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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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1. That arm on Cavill is ridiculous. Look at it.
2. What´s with the angle/lighting on Batfleck? He looks like da gawd in the trailers and here he looks as if Alfred is forcing him to finish his plate.
3. Yep, that looks like wonder woman.


"It's not who I am underneath...but what I EAT that defines me!"

*dodges tomatoes*

I read that as tornadoes. ayyy.
lmao batman looks fucking hilarious on that magazine cover. he ate all the food in the pantry and he's not ashamed of it either by the looks of that mischievous face

they should have him center of the photo like da gawd he is or not bother at all, he looks pretty bad on angled shots.


This is the same photoshoot from the last magazine covers... whoever did that really didn't capture Batman very well...


lmao batman looks fucking hilarious on that magazine cover. he ate all the food in the pantry and he's not ashamed of it either by the looks of that mischievous face


Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
You guys talking shit again?


This Alfred probably doesn't cook, just take-out every day.


LOL Fatman. Time to accept it and embrace it. The photoshoot was probably either recent-ish or very early in production so Ben wasn't in very good shape (bulking ´hase probably).
He was always going to be Fatman - it's based of Returns, where it only worked because the art style was consistent. Cavill looks traditionally buffed out while Affleck looks overdone.


Zack Snyder talks about the Batman costume :

“Recently, I got to make this film Batman v Superman, and in the process, I had to design a Batman character. I had to do a suit. I don’t know if you know anything about the process, but what you do is over months of meticulous designing and editing, you come to an aesthetic you believe will be the Batman you want to see. Along with my costume designer Michael Wilkinson, we did just that and we came to the point where we were going to test the suit on Ben [Affleck]. So, we had built a set of an alley, graffiti, barrels with fire, steamy stuff, and it was this very kind of noir-ish setting to film our Batman for the first time. Ben put the suit on and we put him in front of the camera and I was just having him turn and look around looking Batman-ish, and it was amazing because I felt in that moment that I had achieved this goal that I had set out for myself. When I looked at Ben, he was the perfect personification of the Batman I had in my mind.”

After the ceremony, Snyder also talked to Comic Book Resources about the character. “Batman, unlike Superman or Wonder Woman or Flash, is a guy without powers,” Snyder said. “He’s a man. He’s all of us. I think that’s it. We all carry around a hero inside of ourselves every day. It’s that guy. It’s Batman. I thank Bob for that. we all owe him a debt of gratitude. In that hero that we carry around, we realize that the hero is us, because he’s just the man. In truth, we are all the Batman.”

As far as the Batsuit, Snyder added that he “had a really strong idea about what I wanted to do — I really wanted to do sort of a fabric-based Batman; not what’s become the more normal, armored Batman. That’s how we evolved it.”

And what new elements did he want to bring to the character that viewers haven’t seen before? “I definitely wanted an older Batman. I wanted a war-weary Batman. That’s why, in a lot of ways, Ben was really perfect for me — we kind of aged him a little bit. It worked really great. I’m really excited about the Batman we created.”

Snyder also mentioned the Frank Miller influence on the film. “There are so many great artists who have drawn Batman. So many great comics that have been created — it’s countless. I was talking to Frank about it: ‘Dark Knight Returns’ was such a big influence on me, that I wanted to to honor him through imagery in the movie. You could still make ‘Dark Knight Returns’ into a movie, if you want. That’s what I’m saying, as far as how much we used and how much we didn’t use. The visual elements, there are some that I homage, but I don’t think the movie [is an adaptation].



Suit is great.

Also: <<<<#teambats

I was going to say, they should do a whole Team Batman or Team Superman campaign... then I realized how lopsided that would be and kinda turn everyone against Superman... you want Batman to put "over" Superman, not bury him. Even the posters of BvS are up for bid and Superman version is pulling in way less than Batman.


I was going to say, they should do a whole Team Batman or Team Superman campaign... then I realized how lopsided that would be and kinda turn everyone against Superman... you want Batman to put "over" Superman, not bury him. Even the posters of BvS are up for bid and Superman version is pulling in way less than Batman.

I don't know... I've seen websites do it, and it's actually a lot more even than people would give it credit for.

I think Batman fans (and Superman haters) are more outspoken, but think it's pretty even or closer than folks would imagine like 55/45 and not like 70/30

What's the point in doing a "choose your side" campaign? Who would you declare the "winner"?

With all of these campaigns it's not about declaring a "Winner" but energizing the userbase.

you get "free" marketing with Team Bats and Team Supes supporters defending their choices and speaking about the heroes.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
What's the point in doing a "choose your side" campaign? Who would you declare the "winner"?

They wouldn't.

