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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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TL;DR - I expect media and fans to play up the battle, I expect Warner and marketing partners to promote the heroes across the board rather than pit them against each other.

I'm calling it now - as part of the onslaught of marketing we're to get for this film (particularly once we hit January 2016), WB are going to do a #ChooseYourSide bit of social media campaigning. You know, something along the lines of "Are you #TeamBatman or #TeamSuperman?". With a title like "Batman v. Superman" you almost have to do something like that in this day and age of film marketing.
I agree that they thought about it and were planning to do it (I can't look it up now, but early on there were domain registrations that were clearly geared towards that kind of campaign)... however, I think if they've done any focus group testing whatsoever they know this would be a bad thing.

TotalFilm (who are huge MOS fans by the way) started to poll celebrities about Batman or Superman and when the blow-out was obvious, they sort of gave up and stopped asking:

I genuinely believe that BvS is somewhere around 50% a Superman vehicle, 20% a Batman vehicle, and 30% a DCCU / Justice League setup. The problem with making the audience vote and pick a team is that once people are confronted with that, they stubbornly lock in and refuse to back down from their position. If you make them vote and 90% go into the film for Team Batman, you're priming them to be pissed at a mostly Superman / DCCU film with Batman in it (maybe; do it right, you can do a lot with a little, steal scenes and capture hearts without being the story's focus).

Not that is going to stop everyone ELSE in entertainment media from pitting the two against one another, but I don't think the WB is going to directly do it. From a marketing partner perspective, I'm not sure playing up the teams necessarily works either. It depends on which market force is stronger:

  • Making people want to buy into one team in derogation of another
  • Making people want to buy the same product repeatedly to collect them all

Right? Like, if I'm 7-Eleven... do I want people to "cast their votes" by buying special Team Batman cups to "outvote" Superman... or do I want people to "collect them all" and buy three cups for each trinity member / cameo?


Got passes for Monday, so is this like the GotG thing from earlier this year or just a trailer?

Message from Snyder and the trailer.

I hope the trailer drops soon after (not a bootleg) as I passed on getting tickets. Pens/Rangers game 3 will be on.

No votes for Batman?



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Why must I choose between the coolest hero and the most inspiring? I refuse to play your game WB!
Gotta get dat gif in here:


the suit looks like it's been through some shit.


An blind dancing ho


he's my surrogate for Shazam.

But really Batman has hogged the spotlight since 1989. We need a great (not good) Superman film.

Supes lost popularity mostly because of DC animation staying away from him nowadays, he used to be the lead for cartoon (multiple shows at once even) and all kids worldwide loved him but now..there is nothing. I think it'll depend on how will be the "Ironman" of the Justice League. if WB make Superman the lead/the one saves the day in Justice league like Ironman in Avengers 1 then Supes will get a huge boost in popularity.
Superman by default; don't know enough about new Batman. Bale Batman v. Superman, I'd lean towards Batman. Neither so clear cut as Captain America over Iron Man for Civil War.
I kinda want the speculation of
Batman calling Wonder Woman in for support against Superman
to be true.
them two having a history would be great.
Including.. somehow... besting Darkseid.. yeah I'm not feeling that story!

It was awesome. Team Robins joined him and they fucked shit up while Supes and the other heartless no backbone members of the JL just stayed on earth scared Darkseid.

what are you talking about? I thought he was...... runs to my borrowed sister's new 52 Batman and Robin Issues

flip...... flip..... flip


Read the whole story line. Batman earned that shit.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Superman by default; don't know enough about new Batman. Bale Batman v. Superman, I'd lean towards Batman. Neither so clear cut as Captain America over Iron Man for Civil War.
Not hard, they are making Iron Man insufferable. When he was complaining about Capt being leader because all the funding comes from Stark Industries I was like uhhhh... Unless that's the plan, to make Stark irritating so you root for Cap.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Son of a bitch what was that?! So good and it barely shows anything.

Do you bleed? You will. Ok, just from that I now have 100% confidence in this film!


It's the same scene as the Comic-Con trailer, but probably a bit further along in that scene. In the Comic-Con footage Batman was on top of a building next to the bat-signal and Superman didn't land on the ground. That footage is definitely new.


I had to watch, because I wanted to see if it was just the comic con footage, time to go on lockdown till monday so I can watch it in its full imax glory.


Okay, roughly translated (according to Google) the dialogue is (*edit - I watched it with the sound off so I guess I didn't think the spoken disalogue would be in English. lulz).

"Tell me..."

"...do you bleed?"

*Superman lands on the ground aggressively*

The closing line over the black screen, "You will ".

*Decided to remove the images for those who don't want it revealed in crappy low--quality screengrabs :)


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
It's prob altered when he's in the Robo Suit. Maybe when he's wearing the normal one too.


It's possible he uses some sort of voice-altering tech when he first encounters Supes (sort of what they with Ollie's voice in Arrow).

Or hey, who says that's even Batman speaking that dialogue? We don't see his mouth moving at any point so it could be some other character.
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