I think Ben looks fine. Every hero seems to get minor costume changes between movies, I wouldn't be surprised if they have Ben cut muscle if fans dislike it. They're going for that TDKR physique on purpose.
I think Ben looks fine. Every hero seems to get minor costume changes between movies, I wouldn't be surprised if they have Ben cut muscle if fans dislike it. They're going for that TDKR physique on purpose.
This one looks real good too!
Here's the Superman cover.
Evil and huge.He looks hella evil on that cover
The lighting + pose makes Supes look very "Bizzaro".
The lighting + pose makes Supes look very "Bizzaro".
The Long Halloween
Heart of Ice
Court of Owls
Are there any good storylines out there with the Riddler, that could have potential for a movie?
I don't actually mind how he looks for an older Batman. The idea that he builds muscle and becomes more of brute and less of a ninja makes sense to me.
But I'd love to get a flashback where he's wearing the suit like the mannequins do. That would be the definitive on-screen Batman.
Keep up brah:
if Batfleck was a killer there wouldn't be a Suicide Squad. Or he wouldn't be branding criminals, I think he just took that too literal.
Snyder wouldn't let Batman kill. There might be a couple of fake-outs, like The Dark Knight Returns, though.
The batwing looks like it's killing people in the SDCC trailer I think it was. I'll be seriously disappointed if this Batman kills, I think it's more likely Luthor is framing him.
The film might be cut to make it look like he's doing it, then a surprise reveal will be during the fight where Batman answers for all these "crimes" he's committed. It would certainly give incentive for Superman to stop him.
And from Empire
Unless Lex has control of the Batwing, which I doubt, he clearly kills the goons in the back of the turret mounted truck in the initial teaser trailer.
Also, those Dr Pepper comic strips or whatever might explain the difference, but I'll let people go search that out on their own.
Batman blows up half of Gotham in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight with his vehicles. It's nothing new.
I don't find it too doubtful, less intelligent people have done it before.
To be fair there wasn't anybody shown, so he gets the benefit of the doubt, though he really shouldn't be doing it. The SDCC trailer it's pretty cut and dry.
First chapterwhere can I see this prequel comic?
The more I look at the hot toys Batman the more I wonder where the hell they went wrong... looks downright terrible.
I would guess he became meaner after Jason's Batman becomes meaner after Metropolis. I can dig it.
Maybe he's just trying to get Supes attention.
Why don't the two henchmen just shoot him? Lame.