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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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BvS hype is strong, despite vocal detractors. All the BvS toy racks at my Walmart were out of stock when I went through there today.

Hoping we get some news with DC Rebirth this week. It's not directly tied to the films going by rumors, but I wouldn't be surprised if, say, the first Superman story dealt with Doomsday for the relaunch and they lifted ideas from the relaunch for movies.

Do we know when we will get news about that? I know Geoff Johns said soon but there's most people's version of soon and corporate soon...
Do we know when we will get news about that? I know Geoff Johns said soon but there's most people's version of soon and corporate soon...

Nah just vague hints. I'd like to think tomorrow, those little teaser announcements usually have a pretty quick payoff. Alternatively, they could be waiting for Marvel to drop their Dead No More news, though I think it's safe to say that DC's relaunch/event will generate more buzz.
Nah just vague hints. I'd like to think tomorrow, those little teaser announcements usually have a pretty quick payoff. Alternatively, they could be waiting for Marvel to drop their Dead No More news, though I think it's safe to say that DC's relaunch/event will generate more buzz.

Hmm kinda hope it's soon. I think anyone would be a fool not to expect a movie verse comic or two, but Rebirth has arguably more specific relationship to DC with GL and Flash. I feel like it'll be a character - holding out for Shazam Rebirth or something similar that could be movie related - and there will be a raft of new #1s and series.

Explains some things in the trailer
Hmm kinda hope it's soon. I think anyone would be a fool not to expect a movie verse comic or two, but Rebirth has arguably more specific relationship to DC with GL and Flash. I feel like it'll be a character - holding out for Shazam Rebirth or something similar that could be movie related - and there will be a raft of new #1s and series.

Yeah I think a Rebirth comic alongside a relaunch is due. Especially with John/Sciver working on something. I was thinking more JSA but I could see a Shazam Rebirth to kickstart his series. Maybe detailing him returning to his Greek Pantheon after Darkseid War. The rebirth name carries a lot of weight for DC business wise, maybe second only to Crisis.
Yeah I think a Rebirth comic alongside a relaunch is due. Especially with John/Sciver working on something. I was thinking more JSA but I could see a Shazam Rebirth to kickstart his series. Maybe detailing him returning to his Greek Pantheon after Darkseid War. The rebirth name carries a lot of weight for DC business wise, maybe second only to Crisis.

True. I mean even Darkseid War might as well be called Justice League Crisis or something of that ilk.
True. I mean even Darkseid War might as well be called Justice League Crisis or something of that ilk.

I'm still a little bit shocked by how ridiculously high-stakes Darkseid War has been. It's a crisis tier event playing out in one book and a handful of tie in oneshots. Madness.

I do hope that Shazam keeps his current crew, that was a fun book.


Armored Bat man from Hot Toys, goddamn its fucking glorious.





Hoping they fix the likeness because right now, and at the past convention, it looks more like Keaton in the armor than Affleck.

For comparison:

Mezco just announced these too:


Hoping they fix the likeness because right now, and at the past convention, it looks more like Keaton in the armor than Affleck.

For comparison:

I was wondering why he looked so familiar underneath the cowl but not at all like Affleck.


Yeah this Batman is looking deranged. Some people like that element of him having a few screws loose but I like my Batman sane and friendly, using fear to scare criminals but never taking pleasure from it.

But Batman is insane. I don't mean in this movie, I mean the character as a whole is an insane person.


But Batman is insane. I don't mean in this movie, I mean the character as a whole is an insane person.

I love batman stories/comic that acknowledge that Bruce Wayne is basically a crazy person. Batman 89 did this and it was fantastic, or at least Keaton played it fantastically.


Batman only works convincingly as someone who would run around in grey tights scaring thugs and beating them to a pulp if he's crazy. That's nothing a sane person would do.
Batman only works convincingly as someone who would run around in grey tights scaring thugs and beating them to a pulp if he's crazy. That's nothing a sane person would do.

Or the world is.


It kind of is.

Look, I'm not saying that he's the most... rational person out there, but it's perfectly believable for him not to be played as being outright unhinged like Keaton was.


I think this is where Bale's Bruce/Bat hit for a lot of people. He did what he had to do only for as long as he had to do it and then hung it up. That's out there but still somewhat reasonable behavior of a generally sane person.

Batman in almost every other iteration does what he does without missing a day. He continues on even when the world is full of other heroes who can cover Gotham. He even actively refuses help from those heroes. His best friend Superman he constantly tells to stay out of his city. You only do that if you love what you do and after a while it will take its psychological toll on you. Which in Batman's case is handled really well. He's paranoid and afraid of becoming like the people he goes after. He walks that line and refuses to cross it.

Affleck's Batman will likely be the one who comes closest to it which is what I'm excited for. A sane Batman doesn't struggle and I don't find that compelling.


