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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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The second I saw people championing Daredevil for being dark and gritty, I knew right away Batman v Superman would catch shit for being dark and gritty when the trailer was released.

I'm not saying these are the same people, but god damn. What does Marvel have over people?!

I completely get it

Marvel makes fun movies. Marvel has made almost a dozen movies that people enjoy.

And for many people it's "what have you done for me lately."

At the same time, people feel like if something comes in that disrupts that flow... it could lead to less of what they like... see gamers with... pretty much anything.

So they need to champion EVERYTHING Marvel does because it can't be less than perfect... and any threat from DC... from FOX... from sony must be dealt with


They want the DCCU to be populated with corny jokes so they can watch a comedy similar to IM3.

On a serious note, the MCU has nothing that is dark and gritty so Daredevil was a breathe of fresh air. Everyone thinks of DC as being dark because of the TDK trilogy so I guess they get hated on because they won't change.

Who is to say we won't get less dark films in the DCCU?
I think Shazam, Flash, and Green Lantern will all have a lighter tone when they eventually come out.



Parrack is Jonny Frost in Suicide Squad.
Green Lantern expected to be John Stewart.

Source - Jeff Sneider

I've made my peace with it.

Internet: "Batman V Superman trailer is too dark and gritty! It sucks!"

Internet: "Daredevil is really dark and gritty! It's awesome!"

That Internet guy sucks. What a hypocrite!
The second I saw people championing Daredevil for being dark and gritty, I knew right away Batman v Superman would catch shit for being dark and gritty when the trailer was released.

I'm not saying these are the same people, but god damn. What does Marvel have over people?!
Then what are you saying? I mean, sure, there's probably fanboys hating on stuff just because it's not Marvel, that's nothing new. Just ignore that, no?
Momentum. WB is probably not going to shake the perception that they're just playing catch up or that they go dark to contrast Marvel going light.

We'll see; after they start releasing on a more regular schedule after BvS, the "playing catchup" stuff will probably start to fade (assuming it doesn't bomba, of course), and Flash and Shazam will take care of the other thing.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
We'll see; after they start releasing on a more regular schedule after BvS, the "playing catchup" stuff will probably start to fade (assuming it doesn't bomba, of course), and Flash and Shazam will take care of the other thing.
Even if DC/WB went light hearted and fun, they would still catch shit for copying Marvel and not doing their thing.

It's a no win situation. Unless they start pumping successful movies.


Monday, April 20, 2015 at 9am PDT

Zack Snyder tweets the teaser one sheet to further build excitement.

Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7pm local time

The ENHANCED trailer is screened in Imax theaters in US, Canada with an exclusive intro from Zack Snyder.

Show flow:

Zack Intro (he asks fans not to video tape the footage) – 20 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 11 seconds

Zack Returns (stoke fan excitement and show the trailer again) – 37 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 15 seconds End on Hashtag #BatmanvSuperman

All attendees are given special exclusive mini-onesheets. All attendees are sent via email a special digital asset TBD

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 @ 9am PDT

NON-ENHANCED Trailer is released worldwide online.


Seems the 15 minutes is just logistics of getting everyone to their seat and getting them one-sheets. I'm guessing the "enhanced" aspect means a bit of IMAX quality / aspect-ratio footage.

We're not getting an interview with Snyder, which I hoped for, but didn't really expect to get.


Monday, April 20, 2015 at 9am PDT

Zack Snyder tweets the teaser one sheet to further build excitement.

Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7pm local time

The ENHANCED trailer is screened in Imax theaters in US, Canada with an exclusive intro from Zack Snyder.

Show flow:

Zack Intro (he asks fans not to video tape the footage) – 20 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 11 seconds

Zack Returns (stoke fan excitement and show the trailer again) – 37 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 15 seconds End on Hashtag #BatmanvSuperman

All attendees are given special exclusive mini-onesheets. All attendees are sent via email a special digital asset TBD

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 @ 9am PDT

NON-ENHANCED Trailer is released worldwide online.


Seems the 15 minutes is just logistics of getting everyone to their seat and getting them one-sheets. I'm guessing the "enhanced" aspect means a bit of IMAX quality / aspect-ratio footage.

We're not getting an interview with Snyder, which I hoped for, but didn't really expect to get.

Is this real?


Monday, April 20, 2015 at 9am PDT

Zack Snyder tweets the teaser one sheet to further build excitement.

Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7pm local time

The ENHANCED trailer is screened in Imax theaters in US, Canada with an exclusive intro from Zack Snyder.

Show flow:

Zack Intro (he asks fans not to video tape the footage) – 20 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 11 seconds

Zack Returns (stoke fan excitement and show the trailer again) – 37 seconds

ENHANCED Trailer – 2 mins and 15 seconds End on Hashtag #BatmanvSuperman

All attendees are given special exclusive mini-onesheets. All attendees are sent via email a special digital asset TBD

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 @ 9am PDT

NON-ENHANCED Trailer is released worldwide online.


Seems the 15 minutes is just logistics of getting everyone to their seat and getting them one-sheets. I'm guessing the "enhanced" aspect means a bit of IMAX quality / aspect-ratio footage.

We're not getting an interview with Snyder, which I hoped for, but didn't really expect to get.

I lol'd.


I've watched the bootleg trailer a number of times, but I'll wait to post my thoughts on it once the official 1080p version is out.
I think I wrote that exact line of (shitty) dialogue when I was 7 but it was between Sagat and Omega Red action figures

Glad to know I could have made it in hollywood at such a young age


Internet: "Batman V Superman trailer is too dark and gritty! It sucks!"

Internet: "Daredevil is really dark and gritty! It's awesome!"

