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Battlefield 2042 Season 1 Being Revealed Tomorrow

Sounds about right. Every time I log into the newest COD (which ain't much) I keep getting bombarded with new season shit, yet I have no idea what it all means. I just wanna pick my character, build up their weapons and play a fucking level. Is that too hard to ask for today?

Nothing stops you from doing any of that. The new season content is just new stuff to do and typically new stuff to buy for microtransactions.


Oh boy, season one……only 7 months after your game launched lmfao. Talk about some shit that needed an extra year. Sick of publishers launching unfinished games. Bf 2042 and halo infinite wont get a dime from me because of this


Wait is this their first dlc season?, man they are slower than 343.
Tends to happen when your leads and managers were patting themselves on the back after their internal mock reviews anticipated good reception to the steaming pile of shit anyone with half a brain could see that game was at launch.


Put the Portal maps into the main game ffs. They are wasted.
They did that last week already. Well, sort of.

As stated here: (June 2nd is when this went live)

Conquest 64 will be updated tomorrow with a new name, Exodus Conquest, and will now feature maps from Battlefield 3, and Bad Company in its rotations

🔹 Battlefield 3
Caspian Border
Noshahr Canals

🔸 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Arica Harbor


That's really not much for a seasonal update. Between BF and COD, the quality of seasonal content is degrading for both franchises. Its disappointing.


I respect the attempt, but man, I really do feel like it's too far gone. I truly do. I really wish they'd just give up on this, and focus on the next Battlefield game with a new/different perspective.
Nah, not in the days of literally broken titles the CP2077 and GTA the trilogy remaster, the Master Chief Collection etc. I’d like them to actually fix and add more to the game, no need for another BF title next year, just really tighten and tune this one up and restore SOME faith in the consumer.


Gold Member
You just know that there's gonna be some massive game breaking bug of some description. Happens after every new BF patch or content release.


Writes a lot, says very little
I'm actually surprised they have the courage to sell Premium Battle Passes.

Makes me wonder what the end game even is.

I get the idea of them moving on and joining the other half of DICE on that new BF game, but I also get why it makes sense to even correct this whole thing too.

Its a bad look that it took this long, but its a worse look if they never offered it at all yet moved on to another project that they want you to support, in light of them cutting support of another game.

I'll check it out if I have time and I'm sure many will have the trailer or teaser up.


With the MW2 trailer and Xbox showcase, incoming no one will remember this in a few days. How did they manage to fck up a franchise like this is beyond me.


Writes a lot, says very little
Legit, Because this game has pretty much no one left playing it. Prolly explains why 'Season' 1 is so lack luster.

Put the effort in get the effort out.

I'm actually doubtful of that.

I think with how poorly the maps were received, what ever they had planned for that DLC needed to be overhauled and its likely why we are getting 1 map and not like 3 or something. So this re-deign thing sound more likely then a player count thing as we've see games with more player count, still waiting on content. So I don't know if player count would be it in a situation where they are already telling you they are changing stuff like maps, I'd believe that would also extend to the maps already being made that we don't know about, as why change the current maps, yet roll out the maps already designed months prior that we already hate the design of?


What the hell are these "Seasons" these FPS games tend to go for? I see them on COD, Fortnite etc, but I have no idea what they actually achieve. I never remember them in the original Modern Warfare and it didn't hinder my experience. I played the living fuck out of those games. What do these seasons achieve for modern FPS's?

well for free 2 play games a new season usually means a new battlepass. (but paid games now have tose too... :/ )
but also usually these are used to introduce bigger changes to the gameplay in live service titles.

for example, Fortnite introduced new game mechanics last season and a new main game-mode. and the mechanics changes were made to directly support the new mode. it got a new faster sprint and a vaulting system, that were implemented due to the new "Zero Building" mode where you can not build anymore and which plays more like a traditional shooter.
due to the missing building feature players needed a way to get to cover faster and a way to climb up higher places, where before you'd simply build your own cover real fast or build a ramp to reach higher advantage points.

Apex Legends for example completely restructured its Ranked mode with the new season and introduced a new character (new Characters basically come every new season in Apex)
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Another 4 seasons minimum, as people paid for the mega expensive edition.

I had it pre-ordered till I played the beta, I dipped and refunded.

It's crazy how this went from the most hyped game off the year to well whatever is happening now.


Nah, not in the days of literally broken titles the CP2077 and GTA the trilogy remaster, the Master Chief Collection etc. I’d like them to actually fix and add more to the game, no need for another BF title next year, just really tighten and tune this one up and restore SOME faith in the consumer.
I mean, I can't disagree with that, I DID buy the game, haha. I just don't know if it can be done. Here's to hoping!
They need to make the base game F2P if they want people to play this. They sold the content to players already so they have to put out the next 4 seasons. And they are doing all that microtransaction stuff they had held back and battlepasses, so just relaunch with going F2P.


I mean at this point...you might as well release what has been worked on..but i really think they should be trying to go F2P..or at least some model of F2P...I really enjoyed Portal on day 1 when people were playing it.. Just so sad to see a franchised I followed from the beginning just fall apart to sheer incompetence.


Yep so the leak was accurate. I imagine the new character will be popular considering how annoying helis are in this game. I do play the game from time to time so I will take any content drop that they provide I suppose. I am sure the devs would love to drop this game and move on if it were not for the fact that they have a legal obligation from the ultimate packs that they sold. Game will be free(given away or on another platform like gamepass) or deeply discounted soon enough anyways.

This game really needs a big population to shine. While the game was broken at launch, those were the best times. Bots only existed in the beginning minutes of a match, if that.
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To be fair I really like the look of that new map but holy shit their own gameplay can't even keep up in framerate in the trailer. Oof.

I'm not expecting any redemption story with 2042 but maybe the existing playerbase (or those that have bought it but dropped it) will get something out of this content.
I just watched Jack Frags talk about it and even he sounded way less than impressed, although tried to see the good in it.

Whatever you were trying to do to save this game DICE, this ain’t it!

To be really clear, I would rather DICE come out and say, we really fucked this up and instead of focussing on content, we are going to put all of our resources into making this right and fixing what we have. This means delaying season one until Q3 2022.

No, we didn’t get that though.
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To be fair I really like the look of that new map but holy shit their own gameplay can't even keep up in framerate in the trailer. Oof.

I'm not expecting any redemption story with 2042 but maybe the existing playerbase (or those that have bought it but dropped it) will get something out of this content.
Just watched the trailer, and yeah, I'll admit that map looks pretty neat. But man, I really just don't know about anything else. I still really don't care for specialists with unique abilities in my Battlefield experience, lmao. If the reception ends up sounding positive, I'll give it another whirl, but I just really don't see it happening.

I WILL say, it looks like that new specialist's ability is a rocket the player can control like a Redeemer? At least that's what I got from it? That's one that I definitely dig. Because I'm always shocked that we haven't seen more games utilize something like that more frequently.
To be really clear, I would rather DICE come out and say, we really fucked this up and instead of focussing on content, we are going to put all of our resources into making this right and fixing what we have. This means delaying season one until Q3 2022.

No, we didn’t get that though.


But that is what they did. They put out a statement and everything that they were delaying the seasons and new content to work on the game.
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