had to share this
Watched the trailer at least 40 times, does anyone know whether the music is from something else or just written for this trailer? It is amazing, hope Zimmer (and Junkie XL) knocks it out of the park (again). If anything the OST might be the best thing about this movie.
See you soon DC Cinematic Universe. #film #actor #DC #BatmanvSuperman #JusticeLeague
And now someone else teasing being a GL?
On unknown roles, a pair of old rumors are in circulation again.Scoot McNairy as Jimmy Olsen and Callan Mulvey as KG Beast working for Lex Luthor.
Believe Junkie XL said it was created specifically for the trailer.
Cool, thanks. It was amazing, so hopeful and 'grand'. Can't wait to hear the full version.
had to share this
And now someone else teasing being a GL?
Oh man... if we actually get motherfucking KGBeast in a movie.... lolOn unknown roles, a pair of old rumors are in circulation again.Scoot McNairy as Jimmy Olsen and Callan Mulvey as KG Beast working for Lex Luthor.
You hear that?That screening was, we're told, a glowing success - to the point where Zack Snyder's movie received a "standing ovation".
This article really comes off as fake.
But I'm 100% sure WB is showing off the movie to a bunch of test groups to gather feedback. They're playing this as safe as possible.
Anyhow, kind of feeding flames to the fire... Ben Affleck has had two of his movies pushed back.
Dedication to the Bat?
And now someone else teasing being a GL?
This article really comes off as fake.
But I'm 100% sure WB is showing off the movie to a bunch of test groups to gather feedback. They're playing this as safe as possible.
The ending of TDKR was great though. It brought the feels. And it is a great movie that only flails when being microscopically analyzed.I feel like every Warner Bros. movie is given a standing ovation when screened before release. The same exact thing happened with the Dark Knight Rises.
The same exact thing happened with the Dark Knight Rises.
I feel like every Warner Bros. movie is given a standing ovation when screened before release. The same exact thing happened with the Dark Knight Rises.
Same. Everyone I know loved TDKR. When I read all the hate for it on various forums, I was completely surprised. I still am to a degree. It's a damn good movie and a really great ending for Batman.TDK and TDKR are basically perfect in my book. Nolan did not disappoint me.
I freaking love those two movies.
I rewatched MOS with a friend who is a Superman fan but after all the bad feedback decided not to watch it. It's taken him this long and the recent trailers to make him even consider watching it. He came away baffled by the lynching the film received. It's a good film. Not great, not terrible. Good.
Yep. It was a negativity bandwagon. Laughable really to any superman fan with any up to date knowledge of the character.
Thanks for speaking for everyone, but no. How does an up to date knowledge of the character make up for that script? If its so good, why did everyone breathe a collective sigh of relief to hear BvS has a different writer?
Yep. It was a negativity bandwagon. Laughable really to any superman fan with any up to date knowledge of the character.
I am a huge Superman fan, I have read hundreds of issues of the comics including most of the New 52 stuff. I HATED MoS because it wasn't a good Superman film. If it's a good film or not is up for debate, it was a horrendous Superman film.
I think that's where the problem is. MoS isn't really a Superman film. When most people think of Superman they think of veteran Superman. This movie never gave you veteran Superman. We got first day on the job no idea what he's doing Superman.
Outside of some questionable choices in the script I, as a huge Superman fan, thought the movie was really good overall. I never at any point thought they failed in their characterization of him.
I'm not concerned about vet/rookie Superman, even as a rookie Superman should still have his morals and beliefs down pat. My problem was the movie/Superman himself instills no hope in the people nor audience, Clark/Lois are idiotic at times, the tone of the film felt very dreary, and many characters were very not-that-character-like most egregiously being Clark and Jonathon. The grandiose battles themselves I had no problems with, it's the nature of superhero battles. Films, comics, animations, what have you always have these ridiculous fights when powers are involved.
Do you have a particular instance in mind where he contradicted his beliefs?
As to your second point, if Superman had instilled hope to the people there would be no need for the conflict in Batman v Superman which is the story bring told. You said you've read a lot of the New 52 stuff and this characterization of Superman and how he's viewed by the general public is pretty close to that in the origins. It was a long while before Supes became a beacon of hope.
Could the movie have been better with a more talented script writer? Absolutely but the themes I think hit what they were aiming for.
I personally am in favor of Superman having to earn his place rather than "he saved the world so now we must love him."
The worst thing about Man of Steel is they didn't have a follow up "In universe" planned within 6 months to a year. Thats allowed the negativity surrounding DC and WB to snowball on itself to the point of it being a meme at this point. At least when the MCU dropped a turd like Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 there was a palette cleanser (and more importantly, a distraction) around 6 months away.
Not so much contradictory as never really having solidified what they are. He goes to ask a priest for advice on what to do, his decades of good old-fashioned Midwestern upbringing should tell him what to do: give himself up to save the people. This isn't to say that Superman doesn't sometimes need guidance but not on an issue like that.
Understandable and yet there are still people worshiping him and him giving them hope. But that's because of what he can do as opposed to who he is, the "person" Superman isn't what these people look towards for hope but the "being" Superman. Early New 52 Superman was a travesty of writing at times, even so there was still Clark and/or Superman doing things characteristically of them. As I link this panel again.
There's nothing of this in MoS. You don't get to see Clark being a good person, you actually see him being a douchebag with the trucker thing. The thing about Superman is that he never had some tragedy or mantle forced upon him, he's just a good person trying to do the right things and you just don't see him being a good person in MoS.
Earning his place is fine but show him being Superman and the people rejecting him out of fear or Lex Luthor sweet talk or what have you. Show what an inspiration he can be and have people turn on him still because of fear of the unknown and the Zod battle. I made this joke with my brother that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the best Superman movie ever made because the two are very similar in their characteristics. In Avengers you see Cap telling officers to make a perimeter and to minimize damage/casualties as much as possible and in TWS he gives this ridiculously inspiring speech.
Maybe he gets this moment when speaking to congress in BvS but MoS presents a Superman that's lost, that doesn't know who he should be or what he should do in an attempt to...I don't know, humanize him? Humanizing Superman, it just sounds ridiculous considering how human he really is.
The worst thing about Man of Steel is they didn't have a follow up "In universe" planned within 6 months to a year. Thats allowed the negativity surrounding DC and WB to snowball on itself to the point of it being a meme at this point. At least when the MCU dropped a turd like Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 there was a palette cleanser (and more importantly, a distraction) around 6 months away.