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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Holy shit.
The thing I like about this Batman vs Superman is that there is no previous friendship between the two. This is literally Batman taking on Superman the first time without really knowing his character or the fully extent of his capability.

Even if Batman is the aggressor... he is still the heavy underdog in the "fight". I am very very curious as to how this all plays out.

Superman will handle Bats with relative ease.

Then Superman will say "I don't want to fight you Bruce Wayne, I'm not your enemy, Lex is" or something like that.
pet peeve that has nothing to do with anything:

The term "manip" fucking sucks. the rest of the world calls something that's been photoshopped a photoshop. Because they photoshopped it.

I blame the SuperheroHype assholes for this "manip" thing.

/Grumpy old fart


Superman will handle Bats with relative ease.

Then Superman will say "I don't want to fight you Bruce Wayne, I'm not your enemy, Lex is" or something like that.
That won't happen. It's the rule. The popular and most well known character gets the glory or the better moment. In this case, Batman is a billion dollar franchise, and the other is Superman who will only reach those heights because of Batman.


But can he turn his head?

And Batman will be fucking up Superman's shit in BvS. That's the only way to establish that Batman is a bad ass mutha fucker deserving to be on the Justice League despite having no super powers.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Probably. Looks like Batmans got his kryptonite alloy armor on ready to body some fool in red panties.

what red panties?

Also if that pic was taken from the con footage... that's f-ing sweet. WTF hasn't it leaked yet.



Didn't Snyder say there would be no Kryptonite?

Didn't know that. See now as much as I love Batman and dislike Superman I just can't be sold on him fighting Superman without making use of his only weakness. Bruce is just some human, awesome as he may be and it's impossible to 'fight' him. Unless Superman wants to lose, which also sucks.
All that shit is still 3+ years away, there's no need to announce it now and waste that early hype.

On that note, I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they expect Marvel to announce its 2017 and beyond slate today too.

I'm doubtful as well that they'll announce anything beyond 2016, but Marvel is in a very different position. They already have an established and successful universe, and we already know that they're going to keep releasing at least two films a year. WB is going two years with no DC releases, and they won't even confirm that Justice League is releasing in 2017 and is shooting back to back with BvS.

Their silence creates the impression, accurate or not, that they aren't really sure what they're doing once BvS is in the can.
Didn't know that. See now as much as I love Batman and dislike Superman I just can't be sold on him fighting Superman without making use of his only weakness. Bruce is just some human, awesome as he may be and it's impossible to 'fight' him. Unless Superman wants to lose, which also sucks.

He's vulnerable to magic as well. #batmanthegrey


The most way to do it would be to have WW and Bats tag team Superman with Diana doing most of the actual fighting while Bats gives tactical support.

Meanwhile, Luthor watches from afar with popcorn.


The best thing about that suit is that it hides Ben Affleck's butt chin.

Not that I personally have any problem with the chin but at least we won't have to deal with more "OMG DA BUTT CHIN" comments.


The best thing about that suit is that it hides Ben Affleck's butt chin.

Not that I personally have any problem with the chin but at least we won't have to deal with more "OMG DA BUTT CHIN" comments.

NOT SO FAST!!! You can clearly see chin cleavage. OMG DA TIT CHIN!


i wonder how many scenes are going to be word for word panel for panel from the comics
I at the very least expect the "may the best man win" line along with the "in your private moments" line.

In fact they should just make posters with Superman and Batman facing each other with the tag line at the bottom "May the best man win" just to feed into the marketing.


Jim Lee in an interview with Variety said:
How do you see comicbook movies vs. the source material?

“I know a lot of filmmakers will look at the source material and what we capture on paper and translate that entirely onto film, but it shouldn’t be a literal translation of the comicbooks themselves. We work in a medium that has no end. A film should have a beginning, middle and end and resolution until the next one comes out. We’re telling a story every single month. They’re different sensibilities.”

I agree with him, and I think this has always been DC's approach to film, games, TV, etc. People expecting a straight adaptation of TDKR are going to be disappointed.


Why wouldn't Superman just pick up Batman and throw him into the sun without kryptonite playing a roll somehow? It's like, ok you have armor and then ?????????????????

I'm bothered now



I never really got the who marvel vs dc. I love both. why do people have to only like one? Like don't most people love Batman AND Spiderman? Like iOS vs Android is more understandable since you are only gonna use one or the either but with comics you can read both at the same time! How great is that?
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