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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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This isn't meant to be insulting, but the problem people have is that this is just too serious and dark and gritty compared to Marvel. Fucking MCU is so big that people find it hard to accept other kinds of comic movies without watching it. I don't necessarily fault them for that though, people like what they know


And it's why so many posts and criticisms in the ot come off as stupid criticisms from people who don't have any real knowledge of the characters outside of previous films. That sounds elitist but I don't care. Actually know your stuff before spouting some of the dumbest criticisms I've ever seen levied towards a movie not yet released.

I don't think "know your stuff" is necessarily a requirement either. I think just acknowledging that the movies are just one of a thousand different interpretations of these characters might be enough. What pains me is "Bale is my favorite Batman" when you've known no other Batman. You have no frame of reference. It's okay to say "I liked Bale better" but thinking only Bale can do Batman or that that version of Batman fits no matter what "world" he's in is outright silly.
I don't think "know your stuff" is necessarily a requirement either. I think just acknowledging that the movies are just one of a thousand different interpretations of these characters might be enough. What pains me is "Bale is my favorite Batman" when you've known no other Batman. You have no frame of reference. It's okay to say "I liked Bale better" but thinking only Bale can do Batman or that that version of Batman fits no matter what "world" he's in is outright silly.
Yea that's what I was trying to say but maybe wasn't clear. There have been so many subtle takes to these characters, including their relationship to one another. Literally nothing shown so far in the trailers is a dramatically different take on it.


It just isn't hitting the "serious" execution for me. It's like a SNL sketch of what the most serious and gritty batman X superman interaction could be. That said- the thread in the OT is more negative than not, I have a hard time thinking people care enough to troll that much. Also guessing that like myself, people who think this looks super dumb from what they've shown will still go see it.

You're really reaching by calling that interaction a parody.

It's Superman giving Batman a warning and Batman letting him know that he is not intimidated. They could have ripped that interaction right out of a comic book. They could include that interaction in a comic book and no one would think twice about it.


Cavills delivery is not so great. Seems a bit rushed and unemotional at the same time.

I absolutely loved him in Man from uncle. Maybe one movie he can be more lighthearted and can act like Napoleon. Probably not though


This isn't meant to be insulting, but the problem people have is that this is just too serious and dark and gritty compared to Marvel. Fucking MCU is so big that people find it hard to accept other kinds of comic movies without watching it. I don't necessarily fault them for that though, people like what they know

It's also a lot easier to do stuff to Hulk and Ironman than Batman and Superman because they are more engrained in people's minds.


Re-invent, make changes to, do things differently, take it in different directions or reboot. It's different doing it to Spider-Man than it is Black Panther.

That's generally true, but Superman hasn't been a real force in cinema for so long that I don't think that's the case here. I genuinely think it's just people wanting more Marvel style and less gritty style.


People go to Marvel movies to have fun. The characters don't have much heat and no one expects and any of serious performance out of those films anyway.

Batman and Superman are the cream of the crop, both iconic and wildly successful across various mediums for several decades. For better or worse, this movie aims to please in drama as well as spectacle. Performances will be held to higher standards.
This isn't meant to be insulting, but the problem people have is that this is just too serious and dark and gritty compared to Marvel. Fucking MCU is so big that people find it hard to accept other kinds of comic movies without watching it. I don't necessarily fault them for that though, people like what they know

In truth I have no historical context for how the internet responded to past instances of this. This may not ring true for anybody but myself. What I've witnessed is a cycle of Batman Begins isn't bright and happy like Spider-Man. Iron Man isn't dark and serious like Batman Begins. Man of Steel isn't Avengers. It's a tad mean to call it shortsighted, but I'll go with it for now. Opinions will change if the film delivers. Nothing said at this stage matters, not really anyway.


People are likely going to be way more accepting of Suicide Squad because other than Harley (Joker and Bats as relative cameos), most don't already have an image in their head of what the Suicide Squad is supposed to be, look like, or act like. That makes it much easier to accept what the filmmakers provide.

With the Trinity, everyone has a image of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman somewhere in their consciousness, no matter how little engagement they have with the actual source material. If the film contracts or differs from that image you can get problems if people aren't willing to go with the different take.

What's funny is that the Tyrant / Knightmare Superman has already occupied a space in the minds of some commenters they're already imputing his motives, behaviors, and actions onto the actual benevolent, volunteer, altruist Superman... and criticizing his performance as not living up to the image of Tyrant Supes!


That's generally true, but Superman hasn't been a real force in cinema for so long that I don't think that's the case here. I genuinely think it's just people wanting more Marvel style and less gritty style.

I really wish that was true, but there's so many people you run across wondering why Man of Steel is not the same SUperman or style as Donner's films. Even critically it got slammed for that. Unfairly since I believe a movie should be judged on it's own merits.