I think this is where Bale's Bruce/Bat hit for a lot of people. He did what he had to do only for as long as he had to do it and then hung it up. That's out there but still somewhat reasonable behavior of a generally sane person.

Batman in almost every other iteration does what he does without missing a day. He continues on even when the world is full of other heroes who can cover Gotham. He even actively refuses help from those heroes. His best friend Superman he constantly tells to stay out of his city. You only do that if you love what you do and after a while it will take its psychological toll on you. Which in Batman's case is handled really well. He's paranoid and afraid of becoming like the people he goes after. He walks that line and refuses to cross it.

Affleck's Batman will likely be the one who comes closest to it which is what I'm excited for. A sane Batman doesn't struggle and I don't find that compelling.

Yeah Bale's batman had intensity but he came across mostly as righteous, determined, but also pragmatic. My understanding of Batman was never of a guy who started being Batman envisioning a day when he would quit which is basically how Bale's version plays out. Keaton mean while fully acknowledges that he knows being Batman makes no sense and he doesn't even know why he does it except that he has no choice. The little touches with the armor collecting, etc really help to sell the overall insanity.

I'm curious how Affleck will come across, but I'm not loving what I've seen so far. At least from clips, he seems to be overplaying Batman's intensity but then again this is a Zack Snyder film.


Hoping they fix the likeness because right now, and at the past convention, it looks more like Keaton in the armor than Affleck.

For comparison:

Mezco just announced these too:

That's what's been bugging me... that BatArmor and normal Batsuit Batman look terrible because it looks nothing like Affleck. The armored suit looks really good but Hottoys is usually on point but they royally messed up his face on this one.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
I'm curious how Affleck will come across, but I'm not loving what I've seen so far. At least from clips, he seems to be overplaying Batman's intensity but then again this is a Zack Snyder film.



That's what's been bugging me... that BatArmor and normal Batsuit Batman look terrible because it looks nothing like Affleck. The armored suit looks really good but Hottoys is usually on point but they royally messed up his face on this one.

I think the normal Batsuit, at least for Affleck's likeness, looks good. The problem with that one was the original reveal had the suit looking way too baggy but Hot Toys has been working on it since and it's improved a lot.


Not always.

adjective: insane

in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

When isn't he? The guy watched his parents get gunned down, went insane, and now dresses as a Bat to deliver justice in the night. There is no "person", there is no "Bruce Wayne", there is only Batman. Every social interaction is calculated so people don't question if he's Batman.
adjective: insane

in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

When isn't he? The guy watched his parents get gunned down, went insane, and now dresses as a Bat to deliver justice in the night. There is no "person", there is no "Bruce Wayne", there is only Batman. Every social interaction is calculated so people don't question if he's Batman.

Because that's not always true.

He's a character with a 75 year history, more if you're counting parallel appearances. There's been a lot of interpretations over the years.


The only time I've liked Crazy Batman is Arkham Asylum: A serious house... Because of the bizarreness of the circumstances of that night, the rest I like my Batman walking the line but not quite crossing it, like that one time he says he could quit anytime he wants.. But he just doesn't want to.


The only time I've liked Crazy Batman is Arkham Asylum: A serious house... Because of the bizarreness of the circumstances of that night, the rest I like my Batman walking the line but not quite crossing it, like that one time he says he could quit anytime he wants.. But he just doesn't want to.

There's an interesting little quote from Grant Morrison in the back of the Arkham Asylum anniversary edition where Morrison states that he doesn't think that crazy Batman should be the definitive version of the character, and that in his later portrayals of the character he wanted to preserve the characters "sanity and dignity." He also says that Bruce is probably better off if he becomes Batman than he would be if he didn't.

Personally I just don't like it when writers try and tarnish what is clearly supposed to be a heroic character. Same with the line of thinking where all of Batman's villains are somehow his fault.


I wouldn't call Batman insane, but I do appreciate when they address there's no fun in it for him. It's a compulsion, something that hurts him but his only option given he has nothing else to live for. He isn't some lunatic but a person who is the Batman as a coping mechanism.

Stories like Batman: Ego that deal with Batman trying to give up the cape and cowl express this quite well.


Batfleck doesn't look terrifying enough, which reminds me of the demon batman in Begins. What if batfleck had the opposite of deadpool's white eyes?





I wouldn't call Batman insane, but I do appreciate when they address there's no fun in it for him. It's a compulsion, something that hurts him but his only option given he has nothing else to live for. He isn't some lunatic but a person who is the Batman as a coping mechanism.

Stories like Batman: Ego that deal with Batman trying to give up the cape and cowl express this quite well.

That sounds insane.


I don't think this thread will be killed before the premiere, and then it will be appropriate. 1000 posts is a lot, 20 pages or something like that.
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