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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Another new toy, dunno if it has been posted yet.




Have a hard enough time picking what costume to use, it's a tossup between BvS, AO Suit, Neal Adams & Flashpoint. Wish they'd release the earth 2 thomas wayne suit (without having to buy gamer fuel), and I'd love the earth 2 bruce wayne from arkham origins.

On a side note, WB Montreal is now listing 2 AAA games in development & actively hiring for. Rumors had pegged those two as suicide squad and a superman game, maybe we'll hear about one of them at PSX or VGA, WB often makes announcements at Sony's presentations and have made announcements at VGA in the past. I'm leaning toward Sony just because AK doesn't look like it will have a big presence with awards this year.


Tuesday for me. Fucking timezones.

Edit: Btw. let's get some life in this thread, what are you guys expecting to see tonight?

I'm just hoping for more snippets of the Batmobile in action and Batman kicking ass. The first two trailers have given me my fill of shots of Affleck staring intensely at things.


Gotham's airtime has been extended 1 minute and Minority Report's airtime shortened by 1 minute on the official listings. It's not something that can just be mashed into the normal commercial offerings without that extension.

The actual words are, "Catch an exclusive sneak on Gotham..."

Which is incredibly ambiguous, but strongly implies to me new footage ("exclusive") and a micro-scene ("sneak peek"). Teasers and trailers usually aren't billed as "sneaks"... they're composed, intentional, persuasive, purposeful marketing, little mini-movies that make you watch the larger thing... a "sneak", to me, is more like something happened across, accidental, unintended for early consumption in this form... so, like a scene out-of-context.

Nonetheless, the scene selected must be done with deliberation and marketing intention. You don't want to give up any impact from future trailers or the film itself, you don't want to rehash what we've already scene (dulling the exclusivity), you do want to build excitement without giving away too much or subjecting yourself to unnecessary early criticism.

I have no idea.

Gun to head, my bet is on either a small bit of dialogue between Bruce Wayne and someone... or a clip of a Batmobile / Bat Jet action sequence. It's too early to show too much fight choreography, IMHO, and I think they're still holding back the Trinity's dialog until another trailer, but they can (and already have) talk in their alter egos.


I watched Watchmen again yesterday. I realized Cavill's facial expression in pretty much every scene we have so far is the same as most of Dr. Manhattan's facial expressions. Like it bothers him to be involved in man's problems.


is Gotham any good?

Shameless shilling, but it has improved a ton.

And always hate telling people that without explaining why so wrote up a little post on what changes the show made to become must-see TV


On the "sneak" I feel like it's gonna be much smaller than we anticipate just because it doesn't seem like many places are hyping it up (I mean the actors or Zack or Warner/DC)

Even the BvS twitter just RTed the Gotham one.
I'm expecting a lot of focus on Batman, and if Superman is in the trailer, it will be as an antagonist. What I want is some Diana speaking scenes, and some more Luthor.

Much of trailer crafting now a days is about playing into what the audience wants, rather then what the actual movie is. I guess it was always something like that, but it feels like they've gotten craftier over time.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's an announcement of an announcement as well, but I'm sure we'll get a full trailer before Star Wars launches.


I'm so happy Wonder Woman is getting merchandise. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen Black Widow on something when I'm shopping, outside of her face on a couple of group shots.


I'm so happy Wonder Woman is getting merchandise. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen Black Widow on something when I'm shopping, outside of her face on a couple of group shots.

To be honest, I roll my eyes and check out any time she or Hawkeye are on the screen. Wonder Woman is a super powered woman, I'm more intrigued of her whereas the other two are just normal humans with very boring stories.

To be fair, I'm still choked that DC dropped the ball and didn't make any female DC Icons statue. Just the men... I wanted to complete the DC Trinity.



Hawkeye is anything but normal human =P

he is just not powered in name alone .... shooting a moving target far away without even looking is pretty super human for me =P
So what do people think we'll get tonight? Something similar to the Civil War trailer where the teaser airs on TV and they direct you to the full version online? Just a slick TV spot? Short tease of a scene?
Trailer for a trailer sounds about right. Just hope the full thing hits online right away, and we don't have to wait two weeks for Star Wars to come out.


Well, I called that it would be a short scene.

It should be intriguing to those who aren't absorbed into BvS and not too much of a spoiler for those who are.
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