Unconfirmed Member
Comic book come to life



You know what I now love the most about that scene? That not only did Superman completely punk Batman out but Bats also has to go and collect his doors. I'm almost sad because I very highly doubt that will be seen in the movie.


I don't think PBY has ever said anything good about this movie, so I don't know why you're trying to argue with him. He's always putting the movie down.

With that being said, Cavill's delivery was fine but didn't seem that threatening. Batfleck's voice was great though.


I don't think PBY has ever said anything good about this movie, so I don't know why you're trying to argue with him. He's always putting the movie down.

With that being said, Cavill's delivery was fine but didn't seem that threatening. Batfleck's voice was great though.

He sounded more annoyed than threatening to me. The way he looked at Batman before he spoke came off like he was irritated some asshole was running around dressed like a bat beating people up and branding them. Let's be honest, that is psychotic behavior. Within that world it makes sense for Superman. He's basically invincible and now that Zod is gone nothing on Earth (as far as he's aware) can oppose him. The concept of a Batman must seem extremely silly to him.


He sounded more annoyed than threatening to me. The way he looked at Batman before he spoke came off like he was irritated some asshole was running around dressed like a bat beating people up and branding them. Let's be honest, that is psychotic behavior. Within that world it makes sense for Superman. He's basically invincible and now that Zod is gone nothing on Earth (as far as he's aware) can oppose him. The concept of a Batman must seem extremely silly to him.

Is that Metropolis or Gotham? if thats Gotham, what's Supes business in Gotham? Might be a territory dispute.


Is that Metropolis or Gotham? if thats Gotham, what's Supes business in Gotham? Might be a territory dispute.

It's Gotham. When Batman stands up out of the Batmbile the pumps to the right say Gotham on them. I have no idea what the exact scenario is obviously but I'm really leaning towards the theory that Batman had done something that Superman really did not like so finds him and surprises him in Gotham and tells him to shut his operation down.
I now hate all new BvS threads. I'm going to try to keep away and post here. There really isn't anywhere else on the forum to have a decent discussion about the film besides this thread.

Cavills delivery is not so great. Seems a bit rushed and unemotional at the same time.

I absolutely loved him in Man from uncle. Maybe one movie he can be more lighthearted and can act like Napoleon. Probably not though

I think it was meant to be delivered flat. He doesn't look like he believes it himself or has mixed emotions.
He sounded more annoyed than threatening to me. The way he looked at Batman before he spoke came off like he was irritated some asshole was running around dressed like a bat beating people up and branding them. Let's be honest, that is psychotic behavior. Within that world it makes sense for Superman. He's basically invincible and now that Zod is gone nothing on Earth (as far as he's aware) can oppose him. The concept of a Batman must seem extremely silly to him.

This is the impression I got. Plus he was hit by Batman's freaking car. Of course he'd be annoyed. Honestly I don't see how people found Cavill's delivery bad unless you really thought he was going for angry.


Really cool clip. Cavill's lines were a little rushed but I can imagine Supes not liking saying those words and forcing them out.
I liked it, Cavill and Ben both look excellent. I'm just wondering what pissed off Superman so much, he's usually not one to give out threats lightly, even the man of steel take.

I'm guessing
he has to make it look good if Luthor has his Mom.

I also like the way this bat looks. He looks intimidating as fuck. I know some people prefer otter mode for whatever reason (better to leave that for Grayson), but this shit is like ripped right out of Jim Lee's page. My only complaint is the ears could be longer.
I think the new trailer and the new clip look great.

I feel like theres a lot of unduly nitpicking for clips out of context. I'm more impressed WB showed up with a clip of two comicbook characters talking. I thought the usual M.O with this type of stuff was just action clips.
Short scene version didn't bother me but im having trouble feeling the extended version.
They were trying hard to put Batman in a bad light with the seemingly racism and stupid ass branding badguys.

Then they put this extended version out and it doesn't try to get you to believe in Superman at all.
My reaction was honestly "Fuck off Superman"

Superman seems like the weakest point of this movie,
marketing for him is complete shit.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Don't wanna jinx it, but the OT thread might actually be going somewhere. People are actually discussing things. Granted it isn't much and still some really weird posts, but it's something.


Don't wanna jinx it, but the OT thread might actually be going somewhere. People are actually discussing things. Granted it isn't much and still some really weird posts, but it's something.

You got to put in the work and call people out, man. I've been at this all fuckin' night. I hate having to make people just talk about the movie.
Short scene version didn't bother me but im having trouble feeling the extended version.
They were trying hard to put Batman in a bad light with the seemingly racism and stupid ass branding badguys.

Then they put this extended version out and it doesn't try to get you to believe in Superman at all.
My reaction was honestly "Fuck off Superman"

Superman seems like the weakest point of this movie,
marketing for him is complete shit.

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