Just to get people talking about it. But yeah, Batman would bury Superman I think. He has this cool factor with the general audience that Superman doesn't. And let's not forget what the Nolan movies did for that character. People also like to root for the underdog. Lot of factors to why 'Team' Bats would be much larger than Team Supes if they would market it like that.

Also: they probably end up being buddies at the end of the movie so yeah....I do think WB will market some things from Supes and Bats perspective, but as far as really setting them up against each other: nah, don't think they would/should.


With all of these campaigns it's not about declaring a "Winner" but energizing the userbase.

you get "free" marketing with Team Bats and Team Supes supporters defending their choices and speaking about the heroes.

Get's people invested. You see things like TeamBatman trending everywhere... Twilight did it with their two male leads... I'm sure you'll see TeamIronMan come Civil War


Some details from the article, terrible scans also exist but not straining my already poor eyes to read

A prologue will detail the Wayne's-eye-view perspective. Cavill offers a bit more detail: "What happens there is one of Bruce's buildings gets destroyed and he is trying to save all the people inside the building and he can't?, he says. "So he is this angry person who fears what Superman may do. Why are they just going to trust this superpowered alien? What happens if does decide to turn against us?

It's that anger that'll manifest itself in one of the film's crucial selling points. "One of the interesting things about Batman is he functions in some ways as the antagonist: you have to remember this is Batman verses Superman," teased Affleck. "He's found himself in a place of harbouring a tremendous amount of rage against Superman. So it's how he got there and what that's done to himand what it does to the people around him like Alfred, who are, I think, very scared and worried for him. It's something interesting and new".

Film is set 18 months to 2 years after Man of Steel.
Some details from the article, terrible scans also exist but not straining my already poor eyes to read

Film is set 18 months to 2 years after Man of Steel.

That sounds basically ideal. Especially the bit about Bruce functioning as an antagonist for much of the movie (since it casts Supes as the protagonist, hah).
I don't have the patience/time, but would love to collect all the rumors that surrounded this movie after it's out.

Lex as a homeless, tattooed, mohawked teenager? The list goes on.

Lex was in a street gang, Wonder Woman being a Kryptonian, Scoot McNairy being everyone The Flash to Metallo to Jimmy Olsen to the Eradicator to Krypto, Cumberbatch as...someone.

EDIT: Oh God, the real fake script that Warner Bros. "hired Kevin Smith to write". Such a weird fucking rumor.


There's a glimmer of hope that the WB is dropping the DCEU - DC Extended Universe - branding for DCJLU - DC Justice League Universe - in the Total Film article. At one point they say:

"WB's 'Expanded' DC Justice League Universe"

"Expanded" is not "Extended" and while "expanded" treads on Star Wars Legends' former territory, it summons to mind obesity the way "extended" triggers erectile dysfunction medication. "EU" sounds like "Ewww" or brings to mind the "European Union" and DCEU gets anagrams into "duce"... like "a steaming pile" or "to take a"... I'm not a fan of DCEU as a brand.

But "JLU"? That's a strong brand. You're reinforcing that this is all connected, that this is the premier superhero property in history, it hearkens back to nostalgia for Timm's Unlimited, and doesn't box you into just movies (which seems to be the only reason to get away from "film", "cinematic", or "movie" for something else). It might just be the reporter's misstep but we haven't seen "DCEU" in any official capacity ever so I'm hoping they've changed and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts come the Investors Call in November that they've dropped "Ewww" as their band.


I've never seen people less suspicious of rumors than they've been with this movie. You could say almost ANYTHING and the internet would have a shit fit over it.
Can't confuse people about what DC movies are included in this universe and which ones aren't. DCJLU makes it crystal clear if something is connected to this universe. Let's face it, everything at New Line isn't going to be part of it and they need a way to differentiate that. DCEU doesn't do that.


Eh DCJLU is just... really terrible
It's literally "JLU" with "DC" in front. If it's that offensive, drop the "DC" and everyone will still know what you're talking about since Timm's JLU is from a decade ago and few got twisted up by "The Dark Knight" or "Man of Steel" being repurposed as film titles (heck, all of Marvel's films are repurposed story-arc titles!).

I'll stick with DCEU
You'll stick with whatever the WB tells you to stick with! :p Aside from two articles we've seen zero support for "DC Ewww" from the WB despite ample opportunity to use it. I wouldn't get too invested in it.

Also... seems like there are wikis related to the rumors
Good compilation, doesn't seem completely up to date though, I'm pretty sure Snyder debunked the Eli Snyder as Robin rumor on the record, didn't he?


You'll stick with whatever the WB tells you to stick with! :p Aside from two articles we've seen zero support for "DC Ewww" from the WB despite ample opportunity to use it. I wouldn't get too invested in it.

Probably but DCJLU just doesn't look pretty at all

Not that DCEU does, but one less letter!

Also some "new" magazine scans



Zack's breaking his own no-joke policy.
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