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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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filming has started? look like its time to track them down and try to take some pictures myself >:)

I missed watching get Transformers Age of Extinction filmed down here a few months ago, not missing this!

I can't wait to see her in costume...

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Looks like she has shoulder pads on. Either that, or she's legit gained shoulder width.
She also looks a lot taller...
Cautiously optimistic.


I thought MoS was pretty lame.. I'm hoping this movie is worth while. I'm excited to see new costumes and leaked photos of characters. The hype is more fun than the movie sometimes!

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.


So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

It's the greatest Superman movie ever. I love it to death.


So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

I thought It was pretty good...not top shelf superhero fare but still enjoyable. Certainly better then most of the standalone MCU films



I can't wait to see her in costume...

I feel like there was a mixup with this casting. Like someone was watching Furious 6 and then they said "that lady should be Wonder Woman" and some goofus ended up getting Gal Gadot instead of Gina Carano.

So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

It drags its feet too much at the beginning and the story is needlessly complicated with a whole race being in Superman's DNA. That said I flipped to it today on TV and it was half way through the Smallville fight. The action looks good and I had completely forgotten that he does in fact save a guy that falls out of a helicopter and that is pretty bad ass. I would have liked to have seen more of that. Also the giant Sears logo was gross. And all the fight scenes go on for way too long.

With Goyer apparently gone and Snyder teaming up with a better writer it is hard not to get hyped for the sequel(s).


So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.
I loved it I thought it was a great movie.
The only thing I don't like is the pacing at the beginning of the movie.


Gold Member
So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

Of course you're not the only one. MoS is fucking awesome.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad for enjoying that movie.


I feel like there was a mixup with this casting. Like someone was watching Furious 6 and then they said "that lady should be Wonder Woman" and some goofus ended up getting Gal Gadot instead of Gina Carano.


Funny... Gadot is the more suitable Wonder Woman in that pick you chose, and this is her modeling physique, before she added some muscle for the role. Not only that, but as much as there is a question mark on Gadot's acting ability, she's a better actress than Gina too. At least in Fast 6, which I was just watching again last night.

Assessing her levels of charisma and badassery in that movie reassured me that she'll probably do better than most think.


So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

The "internet" hates everything, nothing is off-limits. I've seen people say film-makers like Spielberg, Scorsese, Cameron etc are overrated and have never made a truly great film and guys like Brett Ratner or Michael Bay are misunderstood geniuses.

Man of Steel is an extremely divisive film. As a life-long Superman fan myself, I would prefer that over everybody outright hating it. If anything, it sparked conversations about Superman and what makes him the character that he is. As well as the relevance of a character who is a "boy scout" in an age where snarky/cynical/borderline dickish heroes are all the rage. To Marvel's credit, this is an aspect of Captain America that they've explored (albeit fleetingly) in the MCU - which I like. From a moral and ethical perspective, CA is practically identical to Superman, so there are some interesting parallels there.

I'm mixed on Man of Steel myself, it was two inches away from being a good film (not a great one) but just didn't quite make it. My hopes for Batman/Superman are higher than they were for MOS, mostly because Goyer's involvement is apparently smaller and Affleck had input on the script.


Seeing as how we have no real footage of which to judge her acting ability to portray Wonder Woman, from a purely cosmetic perspective Gadot looks really skinny (and I know cause I'm pretty friggin skinny myself). That said, I really hope Snyder doesn't pull another Ozymandias.


The "internet" hates everything, nothing is off-limits. I've seen people say film-makers like Spielberg, Scorsese, Cameron etc are overrated and have never made a truly great film and guys like Brett Ratner or Michael Bay are misunderstood geniuses.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the billions of people who use the internet and each have their own unique opinions about any and every subject.

But probably not.


"People" hate everything, nothing is off-limits. I've seen people say film-makers like Spielberg, Scorsese, Cameron etc are overrated and have never made a truly great film and guys like Brett Ratner or Michael Bay are misunderstood geniuses.

So am I the only one that actually likes Man of Steel? Actually I love it. Seen it multiple times and it's probably my favourite superhero movie ever. I know many people in real life that love it too, but as far as the internet goes all I see is hate.

I absolutely appreciate the job Snyder did but I felt the movie really suffered from the lack of comic relief moments. You could get away with this with many other super hero characters but not Superman. Especially because it had the burden of comparing itself to the the legacy of the Richard Donner films, films lauded for being fun. Moreover, I could understand why fans of the old movies hated the new incarnation. They came in expecting something more in tone with the old movies and got something completely different. Very similar to the people out there who hated Iron Man 3, thinking from the previews that there would be an epic villain in the Mandarin.

Also, it should be remembered that this movie was came on the heels of the mess that was the Bryan Singer film. Many fans hated it for being over the top and I have a feeling Snyder was trying to make up for that in his film. Despite its short coming, I do think that the film was great. Though perhaps the pacing of the action was a bit off, all in all it was a great super hero movie. After multiple viewings, I can easily say it's my favorite Superman movie to date. I just hope, moving forward, we can have a little more comedic relief.


I wonder if Zack Snyder will squeeze in this line from TDKR:

"You don't get it son! This is an operating table.....

And I am the surgeon."

I would lose my shit if Batman says that to Superman (or I guess Lex Luthor but I won't be as bad ass if he's beating up a kid).
Its all about presence. I completely bought Faora kicking Clarks arse, and tho she did work out immensely, she was still diminutive compared to Cavill. I'll wait to see how she looks in the suit (its going to be animated armour isn't it) anyway.


Least there's optimism but I haven't got too much of it.

I didn't know the bald + circular sunglasses was still a thing.

Its all about presence. I completely bought Faora kicking Clarks arse, and tho she did work out immensely, she was still diminutive compared to Cavill. I'll wait to see how she looks in the suit (its going to be animated armour isn't it) anyway.

Faora had the great look going for her. She showed character and charisma and she was easily the best kyptonian.
idk I feel that this movie is going to be too cramped, not because of the extra characters but the fact that Superman's development as a hero post Zod might be either crammed in or skipped entirely...

the guy destroyed central Metropolis so the citizens likely see him as an outsider not as a hero.

For me I would of made an extra movie before Batman vs Superman where Clark learns to control his powers, become less destructive when needed and gain the support of the citizen of Metropolis

They could of also added snippets of Lex, Star Labs getting funded more after the alien attack, and maybe some other snippets...

Heck I find B vs S kinda silly as an extra movie before JL... they could of made a MS 2 and then JL without the extra B vs S

Unless maybe Batman comes in the end after Superman does all these things I feel that the movie may feel too rushed
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