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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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So even Zimmer is being questioned now?

I sat in the theater so uncomfortable during the Metropolis battle. I felt nauseous. It was ridiculous. The score made me feel like it was shouting at me "LOOK AT THESE VISUALS!!!! ARENT THEY AMAZING, ISNT THIS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!"


I sat in the theater so uncomfortable during the Metropolis battle. I felt nauseous. It was ridiculous. The score made me feel like it was shouting at me "LOOK AT THESE VISUALS!!!! ARENT THEY AMAZING, ISNT THIS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!"

Isn't that good?

He's still the best man on the job right now alongside John ottman

Unless da gawd Danny elfman comes back. His work on Spider-Man, hulk and batman is just god damn
John Williams man, come on.
John Williams is of course the GOAT but I don't think he'll ever do another superhero theme

Giachinno hasn't done one either has he? That could go either way but I'm sure it would be really good

His music for apes was so bad though, but I think he could have done a good superman theme
John Williams is of course the GOAT but I don't think he'll ever do another superhero theme

Giachinno hasn't done one either has he? That could go either way but I'm sure it would be really good

His music for apes was so bad though

Giacchino did The Incredibles. Closest he's gotten to a super hero movie. Unless we count John Carter and Speed Racer.


I'll probably take a lot of shit for this but I think Giacchino is a pretty forgettable film composer. I *love* his LOST soundtrack and can pick out a couple dozen amazing, unique themes from that show off the top of my head. But I couldn't hum a single bar from anything he's scored for any movie, it all just blends together and nothing of his film work has ever stuck in my memory.
His John carter and Pixar one's are good but he's definitely the most overrated composer on gaf

Everything I hear from him sounds sort of derivative of his lost work

Edit: uhh actually I really like all of it lmao, but he's not as memorable as other composers
X-Men 1 introduced all of the X-Men, Magneto, the entire Brotherhood, and Sabretooth and it was well-received.

Yeah, questions of fidelity to the source material aside, this is not a good comparison.

The X-Men and the Brotherhood all have a single concept, mutation, that explains their powers and is at the core of their backstories and motivation. By contrast, the Justice League, much like the Avengers, is a hodgepodge of unrelated concepts: non-powered genius billionaire vigilantes, alien races, quasi-magical-ring-powered space policemen, humans accidentally acquiring superpowers, magic, mythological beings, long-lost ancient undersea civilizations, etc.

That's not to say that it's outright impossible to introduce characters based on more than one of those concepts in a single film, just that it's a lot harder to do unless you're departing from the superhero convention (and from Man of Steel, Kryptonians aside) and giving us a universe where those concepts are already firmly established. Which BvS is doing with Batman, to be fair, but not necessarily with other characters.
See, I don't see that working in live action. Can't see a human being going through a pillar or a wall. Batman can't take that physical abuse. He'll have to just talk.

If Nolan's Batman had Bane punching holes in a concrete pillar and Bruce shattering bricks with a kick, expect Snyder to push Batman's physical limits further. He did it with Watchmen and it was frankly inappropriate for that material.


See, I don't see that working in live action. Can't see a human being going through a pillar or a wall. Batman can't take that physical abuse. He'll have to just talk.
They're gonna have to bend the rules of reality for Batman in this series. This obviously won't be on a Nolan level of realism, but more akin to other action movies where guys have stupid amounts of invulnerability by real life standards. Batman being a 'superhero' with all the best gear can push it further.

Anyway, Snyder's the director. He'll make it like the source material without looking back.
I'll just leave this here


Ain't got a source right now, just got it off from a commenter at CBM


I sat in the theater so uncomfortable during the Metropolis battle. I felt nauseous. It was ridiculous. The score made me feel like it was shouting at me "LOOK AT THESE VISUALS!!!! ARENT THEY AMAZING, ISNT THIS THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!"

Man of Steel complaints make less and less sense as time goes on.
I'm actually not crazy about it. Would have preferred they went with black instead of blue but I'll hold all judgements until I see Batfleck in action.


I've always liked the more armored batsuits more but this looks fine also.
The batsuit in Arkham Knight gets me all giddy each time I see it :p


He's looking slightly left and slightly above parallel.

If you can't see it, maybe adjust the color/contrast settings on your monitor. I can see both pupils in both eyes.

*sigh* You may be right. I can barely see it, but it's there.

Just say he has white contacts that provide computer imaging, and then cg out his pupils. Is that so hard?!
Why does that say gray-blue has been "strongly rumored?" Every description, especially from people who have seen it like Kevin Smith, has confirmed gray and black.


Yeah only down side are his large sharp ears which look like he could impale someone with them.

It just looks like he has to duck down everytime he goes through a door. Or that the hood of the Batmobile might clip them if he tilts his head the wrong way.
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