Yup. This is the hypocrite nature of a good deal of people that love Marvel. You'll see it again with Avengers 2 which is darker then Avengers 1 and purposefully that way according to interviews with Whedon due to the nature of the story. Watch people praise it and be okay with the level of destruction. Some of which is Man of Steel level from the trailers we've already seen.


Internet: "Batman V Superman trailer is too dark and gritty! It sucks!"

Internet: "Daredevil is really dark and gritty! It's awesome!"

the difference is that daredevil is a change of pace from the normally gleeful marvel movies, while a dark and gritty dc movie comes off as rote
Internet: "Batman V Superman trailer is too dark and gritty! It sucks!"

Internet: "Daredevil is really dark and gritty! It's awesome!"
A dark and gritty Daredevil adaptation is something people had been waiting for, for years. Like how Begins was received after Batman & Robin.

While on the other hand, many don't think dark and gritty suits Superman. Personally I love it, but there is a completely understandable reason for the different reactions and it's not simply "hypocritical Marvel fans"
Snyder/WB caved and uploaded the full trailer on Twitter. I still refuse to see it, so I'm staying off Gaf, Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. See you all Monday night.
The nighttime Metropolis backdrop shot is very impressive in the official footage. Might be my favorite next to Batman emerging from the wreckage(?)/darkness.


I watched it, I had to watch it. Going to see it on monday in IMAX, so there Ill get the swag and new shots not available yet. HYPE for monday.

But jesus, that trailer is everything I wanted to see....false god, bruce wayne looking at his suit knowing he has to come out of retirement. Batman on the building with a rifle and him coming out of the wreckage, uhhhhh...can't contain the hype I'm feeling right now. Haven't even got to the voice yet and the,"do you bleed?" Perfection, voice mod the voice instead of making ben strain his own voice lowering it and yelling.

That trailer is greatness.


Held out watching it until the official release, but holy mother of god what a fantastic trailer, just nailed it. Just absolutely has me hyped, moreso than Episode 7. Wow, just wow.


I liked Ben as Batman when the casting was announced only in a solo film. I thought with him as a potential director and having full control over the film it meant it could be great. He seems to do his best when he also directs.

I didn't have much faith in Snyder/Goyer getting the best out of him but with Goyer gone and Snyder delivering the best batsuit, I have a better out look than I did before.

I just hope he pulls off an older, brooding, battle tested Bruce. I still see Clooney being Clooney and not Bruce when watching that shit show. I hope it's not the same here.
Thoughts after viewing high res trailer:

Was the rocket supes lifting russian?

Would be great if someone were able to translate.

It looks like it's cut to make them look like they're fighting. Bat's mouth isn't moving when he says the lines. Could be from another scene in the movie.

Superman obviously looks troubled with the people reaching out to him. Don't think he's a fan of worship.

Those soldiers have a superman logo on their shoulder. Wonder what that's all about. Wonder if the soldiers are from Russia and they launched the rocket which he caught.

There's a suit behind Affleck, wonder who's it is. Possibly robins?

The airplane (which may be the batwing) is shooting at people. But the batmobile is also on the ground presumably unless it's two different scenes spliced together. Perhaps someone hijacked Batman's gear and is painting him as a murderer.


Was the rocket supes lifting russian?
Yes, the text is cyrillic, the letters despite looking english are something else, but it's the Russian Cosmonaut program.

You can actually see the rocket bend under Superman's hands. Ahhh soo much to explore. I enjoyed, but wasn't blown away, by this trailer first viewing... but on repeat with high res it's many layers are coming out. I'm loving it at this point.

With the soldiers... on super high res you can see Superman's face and it's practically evil... he's pretty unhappy. Whether at these soldiers or because he's playing a role in the context of this scene.

I'm still working, frame by frame, audio by audio through this thing... one thing I noticed on super hires is that there appear to be names on the spotlighted walls around the Superman monument... perhaps in honor of those lost during the Black Zero Event in Metropolis?
Yes, the text is cyrillic, the letters despite looking english are something else, but it's the Russian Cosmonaut program.

You can actually see the rocket bend under Superman's hands. Ahhh soo much to explore. I enjoyed, but wasn't blown away, by this trailer first viewing... but on repeat with high res it's many layers are coming out. I'm loving it at this point.

With the soldiers... on super high res you can see Superman's face and it's practically evil... he's pretty unhappy. Whether at these soldiers or because he's playing a role in the context of this scene.

I'm still working, frame by frame, audio by audio through this thing... one thing I noticed on super hires is that there appear to be names on the spotlighted walls around the Superman monument... perhaps in honor of those lost during the Black Zero Event in Metropolis?

Cosmonauts... I was thinking that it might not be that he's lifting it or getting ready to throw it, but bracing as he lands with it. Could it be that it's a manned capsule that was falling out of orbit?
Cosmonauts... I was thinking that it might not be that he's lifting it or getting ready to throw it, but bracing as he lands with it. Could it be that it's a manned capsule that was falling out of orbit?

Yeah I think he's saving them.

Hope the next trailer focuses on Superman exclusively. Guessing that will land around SDCC? 3 months from now seems appropriate for trailer 2.


One thing that this trailer, in my opinion, properly omits are Superman's supporting cast (who have decent billing)... Lois, Martha, Perry, etc.

Since this is about Superman [the job] and his interaction with the World.

However, Superman [the person] / Clark, still has Lois and Martha in his life to ground him, make him human, and give him perspective (if he ever was in fear of losing it in the first place, which I don't think would happen).

This teaser is about setting up the larger world, the players, and the conflict... not the characterization, which I'm sure will still maintain a humble, human, and honorable Superman in the best sense. I expect we'll get that take in a clip eventually.
If you look at Batman's Powerarmor it's not pristine, it has scratches on the Helmet, he's used it before which would mean he did not build it specifically for Superman....
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