I would be interested in seeing Big Barda if the seventh isn't going to be a GL or Shazam right away.
Black Canary for me.
I would be interested in seeing Big Barda if the seventh isn't going to be a GL or Shazam right away.
Big Barda opens up a lore that needs some dedicated focus
People are debating which studio has the better suits? hahahahahaha.
This is how always envisioned my superheroes, majestic, larger than life, like living statues, more than human in prescence. I couldn't care less about their teenage problems. DC delivers so far.
We dont even need to get very far, MoS Superman alone looks more larger than life God of all Gods superhero on screen than anything Marvel has put out.
You guys asking for another female league member?
Shayera should answer your call
I want this scene on film with Ben Affleck and... fuck it, let's say Willem Defoe as Darkseid.
Devin Faraci said this about the colors of Wonder Woman's and Batman's costumes:
"I'm curious what he looks like without the color correction. I've seen some uncorrected pictures of Batman and Wonder Woman on set and I really like Wonder Woman's color scheme. In reality that skirt is blue, and in general her outfit is closer to the comics than the initial image indicated. Batman's largely a flat grey."
Anyone have an idea what his arm tattoo mean? Or is it nothing?
I'm still curious as to whether the Bat symbol is black or even darker grey compared to the rest of the suit.
I never liked that about Nolan's bat-costumes - the Bat never actually stood out. It just looked like another stray piece of plastic glued to the suit.
I did a quick Google search and found him describing it as:
"I got my first [tattoo] before my daughter was born. It’s something my cousins all have, and it goes on the left side of your arm—it’s like a guardian. It’s basically like your power animal, whatever animal represents your family or your tribe. And ours is a shark, a mano. And then there are arrows that face out—out of your heart, that’s what it represents."
A dick move would be if they showed us Ezra Miller as The Flash next week since the tv show is on break.
But they better watch out though, they might get Amell on their asses, it aint pretty.
Best thing about Burton's batsuit was how that emblem popped
Considering they're heavily using Miller as inspiration, the emblem and suit will probably be different shades of grey/black.
huh, how about that. Fitting.
the thing on his arm matches his real tattoo too.
I like the smaller ears in the Affleck suit.
Longer ears give a better and more intimidating silhouette.
It's Batman, how more intimidating can you get.
True. I just think the short ears look goofy, like I openly chuckle any time I see them.
I think they make sense if you're going for a realistic take on him. Long ears hardly seem practical. Forgot what comic it was but I seem to remember a guy grabbing both ears and slamming Batman's head into his knee.
I think it also happens in Batman Returns. If we're going for the realistic angle, then he shouldn't even have them at all since they're nothing but a cosmetic thing that will get snagged on things.
Hence the short ear compromiseotherwise why bother with the bat theme? Might as well just be Midnighter
Yeah, the short ears obviously make more sense. It's just a purely subjective thing for me.
Hence the short ear compromiseotherwise why bother with the bat theme? Might as well just be Midnighter
You guys asking for another female league member?
Shayera should answer your call
What can't you guys just like both.
I like the Marvel movies just fine. They're actually pretty great. I just have zero personal attachment to any of the characters or stories. I'm sure there are Marvel fans that feel similarly about DC.
I grew up a DC kid so this is basically how I feel. I like the MCU, absolutely loved Cap 2 but I just don't care for Marvel much outside of Spider-Man.
I like the Marvel movies just fine. They're actually pretty great. I just have zero personal attachment to any of the characters or stories. I'm sure there are Marvel fans that feel similarly about DC.
I like the Marvel movies just fine. They're actually pretty great. I just have zero personal attachment to any of the characters or stories. I'm sure there are Marvel fans that feel similarly about DC.
I like the Marvel movies just fine. They're actually pretty great. I just have zero personal attachment to any of the characters or stories. I'm sure there are Marvel fans that feel similarly about DC.
You guys asking for another female league member?
Shayera should answer your call
I like the Marvel movies just fine. They're actually pretty great. I just have zero personal attachment to any of the characters or stories. I'm sure there are Marvel fans that feel similarly about DC.
Ain't nobody here for no Hawk people.
Shortlist of female characters I'd like to see get the nod:
Black Canary
Shortlist of female characters I'd like to see get the nod:
Black Canary
Yes please.
As an aisde, that's the team I would use if I were making all female JLA, with Wonder Woman (duh), Fire/Ice, and Dr. Light thrown in.
Ain't nobody here for no Hawk people.
Shortlist of female characters I'd like to see get the nod:
Black Canary
I hope WB and Del Toro go forward with Justice League Dark. I definitely want to see Zatanna on the big screen.
Ain't nobody here for no Hawk people.
Shortlist of female characters I'd like to see get the nod:
Black Canary
Err, I'm assuming not the Identity Crisis Dr Light? Otherwise that might get a bit...rapey....