There's also the added benefit that the MCU is divided up into large episodes for each Phase... a crappy movie is bouyed by the entire phase. I still can't fathom the reviews on any of the Thor, IM2-3, and Hulk movies and how their so high. Those are some mediocre movies.
The problem is RT has been reducted to just throwing the percentage around like its the quality of the movie. Like saying Toy Story is a 99% perfect movie or something, I wrote about this in the Fantastic Four thread.
The RT calculation is just an aggregate of binary would/would not recommend reviews. So if:
Movie 1 gets 6/10 6/10 6/10 6/10 6/10
Movie 2 gets 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 and a 5/10
Movie 1 gets a 100% RT and Movie 2 gets a 90% RT.
That means on the whole safer films (ones where you go "eh, its inoffensive.... i'll give it a 6) get a pass more than divisive (something like 2001 A space oddesey, where the 10's and 3's will be abundance. A real love it or loathe it movie).
Metacritic is far more relaible on the whole to me, because it calculates the individual reviews rating, not just a "yes/no" type system.