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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Somehow I fear that the Do You Bleed line will become a meme.

Do you like Cake?

You will.

Do you play First Person Shooters?

You will.



Its getting there. Already getting the posts "Wow this looks bad". Shit is a given at this point. People on this forum have been shitting on this movie since the first trailer. It's amazing how out of touch I've seen GAF in regards to this movie and the general public.


Yeah, I'm done with BvS threads in the OT.

I might say a few words in the OT when that drops, but until then I'm staying in here.

With years of Marvel movies taking my time it's finally time for DC and this movie is a great way to start with. This movie is a dream come true.


That thread didn't even make it to the second page. Hell didn't even get half way down the first page before things started.


Okay, this gave me a chuckle.

Well, there was a spoiler that said Superman would confront Batman,
realize that Batman's Bruce Wayne
and leave. This TV spot kinda confirms that.


God I really hate GAF sometimes. No better then gamefaqs or Reddit junk

Nah, I wouldn't sweat it. It's filled with a lot of people that want to come off as experts when in reality, and this isn't a "diss", they don't at all remotely represent the mass public (box office returns) nor the critics (reviews).


Nah, I wouldn't sweat it. It's filled with a lot of people that want to come off as experts when in reality, and this isn't a "diss", they don't at all remotely represent the mass public (box office returns) nor the critics (reviews).

Yea I know it's not at all a representation of the masses. But it's just annoying to not be able to have a normal conversation with these people without hyperbole

I didn't mean Reddit in regards to the movie, I meant the quality of posts overall
Seriously. It's not even discussion. There are a lot of drive by posts and then people who have been shitting on the film since the first trailer.

Yup. As soon as a BvS thread appears in OT, it instantly enters parody status and you can almost give play-by-play on how the first couple pages will go.


Yea I know it's not at all a representation of the masses. But it's just annoying to not be able to have a normal conversation with these people without hyperbole

Yeah, that part really does bum me out. I want to enjoy this movie, at the very least go into it with an open mind and have hopes that it succeeds but those threads just delve into the same old crap. You can't even have a discussion in them because so many are drive by "THIS SUCKS" posts.

Would love for this movie to get universally praised to shut these fools down. :p

I would too. Mostly because I want the best movie possible. But I also can picture the ridiculous "I TOLD YOU SO, MY OPINION OF THE MOVIE WITHOUT SEEING THE MOVIE CAME TRUE" when in reality you know people with strong opinions for or against are going to walk in and and judge this movie with some form of a confirmation bias.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Yea I know it's not at all a representation of the masses. But it's just annoying to not be able to have a normal conversation with these people without hyperbole

I didn't mean Reddit in regards to the movie, I meant the quality of posts overall

Well, it's GAF. Movie threads especially have that. Dunno about the gaming side.

Also, fighting the good fight guys. Don't worry.


Unconfirmed Member
Kinda curious what would happen if BvS ends up with an 80%+ score on RT. What would be the highest number it could hit where GAF never sees it as more than a MOS debacle?


Yea I know it's not at all a representation of the masses. But it's just annoying to not be able to have a normal conversation with these people without hyperbole

That's really the thing that gets me. I don't mind that they dislike something I like. That's fine. The hyperbole they bring into it is what makes many topics frustrating. It's not needed at all other then to pointless bash.


I don't necessarily think that the movie looks that exciting but I do feel your pain. Those comments in that thread are harsh and adds nothing.

I were never into either of the heroes in Dawn of Justice but I am excited to see all of this unfold in live action anyway. Because I love me some superheroes!
Lol, walk into a Avengers review trailer and it's almost the opposite. Yeah there's definitely a different reaction, even the SDCC BvS trailer got massive hate (when, and I will dispute this with anyone, was the best trailer of the year bar none)

Which is funny because when the Kimmel trailer hit, everyone was praising the SDCC trailer.


That part when the Batmobile hits superman. I think IS supposed to somewhat funny, but more so to showcase Superman's ability. I think Batman was legit asking him if he bleeds expecting an answer lol.

And someone said it earlier. The cinematography looks great. I don't know how well the script is but this movies looks like it will be amazing to LOOK at. That and we get the Trinity on screen.
Lol, walk into a Avengers review trailer and it's almost the opposite. Yeah there's definitely a different reaction, even the SDCC BvS trailer got massive hate (when, and I will dispute this with anyone, was the best trailer of the year bar none)
I wouldn't say best, because Mad Max trailers happened.
My younger brother, who's been super skeptical about the movie, liked the TV spot. He thinks the "Do you bleed?" line is a lot better in context. He's not sure about the "You will" part, though. He liked the Batmobile's failure to hit Superman.



Not to turn this thread into THAT discussion, but look at posts now if you bring up Ultron. Most people will say it was disappointing and actively dislike it. I know GAF isn't a hivemind but I think sometimes people let the opinions of others influence them.

Like the poster said. These people act like they are movie experts but in reality they are out of touch with the general movie going public.
LOVED the TV spot. I think there's some missing dialogue on Superman's part, though. I'm inclined to think that the overall context of the scene is something like:

-Batman doing his Batman thing
-Supes swoops in to stop him
-They exchange words
-Supes has to go because super senses turn up something more urgent
-Batman issues threat
-Supes leaves

Feels more natural to me.

Gonna be gr8.


Would love for this movie to get universally praised to shut these fools down. :p
Even if BvS turns out to be the best comic book movie since The Dark Knight (which even a fanboy like me can't see happening), they seem determined to hate the movie.


I really don't think the "You will" directly follows "Do you bleed". We're lead to think that but I think there is an entire exchange that happens in between.

Even if BvS turns out to be the best comic book movie since The Dark Knight (which even a fanboy like me can't see happening), they seem determined to hate the movie.

Without a doubt. There will be a group of people that will hate this film without a doubt. Even if it gets accolades they will still hate it. Some just need it to be horrible for some crazy reason.


Even if BvS turns out to be the best comic book movie since The Dark Knight (which even a fanboy like me can't see happening), they seem determined to hate the movie.

Dark Knight Rises was a critical and commercial success, more so than the large majority of comic book movies. Yet, walk into any thread and it's, according to GAF, the single worst movie they've ever seen.

Give GAF a little credit. We were pretty merciless with every Fant4stic trailer and that turned into an honest to goodness cinematic disaster.

See the Dark Knight Rises threads.
Give GAF a little credit. We were pretty merciless with every Fant4stic trailer and that turned into an honest to goodness cinematic disaster.

I watched Fantastic Four on a flight last week. It's something else. First half is boring, second half is just incoherent. There's a level of disbelief during it. How is it a real film?
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