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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Really wouldn't call BP's white lenses a good move until we see him in the movie. I have a feeling most of his major talking scenes will have the cowl off for him. To me his helmet already seems overly large and halloween-ish.

Deadpool had a fairly good idea with cgi white lens, to show expressions. We'll see how that turns out, I feel that it would be too comical for Batman, but it might work well for someone like Flash.

Not buying into the Birds of Prey or Cyborg & Titans movie just yet. There's just way too much on DC's slate right now to be considering more movies (consider JLD, Sandman, MoS2, Batman, Blue & Gold still have to be slated & we're already at 2 movies a year atleast). Also consider that Cyborg is already worked into their plans for Justice League. I mean they could be total asses and put Ray Fisher on hold, but I don't think they would have penned him to a contract unless they had a good idea on what they wanted to do with the character. It'd be weird to have him on both the titans and JL at the same time as well.

I think the best thing to do with Cyborg is to tie him into the new gods. Make his suit based on new genesis tech and have him boomtube there.


I'm willing to bet that white lenses on the regular Batsuit was atleast considered or trialed. This is Snyder we're talking about.

I'd actually be willing to go one-further and hypothesize that every Batman film since '89 has done costume tests with the lenses but have ultimately decided against them for the aforementioned reasons.
So there's something to the Sandman rumors? What is this Blue & Gold?

Assuming I'm reading this sentence correctly...

Blue & Gold refers to the adventures of Blue Beetle (2) and Booster Gold. They're basically a pair of losers, in comparison to the other heroes, and get into wacky and generally humiliating adventures.


Initial thoughts:

- The editing in that trailer is really bizarre. The first half of it is quite good, but then it gets a bit schizophrenic afterwards.
- Eisenberg definitely has me intrigued, he's clearly trying to make his Lex Luthor distinct from what audiences already know. I had no idea they were going to play up the old-school "mad scientist" Lex this much.
- Even though we all knew he was coming, I kind of wish they hadn't spoiled Doomsday so explicitly this far out. Maybe just strongly hint that Luthor is doing some Frankenstein shit with Zod's corpse.
- That was a fantastic entrance for Wonder Woman.
- The actual Batman vs Superman fight looks like it'll be a blast to watch. If Snyder excels at one thing, it's action sequences.
- So glad that Larry Fong is back.


Not a bad trailer. The cuts and overall feel of it is a departure from what we have become accustomed to.

I would have avoided showing Bats and Supes teaming up. We all know it's going to happen but avoiding it just increases the suspense and anticipation.


Those have gotta be parademons in the knightmare sequence. WW must have a vision/warning of the coming apocalypse that'll occur if those two don't sort their shit out.
The Editing was terrible, the music was edit bad as well.

Still, all i want is a good comic-book Movie, so far so good.

Also it was weird not seeing Bale
For the love of god:

A: Don't use Doomsday as a throwaway hero.
B: Let Doomsday kill Superman
C: I hope there is more to the plot

B won't happen.
Trailer didn't work, you know, insofar as trailers are judged independent of the films, for their form. The SDCC trailer is phenomenal in that regard. What I see from the film is exciting. The trailer is not.

It's not a stretch to predict the film opens on Bruce's perspective on the Zod fight. The glimpses of it in here are looking great.

Doomsday looks bad. It's a compliment.

- So glad that Larry Fong is back.

Yes, very much agree. I don't hate overly cool coloured films, but Man of Steel's colours weren't to my taste. Civil War strikes an okay balance of going cool with some vibrancy.
Still not sold on Lex. Will have to see.

Some of the dialogue was a little too cheesy for my liking.

Overall I liked the trailer. I can probably map out the entire plot of the movie pretty accurately but most of us could have months ago. It's about the journey for this one

SDCC trailer was definitely the stronger of the two though
I won't touch the other thread, but wasn't there some rumors the trailer was going to be 2:25? If so, that just happens to be when you hear the Doomsday scream. Wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a cut down version for the theater, 3 minutes is quite long.
They should've cut out Doomsday from this trailer and just tease him with that scream.

I really liked 2/3 of that trailer. Also like this trailer more the more I watch it.



I was not feeling Luthor at all in the last trailer. Now that some of his dialogue has been put in (what assume) is the proper order, and his smug dick act at the beginning, I'm coming around.

That desert sequence with what look like Darkseid's troops. WTF.

Also the building Doomsday pops out of looks like the Michigan Central Station

I remember reading Detroit was the stand in for Gotham in this movie I guess the last fight takes place there.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
had a big grin at that final shot, wondy with the other two. omg, what a time to be alive.
Really liked the trailer, seems like people are more interested in the Batman vs Superman fantasy than the Justice League forming. I'm really surprised that people are surprised that the film which leads into justice league would involve Batman & Superman teaming up. I'm perfectly content as a DC fan.

I hope there's a few more surprises left though. Those parademons were a nice touch. You can probably go back and find a lot that lines up with Faraci's reporting.

edit: The general complaints are lolworthy for me. Now it's too many jokes & no one praising Gadot instead of bashing her. People are so volatile. Eisenberg's Lex is interesting, I don't see the comparisons to Social Network. His portrayal of Zuckerberg was borderline coldhearted, withdrawn & anti social. Eisenberg's Lex looks two faced, being an eccentric friendly socialite with a manipulative, psychopathic personality. I think we'll be seeing lex go through a transformation after he's jailed.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
batfleck's smirk at clark questions about the batman...

this trailer hit all the right notes for me, even more so than the CC trailer.


Looked good to me. Surprised at the near unanimous disdain in the other thread. Oh well, I'm sure it will do well and turn out OK.
Really liked the trailer, seems like people are more interested in the Batman vs Superman fantasy than the Justice League forming. I'm really surprised that people are surprised that the film which leads into justice league would involve Batman & Superman teaming up. I'm perfectly content as a DC fan.

