YESSSSSSS, what a swansong that would be.
Please Based Miller, save us.
YESSSSSSS, what a swansong that would be.
Please Based Miller, save us.
So I was just thinking: do you guys think Lucius Fox is the one Battfleck is talking to on the phone in the trailer? The general audience know him to some extent (Nolan movies) and having him killed during the battle between Supes and Zod could sell the bad blood between Bats and Supes more I think. Or maybe it was just a random employee/whatever but what do you guys think. Would they do something like this?
Watch it just be a 2 hour version of Hereafter
The BvS twitter account re-tweeted this new pic of the Batmobile from the WB Studios Tour:
I really can't wait to see this thing in motion.
There's a theory I've seen thatSuperman may "die" in this movie, leading to the League being formed to fill the void, and that he'll be revived in Justice League Part Two
I'm probably putting too much faith in Faraci at this point but he said you could piece together the major plot points through the trailers pretty easily, there isn't a ton of huge surprises. I think WB wants to play it by the numbers and do a standard super hero story, atleast for the forming of the Justice League.
See people just don't understand Superman Returns was ahead of its time. Jesse Eisenburg's portrayal is just a cheap imitation.
The latest hot rumor I am hearing is that Warners is requesting more Batman be put into the movie and less Superman. Supposedly, Ben Affleck's Batman is so good that he is blowing Henry Cavill's Superman right off the screen.
Rumor, which is still funny since film is wrapped, but apparently Warner wants more Batman in BvS
Rumor, which is still funny since film is wrapped, but apparently Warner wants more Batman in BvS
Well we all know what happened last time someone messed around with a comic book movie... I don't really want to see Snyder going on Twitter in a year saying "last year I had a great version of BvS. Too bad you won't see it".
I hope it's not true. Not only is it a bit too late but I'm getting a bit tired of Batman.
That's my opinion. This is pretty easy rumor to construct which is borderline impossible to debunk without the answer being spun into new and worse rumors.Must be slow news day for Mayimbe.
Yeah no not buying that. Snyder is in charge of the DCEU and WB isn't known to fuck with movies like this, are they? Once they trust you at WB, you have a lot of credit. Read something like that. This movie has to work and if they held test screenings for outsiders (which I'm pretty sure they must have done) and people were positive...and knowing how it can fuck up the movie whenever studioheads get involved (see F4 as a recent example) way in hell they are taking that chance and are fucking around with'more Batman' just because they liked him.
Also, Nolans name is still attached to it and they bend over for him. Pretty sure he still has a say in all this if he wanted, all Snyder has to do is give him a call if this is even remotely true which I don't think it is.
Yeah, this is one of those conversation-starters, but w/o any of us seeing the movie probably won't make a difference.
It could have been 50/50 Bats and Supes which is now 55/45
Or it could be 30/70 Bats and Supes and now 50/50.. or who knows.
Like until I guess blu-ray Director's cut
That's my opinion. This is pretty easy rumor to construct which is borderline impossible to debunk without the answer being spun into new and worse rumors.
For example, "He's wrong, the story / edit is locked." The next headline: "Snyder arrogantly deluded into believing he's achieved perfection, stubbornly refuses to make any changes over the next 200 days!"; etc.
If there is even an iota of truth to the rumor, I think it's a good thing so long as they don't cave to pressure, because people leaving the film wanting more is EXACTLY what you want! You want to make people hungry to see Batman again so that they're eager to catch a glimpse of him in Suicide Squad. You want Batman to act as seasoning that you can sprinkle on any property to make it better, not satiate that hunger completely on the first outing so we never need to see him again. Conversely, with Superman, you need him to move the ball far enough that a world where the Justice League makes sense... Batman's great, but he doesn't ever get you there.
Five seasons of B:TAS didn't make the Justice League plausible... it wasn't even two full seasons of S:TAS before we had Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Supergirl, etc... (not to mention Season 1, Lobo, Darkseid, etc). Three seasons of Arrow wouldn't get you to Legends of Tomorrow... but one season of Flash does... the super-powered character is more relevant at this stage of storytelling.
Irrespective of how you feel about the character, Superman's just way more important to world-building the cinematic universe right now... a god-like Kryptonian sets the stage way better for an Amazon, speedster, space cop, Atlantean, etc. than a vigilante with gadgets.
Theres a rumor that my son is [playing] Robin. Its not true. Now there are all these images of him that people have made where hes dressed like Robin. Its fun to hear and see them.
Just a quick deconfirmation from Zack Snyder
Ha thought it was gonna be about the edit...
Though it doesn't deny
1)His son is in the movie
2)Robin is in the movie
It's almost as good as being about the edit because Umberto was the one who "broke" the Robin rumor too... so this discredits him on that and arguably the edit rumor.
This Doritos thing is giving us a bunch of Zack Snyder interviews:
This Doritos thing is giving us a bunch of Zack Snyder interviews:
Dont know if this has been already been posted, but..... we gonna talk about it?
Dont know if this has been already been posted, but..... we gonna talk about it?
Since we don't know exactly what question they asked, it's hard to take much away from it except what he explicitly said... that it's Batman heavy at first and evens out as the film goes on.Dont know if this has been already been posted, but..... we gonna talk about it?
You don't know if the article quoted RIGHT above your post.... has been posted yet?
Damn synder, flavor of the week, that is the type of shit you say privately to your friends, not out in public. Making things harder on himself for no reason.
Since we don't know exactly what question they asked, it's hard to take much away from it except what he explicitly said... that it's Batman heavy at first and evens out as the film goes on.
He repeats "Only in that" / "only in that way" because it seems like he's deflecting the question or narrowing his answer.
Aside from knowing what the question was, inflection matters so much... case-in-point, Shannon talking about the flippers with Larry King:
In the other interview given on the same day he's pretty positive about Marvel... it's just sound-bite culture likes to grab one phrase and run...Damn synder, flavor of the week, that is the type of shit you say privately to your friends, not out in public. Making things harder on himself for no reason.
In the other interview given on the same day he's pretty positive about Marvel... it's just sound-bite culture likes to grab one phrase and run...
NEWS.COM.AU: Its fair to say the critical reaction to both the latest Avengers movie and Ant-Man was lukewarm. Do you think the Marvel Cinematic Universe has peaked a bit, or is in danger of collapsing under its own weight?
ZACK: Its an interesting question. I havent seen Ant-Man. I just havent had time. Ive been so stacked, Ive been in post, but I do want to, I have an interest in seeing it. But to me its like, theres undeniable and amazing talent and entertainment in the movies they make, and Joss [Whedon] is really good. The question is whether or not or how the superhero genre evolves, or does it stay the same? Steven Spielberg made that comment about [superhero movies] going the way of the westerns, and my reaction is: then youve got to make a better movie. Thats the reality. I know that doesnt really answer the question, but the feeling is that we cant stay the same, thats one thing for sure.
Don't forget The Revenant (well, not exactly a western, but still in that frontier era), and AMC's Hell on Wheels got five seasonsWe are still getting Westerns. Not to the volume as back in the day, but we are getting them nonetheless.
That era is too iconic. I don't see how a new generations of writers and directors wouldn't want to take a stab at it.
Don't forget The Revenant (well, not exactly a western, but still in that frontier era), and AMC's Hell on Wheels got five seasons