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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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While I don't think you're wrong about how a 3 year interval would have been terrible, it's worth noting the environment these films would have been released. Movies aren't released in a vacuum, which is why the complaint of the MCU having become stale could only be made now rather than a few years ago. 2014 was a banner year for the MCU with GotG and Winter Soldier but by the time AoU and Ant-Man came out in 2015, people wanted something fresh instead of something familiar. Back during phase 1, movies like Thor, First Avenger, and, to a much lesser degree, Iron Man 2 still felt somewhat new and fresh which greatly benefited their reception, as did the short intervals between each installment like you pointed out.

But even with all that in mind, it's a bit off to suggest that the consensus for phase 1 is that it's a mediocre product or even a homogenized product. We've had dozens of comicbook movie ranking threads and in every one, you'll find a wide range of opinions for all of them except IM2 and Incredible Hulk which only have a handful of fans.

We've come to the point where we have an embarrassment of riches as far as comic book movies go. For that reason alone, we're going to see all projects receive a lot more scrutiny from here on out. Heck, I'd argue the heightened scrutiny began last year. Standards are only going to get higher.

Literally did not say this. At all.

I really don't think it's far out to suggest the reception to phase one would have been a little harsher if fans had to endure a three year gap with what are generally considered two of the weaker movies bookending it. Especially when things like First Class, Days of Future Past, and TDKR would have been released in the interim.


Literally did not say this. At all.

I really don't think it's far out to suggest the reception to phase one would have been a little harsher if fans had to endure a three year gap with what are generally considered two of the weaker movies bookending it. Especially when things like First Class, Days of Future Past, and TDKR would have been released in the interim.

Apologies, I ended up editing that part after I wrote it and mistakenly embellished what you meant when you said that run of films was "rough." If you read my post though, you'll notice I didn't disagree with you, I just expanded on what you said, much like you've done here when you referenced some of the stiffer competition we've gotten as comicbook movies have grown in popularity.


New magazine cover/art

And excerpt about the destruction in MoS

“I stand by it, because for me, I’ve always said when I was working on ‘Watchmen’ — and maybe it’s sort of left over from a ‘Watchmen’ philosophical sort of thing — that there should be consequences to superheroes’ interaction with the earth,” Snyder explains. “And that was kind of the way that we approached ‘Man of Steel.’ I wanted a big consequence to Superman’s arrival on earth. Certainly, ‘Batman v Superman’ sort of cashes in all its chips on the ‘why’ of that destruction.”


Junior Member
Well in hindsight... that middle portion between Iron Man and The Avengers was pretty rough.

A lot of movies carried some allowance of, "It will be better once The Avengers is out" and then most of it was eh...

Not to hate on the MCU

But when you think about Hulk, Iron Man 2 and Thor were all back to back in the MCU

These Batman figures are so gnarly



Wow. That looks incredible. It's a shame it doesn't look like this in the movie.


It does to me. The difference is just the lighting.

When I first saw those figures I thought they were Arkham Knight gallery shots since that game has the same exact lighting.
Not at all. Affleck went overboard with the bulk (has no neck) and his face looks puffy in the cowl. Speaking of thw cowl, the movie one is round on the upper side while this one has some straightened edges on the front like the Bale one. Nothing that can't be corrected in the sequels.


Michael Caine was such a great Alfred.

The biggest travesty in TDKR was including the characters of Talia and Blake, instead of just using more time to focus on Gordon and Alfred. That movie could've been the best in the trilogy if they tightened up the script some more.
Michael Caine was such a great Alfred.

The biggest travesty in TDKR was including the characters of Talia and Blake, instead of just using more time to focus on Gordon and Alfred. That movie could've been the best in the trilogy if they tightened up the script some more.

I want to see Jonathan Nolan's rumored 400 page original script that Chris later chopped in half when he got his hands on it. If true, there is probably a better movie in there, but Chris decided to focus on the lesser parts.


I like the bat-armor :3

I hope we get a montage of him designing his gear, though maybe that'd come across too reminiscent of Iron Man

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I remember Amy Adams talking about how things would go quiet when Cavill would walk on set in costume during Man of Steel. People would just be in awe of him. Like he actually was Superman.

Who's actually the most imposing physically? Battfleck, Cavill or Momoa? Momoa is the tallest I believe and dude is also buff, add the menacing look, beard and all. Damn.




Seriously, these guys are huge. Flash isn't, but he isn't supposed to be. Love it.


Who's actually the most imposing physically? Battfleck, Cavill or Momoa? Momoa is the tallest I believe and dude is also buff, add the menacing look, beard and all. Damn.




Seriously, these guys are huge. Flash isn't, but he isn't supposed to be. Love it.

Momoa most likely. I believe not only is he tallest he also has the most mass.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Fun Fact: Snyder wanted Cavill to shave his chest in Man of Steel but Cavill said it was more 'Superman-ly' to have a hairy chest.


Awesome if true. Now only if he could convince Snyder that Superman needed a beard....


This is a non-thing but I thought it was interesting. WatchMojo listed their Top 10 Most Anticipated Events of 2016. Batman v Superman came in at #5. Only movie to make the list.

It's funny

Top 3 for Fandando
Number 1 for IMDB
Top 5 in China

And people still think this movie will somehow bomb.

Not saying will blow away expectations, but just don't see the logic. This movie is hotly anticipated for better or worse.
Hadn't noticed Martha in the SDCC trailer before. Appears to be her. Both parents are somewhat known for what we all imagine is a cameo. Who knows, Flashpoint might happen.
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