I hope there's a few more surprises left though. Those parademons were a nice touch. You can probably go back and find a lot that lines up with Faraci's reporting.

edit: The general complaints are lolworthy for me. Now it's too many jokes & no one praising Gadot instead of bashing her. People are so volatile. Eisenberg's Lex is interesting, I don't see the comparisons to Social Network. His portrayal of Zuckerberg was borderline coldhearted, withdrawn & anti social. Eisenberg's Lex looks two faced, being an eccentric friendly socialite with a manipulative, psychopathic personality. I think we'll be seeing lex go through a transformation after he's jailed.

Basically my thoughts. I do think it was awkwardly cut together towards the end, but I'm chalking that up to them wanting to avoid showing scenes in their entirety. They did that a lot in the Comic-Con trailer (compare "greatest lie in America" before and after), but it was more noticeable here.


Surprised? It's seemingly normal for a BvS thread (or at least the first half of them until the drive by shit posting stops.)

That's certainly true. It's still always a bit odd to see something, like it, imagine others would like it and then see 95% of GAF look upon it like its rotting roadkill on their front stoop.


Love the trailer. I think I have a good idea of what they're doing with Lex now as well. Notice we've not seen any scene of him bald yet but that was how they debuted his look to the world. His true personality will likely be seen when we see him bald.

As for the hate. There are some people that are just invested on hating this film no matter what is shown. Some feel threatened by it. Others just like to hate and troll. I just feel 2016 is going to be insane for superhero films. It's going to be a LOT of fun.

I'd love a full poster of this shot. Love it.

I posted this in the OT thread but going to repost it here.


Won't someone think of the parademons?!

If those are indeed parademons that puts a whole new importance on this dream sequence. Hell it's likely not even that then but a vision of what could happen. That likely means it's not even Batman's but perhaps Wonder Woman's. In that case we're looking at a possible future where Darkseid has influence over Superman which has happen in the comics and cartoons before. Where Darkseid either tries to take control of Superman or wipes his memory to make him think he's Darkseid's son.

Also Doomsday is not a big surprise. The Zod being turned into Doomsday was something many thought as soon as Zod's body was shown. Doomsday also isn't a deep character. He's a killing machine, a weapon. That's what's he's being used as here.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
that thread is amazing trailer shows Superman and Batman having funny quips, you know like in the comics, "sucks, the movie is supposed to be grim dark, feels forced" wtf

if the movie didn't have any humor then it would've been the other way around "too serious hur hurrrr"

can't win.


I really hope this movie blows everyone away so we can avoid doing this whole exhausting uphill battle with every piece of media that comes out for Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League.
that thread is amazing trailer shows Superman and Batman having funny quips, you know like in the comics, "sucks, the movie is supposed to be grim dark, feels forced" wtf

if the movie didn't have any humor then it would've been the other way around "too serious hur hurrrr"

can't win.

I said it earlier in that thread... people built this image of the movie in their heads. They've decided what it is. Any deviation from that, for good or ill, is punished. Because if it's a bad change from the movie in their head, then it's disappointing. And if it's a good change, than it's just not true to the movie.

The entirely fictional movie.


I really hope this movie blows everyone away so we can avoid doing this whole exhausting uphill battle with every piece of media that comes out for Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League.

This movie could come out, get 100 on RT, win Best Picture, they could hand out a million dollars to everyone that watches and people will still complain. There's a few people that have some of the strange and smallest criticisms (as if they are legit concerns). There's some doubt that people have, which is fine, but to blatantly come out and be like, yup this movie sucks for sure. I'm hyped about this movie but I'm going to say, omg this is going to be movie of the year, and if I did I'd be joking... I'm obviously going to reserve judgement until I see the thing but there's this really negative stigma that surrounds this movie and it's really disheartening walking into any of those main threads.

Any MCU trailer comes out, circle jerk all around, 10/10... any news comes out about BvS, this movie is doomed, WB doesn't have a clue etc etc...


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I really hope this movie blows everyone away so we can avoid doing this whole exhausting uphill battle with every piece of media that comes out for Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League.

i don't think it really matters, the forum is full of marvel fans. Even if the movie is well-received critically and sucessful, it would still face an uphill battle here.

I think people complaining about humor in the movie pretty much confirmed that.
i don't think it really matters, the forum is full of marvel fans. Even if the movie is well-received critically and sucessful, it would still face an uphill battle here.

I think people complaining about humor in the movie pretty much confirmed that.

You should probably tone down that kinda rhetoric. Straight road from there to Bantown.
I don't get complaining about complaining, or complaining about fanbases. There are better uses for a thread.

Anyway, seeing the trinity together in live-action for the first time is so damn hype inducing.




I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
what?! suicide squad, batman/superman, civil war and xmen all in front of the same movie? that's a bit bonkers.

Not in front of any movie... in front of Star Wars.

Could you imagine letting yourself 10 years ago experience the first 20 minutes of that theater experience?
Not in front of any movie... in front of Star Wars.

Could you imagine letting yourself 10 years ago experience the first 20 minutes of that theater experience?

the fact that a mad max and rocky sequel in 2015 were so good (hell, top 10 of the decade tier) has kind of made me believe anything at this point.


I've watched it about five times now and, man, the blitz of stuff that gets thrown at you after the first minute...it's amazing how ambitious this movie is. I don't really feel spoiled either. I have more questions than answers regarding the story.

I'm so so ready for this movie. I'll have to do another viewing of Man of Steel this weekend.


well not really...yet
Putting aside the Dumb fuck ninja turtle comparisons and jokes in the other thread, Doomsdays face is clearly modeled after Michael Shannon's Facial structure.
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