll definitely be seeing it. Antman might be the first marvel movie I pass on unless it gets good word of mouth. Episode 7 is the real highlight for me this year though.


Oh come now

We got the end of the Hunger Games
A new Pixar film, which looks cool
Deadpool will be out before this


Furious 7!
I don't even want trailers in front of that thing. Just get me the desolation and vehicular destruction into my veins as fast as possible.

The Mad Max trailer was fucking awesome. I'm definitely interested in seeing it.

I'm still guessing they are saving the BvS teaser for a major blockbuster though. Who knows, it could show up during the Avengers previews.
Most hyped for furious 7, mad max and Star Wars

Even more than this film tbh. So it's a good year for blockbusters

For comic book hype
Batman vs superman
Civil war
Didn't even know Deadpool was scheduled so soon. I'll be watching Mad Max, F4, JP as well.

I need to do a marathon for f&f4-f&f6. May skip Tokyo drift.


Gadot is going to steal this damn film.

Like with Affleck, it strikes me as a great piece of casting. Affleck has been the playboy and the guy who works hard behind the scenes and has a damn strong work ethic. So he's lived both sides of Bruce Wayne. If Gadot can tap into the idea that Wonder Woman is an unknown quantity that people underestimate based on their self-perceptions... she'll be absolutely fantastic.

Not to mention how Wonder Woman doesn't have that definitive pop-culture version (ala Reeves Superman/Frank Miller Batman.) So she can be whatever they want her to be in the context of the film. And while his writing is problematic, Snyder does try and have decent female characters.


So far off still, this has gotta be the most painful wait for a movie I've ever had. I think it'll be well worth it though.
Gadot is going to steal this damn film.

Like with Affleck, it strikes me as a great piece of casting. Affleck has been the playboy and the guy who works hard behind the scenes and has a damn strong work ethic. So he's lived both sides of Bruce Wayne. If Gadot can tap into the idea that Wonder Woman is an unknown quantity that people underestimate based on their self-perceptions... she'll be absolutely fantastic.

Not to mention how Wonder Woman doesn't have that definitive pop-culture version (ala Reeves Superman/Frank Miller Batman.) So she can be whatever they want her to be in the context of the film. And while his writing is problematic, Snyder does try and have decent female characters.

Snyder is gonna make Gadot Faora 2.0 on steroids. Just to shut the initial haters up.

Snyder is gonna make Gadot Faora 2.0 on steroids. Just to shut the initial haters up.

There's just no way that this isn't what goes down.

I know a lot of people on GAF think Wonder Women in some known thing to most, but I'm willing to bet that's not that case. If anything, most that do know about her, probably think she's lame or simply couldn't care less.

Snyder is gonna make Wonder Woman relevant. He's gonna Faora her to a whole other level. She can definitely be the show stopper at this point.

It really is as if Snyder's entire life was just all leading to this, and now that he's here, dude is gonna deliver so hard, especially now that Goyer has been left out to dry.

Some times you have to remember why it is that this wait has been so painful. It's gonna be something special.
hey, you've changed your name...why? :(

As time went by, I realized that it's a silly name. And it's not the same kind of silly like crazy buttock on a train or something, it's just downright idiotic imo.

As time went by, I realized I don't even like Snyder that much. I still like him, just not as much as I used to.
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