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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Just wondering, are there any rumours about why they are uniting the Justice League? it can't be just because of Luthor right? Is he that big a threat that they need 7 of these superheroes? I haven't followed the comics.

It's highly unlikely they're all joining up to fight Lex. If I were a betting man, I'd say they're going to recreate the Dark Knight Returns Batman/Superman fight, but instead of Green Arrow providing backup, Bats is gonna get WW and Aquaman to take out Supes (or atleast keep him busy).

That said, yes, Lex can very much be that big of a threat. Just maybe not from the get-go.



My god...

If we finally see Jena Malone dressed as Robin, does that make this a secret Super Friends movie?!

I figured that's what they were going for once Aquaman and WW were confirmed.


An blind dancing ho
Momoa's outfit looks very Blackest-Night. Hopefully the color was just drained from that pic or they add more color to it.

there is clearly a filter in that one.

some people went and and color enhanced it


seems like his pants will be aquamarine bluegreen and black instead of pure green?
Yeah, he looks pretty badass. I still find it interesting that they chose not to go with blonde hair considering how important in the comics it is.

Personally, I see some 300 Persian influence in his design.

It's been written out of the new 52, being half human is enough for Atlanteans to dislike him.

That looks freakin awesome. Probably the suit I wanted to see the most. Cyborg next plz.

From a comic standpoint it looks more like the Kingdoms of the Seven Seas, but in the movie context its probably talking about the league.


cross posting from the aquaman thread

I was hoping they would use Momoa's Hawaiian ancestry to infuse Aquaman and Atlantis with Polynesian design influences, to help set it apart from other fantasy/sci-fi worlds. That appears to be the direction Snyder decided on based off Aquaman's look, so I'm happy.


I was hoping they would use Momoa's Hawaiian ancestry to infuse Aquaman and Atlantis with Polynesian design influences, to help set it apart from other fantasy/sci-fi worlds. That appears to be the direction Snyder decided on based off Aquaman's look, so I'm happy.

yeah i'm totally fine with this look for aquaman


Any armor experts know whether the pauldron tends to go on the dominant arm or not? Then whether that lines up with the actors' actual dominant arm?

I'm curious if the costume design is driven in part by that level of functionality, custom to the actors... or if left vs. right may be purely a style choice.

Also: What is a five-pronged "trident" called? 5-prong fish-spear doesn't roll off the tongue... "quintdent?"
Yeah the color filter is annoying as hell. I wish they'd release the films with optional filters on them. For those four I don't mind the filter, but Shazam and Flash should be vibrant.


Yeah the color filter is annoying as hell. I wish they'd release the films with optional filters on them. For those four I don't mind the filter, but Shazam and Flash should be vibrant.
All Snyder movies are shot beautifully and then subjected to an unfortunate desaturation filter but that shouldn't extend to pictures he doesn't direct himself.
I like how we were just in here talking bout "How are they gonna build hype with no trailer tho?" and then Synder randomly drops a picture of AquaMomoa at 1 in the morning EST and immediately has the internet by the balls.

Said it before and I'll say it again: this movie builds its own hype.


Yeah me too. Don't understand why Snyder tries so hard to be visually edgy and gritty.

I know this is a hype thread but I think it's a very valid criticism. Whether you liked the color palette or not, is hard to deny that Avengers looked very much like a comic book come to life. Saying that was a good or bad thing comes down to subjective taste, and I won't fault anyone for liking Snyder's visual choices, but I personally can't help but feel a little disappointed that this is going to be more "Zack Snyder's Justice League" than comics popping out of the page and onto the screen. The clearest source of visual inspiration is the work of Frank Miller but that's wrought with its own problems, chief among them being the often cited unnecessary levels of grit.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
the costume design in the Avengers was weak, sometimes straight out of cosplay (Cap). Only Iron Man and Hulk looked good to me, but that's mainly because they are 100% cgi.

not even close...
the costume design in the Avengers was weak, sometimes straight out of cosplay (Cap). Only Iron Man and Hulk looked good to me, but that's mainly because they are 100% cgi.

not even close...

