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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I think the next BvS Trailer will be attached to the Superbowl, and the DC special will have some behind the scenes stuff

Yeah just watched the new episode of Fatman on Batman (anyone here watching that?), Kevin Smith briefly mentioned that there would be behind the scenes stuff (WW included). Also said that the SS trailer is phenomenal (again).

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Doesn't that recent Eisenberg interview also state he just filmed some behind-the-scenes stuff?

Yes, it did. Can't wait for all the behind the scenes stuff. Love watching those. Hopefully we'll get more with this one, MoS was just not enough for me.


I think the next BvS Trailer will be attached to the Superbowl, and the DC special will have some behind the scenes stuff

Really really hope that they don't show off much more than they already have, I don't want to get any more spoiled and I'm not sure I can hold off from watching it either. Just re-cut the trailer and call it a day.
Really really hope that they don't show off much more than they already have, I don't want to get any more spoiled and I'm not sure I can hold off from watching it either. Just re-cut the trailer and call it a day.

Thats the ideal but reactions to the last trailer have been so mixed i think they need 1 more. Something strong a month and a half from release, then just leave it for tv spots and international cuts.
If I see anything more I just want to see a scene with dialogue from Gadot or Lex.

Nolan had a really great thing going with his movies where they could do the intro scene as a stand alone. The airplane drop and joker's bank robbery were excellent stand alone sequences. I wouldn't mind them releasing Batman's origin montage, or maybe what looks like Superman's saving people montage.
Reminds me of I am Legend


As little as that was it actually had a very noticeable audible reaction in my midnight showing.
If I see anything more I just want to see a scene with dialogue from Gadot or Lex.

Nolan had a really great thing going with his movies where they could do the intro scene as a stand alone. The airplane drop and joker's bank robbery were excellent stand alone sequences. I wouldn't mind them releasing Batman's origin montage, or maybe what looks like Superman's saving people montage.

They could something that shows the differences of Batman and Superman, like Loeb did in his Batman/ Superman comic.

edit: you said "releasing" the montages and not one of them being the intro sequence, my bad.
They could something that shows the differences of Batman and Superman, like Loeb did in his Batman/ Superman comic.

edit: you said "releasing" the montages and not one of them being the intro sequence, my bad.

I think they will be an intro sequence anyways, and it would be great if they overlapped like you said. Showing the tragedies of Bruce's life and the positive aspects of Clark's. Guessing they'll be played after Bruce's POV of Metropolis fight, which the movie will cold open with.


You can bet that if Noble Collection makes a replica of Wonder Woman's sword...I'm probably going to buy it for my studio. It'll look nice opposite my Orcrist :)

The funny thing about that sword (and probably a lot of the upcoming WW merchandise) is normally you can bet that the designers would have made it pink or something in order to make it more stereotypically "girl-friendly", like this:

Batman 89 was more visually impressive to me as a kid. Superman holds up better on rewatches though.

I like Batman Returns better than both though.


For me? Superman. Richard Donner and Tom Mankiewicz clearly understood and respected what made Superman the iconic character that he is. Plus, I'm not sure anybody will ever top Reeve's dual performance of Clark Kent/Superman. It's the standard to which pretty much all superhero performances are held.

Batman '89 on the other hand feels like Tim Burton had a very surface-level understanding of what makes Batman a great character (which isn't surprising since he's said numerous times that he's never read a Batman comic) and he clearly preferred spending time on the wacky villains in his two Batman films instead of trying to flesh-out Bruce Wayne.

I like Batman 89 just fine, there are three major things that hold that film together - Danny Elfman's score, Anton Furst's fantastic production design, and Nicholson's Joker. I feel like if you lose any one of those elements, the film loses a lot of its luster. Keaton is a good Batman, but to be fair he's not really asked to do much of anything aside from stand around and look cool. Maybe he'll toss a punch or a Batarang every now and then.


I love em both but I have to go with Superman. Somehow manages to be fantastic and grounded all at the same time. Still one of the best 'young Clark to Superman' sequences put on film.

Have to say, Batman, while still one of my faves, really didn't hold up too well the last time I saw it.
Tell me...do you bleed?
You will.

I am vengeance...I am the night...I am BATMAN!
Some weekend fun
Poll time
Superman 78 or Batman 89
Man, I wish I could answer, but I haven't seen either since I was a kid, so I can't. I am watching both soon, though. Just waiting to pick up the Batman Blu-ray collection so I can watch Batman '89 in HD instead of an old 1997 DVD that doesn't look all that much better than VHS. I own all of the Superman movies, and most of the Batman ones, which I posted about the other day.
None of the movies from the 90s and beyond hold up pretty well. I don't think any of those movies (I watched them mid 2000s) left a mega impression on me.

The only one I really liked was Batman 89 and I had fun with Batman Returns.

Please don't hate me.


Some weekend fun

Poll time

Superman 78


Batman 89
I'm going to be honest, I dislike the Superman: The Movie. People say it's one of the best Superman movies but I don't think it holds up well at all. MoS and Returns are both far superior.
"There's no action in Returns", I don't even remember there being any in Superman: The Movie yet that's never a complaint I hear.

So I'm going with 89 Batman.


None of the movies from the 90s and beyond hold up pretty well. I don't think any of those movies (I watched them mid 2000s) left a mega impression on me.

The only one I really liked was Batman 89 and I had fun with Batman Returns.

Please don't hate me.

I'm going to be honest, I dislike the Superman: The Movie. People say it's one of the best Superman movies but I don't think it holds up well at all. MoS and Returns are both far superior.
"There's no action in Returns", I don't even remember there being any in Superman: The Movie yet that's never a complaint I hear.

So I'm going with 89 Batman.

Oh man, we're seeing the true sides of BvS-GAF today!
Superman the movie is great. The time turning stuff was dumb but everything before that was aces. It helps that every actor has great chemistry with each other.


New Batman V Superman NFL Wildcard spot....

THE GOD DAMN CINEMATOGRAPHY, wow, freeze any shot of that spot and it's beautiful, photo frame worthy. They also went back to the Zimmer/Junkie XL score thankfully.



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Splooge at that clip


It's an official TV Spot. I think they are done with trailers (thankfully, don't need any more spoilers).

There's definitely some dialog missing... if I had to guess. Batman is chasing a criminal or driving... and Supes just drops out of nowhere and is like nope, this stops now. He even tears the doors off the batmobile (which is missing). Superman disables his car, tells him to stop and flys off to stop more crime.

If Batman was like aaaah I'm going to hit you Superman, then it's a bit silly. But I'm fairly certain it's not because you see Superman appear as the headlights turn on him (which probably means Batman couldn't react.
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