UK brethren (maybe?) hold on to your butts.
Ehh not getting my hopes up. I doubt its anything more than what we got for NYCC, which was almost nothing. Of course, I'd like to be wrong.
UK brethren (maybe?) hold on to your butts.
Ha, they still using Nolan's bat symbol
A couple of interesting tid bits coming out of the Total Film feature:
- Snyder initially met with Eisenberg for another role (I'm guessing McNairy's) but was so taken after meeting him, he pitched him Lex and Terrio rewrote Lex to line up with Eisenberg.
- Cavill and Affleck debunk the rumor that they had weightlifting competitions or that any animosity arose from such contests (they trained separately).
- Batman is still "technically" wanted by the police (clearly outside the law; does "technically" mean the police look the other way or does "technically" mean that Batman's been retired and being "wanted" doesn't mean much if you're not active?).
- This Batman is really really angry.
- Everyone loves Gal.
- The armor is again digital and they're doing more with digital doubles.
- Everyone gets how historic this is and is grateful.
Zack says at one point: "The advantage that Batman has is the goodness of Superman; the compliance to fair play that Superman has Batman knows how to exploit Superman."
I'm not understanding what you mean by "armor is again digital and they're more with digital doubles"
Yup. Like MOS, the Bat-Armor is added digitally. They remarked though how much tech has progressed even in this short amount of time and how it allows them to do more with the digital ["stunt"] doubles than before.
Another big take-away is that Affleck, as of the interview, is not locked into directing a Batman film yet.
The issue is available online:
The trinity cover is slightly animated.
I wonder then if the Bat-Armor on display is for close-ups and non-action parts.
Haven't seen anyone post this yet but that Krypton show Goyer is working on is apparently in-universe with Man of Steel.
Basically not in-universe. Poor Goyer. He had a good run.
...did he? Dude got lucky, more like.
Well, the Goyer hate is stupid anyway. Dude worked on BB, TDK, TDKR and MoS. Granted Nolan and his brother probably only used his story ideas for the Batman movies but still. MoS was amazing imo and he was responsible for the screenplay (sure it had some issues). He may not be the best writer, but the internet likes to overreact to certain things and Goyer's writing is one of them. Stephen Mcfeely was part of Thor 2 's screenplay and will be writing Infinity War. But no one is saying shit about him because reasons.
Damn, didn't know about McFeely.
I do think Goyer is dogpiled on quite a bit though. I think he's a good creative but I don't care for his humor all too much, and his dialogue. I think he's better at writing characters like Blade & Batman that fit the grounded, dramatic mold more easier. Not that Superman cannot be dramatic, (Birthright and Kingdom Come highlight this) just that it requires much more care to handle.
Well, the Goyer hate is stupid anyway. Dude worked on BB, TDK, TDKR and MoS. Granted Nolan and his brother probably only used his story ideas for the Batman movies but still. MoS was amazing imo and he was responsible for the screenplay (sure it had some issues). He may not be the best writer, but the internet likes to overreact to certain things and Goyer's writing is one of them. Stephen Mcfeely was part of Thor 2 's screenplay and will be writing Infinity War. But no one is saying shit about him because reasons.
You guys see this shit?
Man of Steel and BvS in the same universe as Nolan's Trilogy?,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual
You guys see this shit?
Man of Steel and BvS in the same universe as Nolan's Trilogy?,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual
The reads like it was written by an insane person.
GAF really hates what everything DC related.
GAF really hates what everything DC related.
I am really annoyed by the hyperbole GAF often has. Not just for DC stuff, but for everything. Holy shit that Halo thread.
Edit: Talking about the Review Thread of Halo 5, in case you were wondering.
You guys see this shit?
Man of Steel and BvS in the same universe as Nolan's Trilogy?,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual,manual