Only sold on Batman. Aquaman looks generic, Superman needs color, Wonder Woman looks like Xena the princess warrior.

Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow look great in the Avengers. Cap looks great in Winter Soldier.

I think it's a matter of perception I guess.


Only sold on Batman. Aquaman looks generic, Superman needs color, Wonder Woman looks like Xena the princess warrior.

Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow look great in the Avengers. Cap looks great in Winter Soldier.

I think it's a matter of perception I guess.

Gotta remember what thread you're in :p

None of the DC costumes look remarkably better imo, it's just that the color desaturation makes people think they're more "mature" or something along those lines. Cap's helmet is pretty bleh for sure though.

Wonder Woman and Sif look like they share the same closet. I like Sif's outfit more but perhaps that's just because I'm a big fan of Jamie Alexander.


Gotta remember what thread you're in :p

None of the DC costumes look remarkably better imo, it's just that the color desaturation makes people think they're more "mature" or something along those lines. Cap's helmet is pretty bleh for sure though.

Wonder Woman and Sif look like they share the same closet. I like Sif's outfit more but perhaps that's just because I'm a big fan of Jamie Alexander.

she was my first choice for Wonder Woman.


Zack's costumes are on point. It's important that these characters look right, and he's delivering great designs for other directors to work with in the solo movies.
Momoa's outfit looks very Blackest-Night. Hopefully the color was just drained from that pic or they add more color to it.

Snyder hates color... I wish it weren't that way :\

Was it a fever dream I had or was Aquaman in the comic books at one point supposed to actually be the King Arthur?...


I finally liked Thor's design when we got to The Dark World. The previous versions bugged me for whatever reason. Hawkeye also looks to have a more distinct outfit in Age of Ultron, so I think Marvel have definitely improved on the costumes since The Avengers.

I'm really hoping we get Green Lantern sooner rather than later. Assuming they wouldn't go with the weird CGI costume from the Reynolds movie, I'd be curious to see what his design would be.
We had better get some white gloves.


People are debating which studio has the better suits? hahahahahaha.

This is how always envisioned my superheroes, majestic, larger than life, like living statues, more than human in prescence. I couldn't care less about their teenage problems. DC delivers so far.


We dont even need to get very far, MoS Superman alone looks more larger than life God of all Gods superhero on screen than anything Marvel has put out.


What can't you guys just like both.
I do, but one approach more than the other. That's why my fav Marvel character is Captain America because I feel he's a man that trascended his humanity and became a symbol, while retaining with his humanity (if that makes sense). Most of the others are just dudes in costumes. Not to talk about the travesty of treatment they are giving Thor.

Now that WB threw us its trimestral bone, we can go back to slumber.


I do, but one approach more than the other. That's why my fav Marvel character is Captain America because I feel he's a man that trascended his humanity and became a symbol, while retaining with his humanity (if that makes sense). Most of the others are just dudes in costumes. Not to talk about the travesty of treatment they are giving Thor.

Now that WB threw us its trimestral bone, we can go back to slumber.

Preference is one thing, petty rivalry another. Just saiyan, dawg


the costume design in the Avengers was weak, sometimes straight out of cosplay (Cap). Only Iron Man and Hulk looked good to me, but that's mainly because they are 100% cgi.

not even close...

Avengers was on last night. Every time Captain America is on screen and walking around the cheapness of that suit is on full display. If it was cosplay then it would be okay but this is damn film with a big budget. It's not just that but how Avengers is filmed doesn't help it either. Captain America 2: Winter Solider was a huge step up.

Makes me all giddy.


Loving this!!!


Only sold on Batman. Aquaman looks generic, Superman needs color, Wonder Woman looks like Xena the princess warrior.

Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow look great in the Avengers. Cap looks great in Winter Soldier.

I think it's a matter of perception I guess.

I'll give you the others, but what? She has a generic SWAT look to her.
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