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Battlefield 3 |OT| My Body is Advised

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zlatko said:
What's wrong with it? Did you try installing it ?
You are now ready to chat with Surjya.
you: hi?
you: hello?
you: i just waited an hour and a half for your support. please respond.
Surjya: Yes i am here.
you: thank goodness
Surjya: Could you please explain your exact issue ?
you: okay, so it seems that i've gotten a defective single player disk for Battlefield 3
you: Every time i try to play the campaign, it freezes on the first encounter.
you: i've tried installing it to my Xbox 360 hard drive, and it fails at 45% every time.
you: the disk is brand new, clean, and all that jazz.
Surjya: May I know are you trying to play the game in xbox?
you: Yes.
Surjya: In that case i would like to request you to please please replace your game from warranty
you: How do i do that
Surjya: http://help.ea.com/article/bf3-warranty-address
Surjya: Please contact us again if your issue persist again .


dmg04 said:
You are now ready to chat with Surjya.
you: hi?
you: hello?
you: i just waited an hour and a half for your support. please respond.
Surjya: Yes i am here.
you: thank goodness
Surjya: Could you please explain your exact issue ?
you: okay, so it seems that i've gotten a defective single player disk for Battlefield 3
you: Every time i try to play the campaign, it freezes on the first encounter.
you: i've tried installing it to my Xbox 360 hard drive, and it fails at 45% every time.
you: the disk is brand new, clean, and all that jazz.
Surjya: May I know are you trying to play the game in xbox?
you: Yes.
Surjya: In that case i would like to request you to please please replace your game from warranty
you: How do i do that
Surjya: http://help.ea.com/article/bf3-warranty-address
Surjya: Please contact us again if your issue persist again .

; ; Should have gone master race.
Finished the campaign. I mostly enjoyed it. The last part is wasted potencial but looks amazing. Some dumb AI but a fun story once Operation Guillotine kicks in. Also, near the end remember to hold spacebar not just tap it.


Anyone notice the Super Contra arcade board on the table when you cut the wires at the beginning of the game? Guess someone at DICE collects arcade games...


zlatko said:
I feel at this juncture that I wasted 50 bucks on just graphics and sound, because the actual gameplay on big maps with 64 players, or smaller player counts and smaller maps is just campers ahoy. The game does a poor job too to let me know where I'm getting shot from until it's too late. I'm also sick to death of getting the drop on a guy, shooting him up first, and then he plops me with 2 bullets.

I swear I'm shooting a tickle ray no matter what I try, and to top it off the class I want to play(sniper) feels like an afterthought to the rest. It's usefulness to the team and its ability to acquire kills is much shittier than in the Bad Company games. What level do I need to be to get a sniper rifle that = 2 shot kill and is semi automatic like the starter? Trying to lead targets and dump 3 bullets into someone who is in motion is a waste of ammo. Plus you have to take into account bullet trajectory depending on if you are higher or lower than who you are shooting at, and it just becomes more of a chore than it should be.

:/ I can get more sniping done with a Scar than the starting snipers.

Or maybe you are just shit, running around with your cock out giving away easy kills.


dmg04 said:
Got it through amazon. Not even going to bother.

im sure Amazon would send you out a replacement copy asap.

they are good with this kind of stuff. im sure you could keep the copy you have to play until you got the replacement as well.


Alright I picked it up for €35 from Greenmangaming, but now I am looking for bro's since noone I know uses Origin. So, feel free to add me GAF. Origin ID = DonDivius. I'm from the EU.

Also, Is there/will there be a GAF server? US or EU based?

Downloading this sucker now, ETA 1 hour.


kitch9 said:
Or maybe you are just shit, running around with your cock out giving away easy kills.
I think it's important for developers to make the game fun for shit players so that good players have more bad players to kill.


jokkir said:
Does anyone else experience stuttering in Single Player? Like when I start the game and it shows the "EA" logo, it randomly stutters. In the game during a cutscene it stutters, or even when in a mission.

It gets annoying after a while :\

Oh, and no, the game doesn't stutter during multiplayer which I find really odd.

I had 0 issues with single player. I played it on ultra for 90% of the game - lowered it down to high for the rainy part as all that water is pretty taxing.

I just finished the single player and had no crashes the entire time - and played 5 games earlier online - no real issues there either (just difficulty connecting to servers sometimes on the first try).

I'm running: AMD 955 Black OC'd, Geforce 460 GTX OC'd, 8 GB DDR3, and the game is installed on a SSD. I'm also using the latest video drivers from http://tweakforce.com instead of the crappy stock nvidia drivers (I never use them).

Random screenshot of the game on ultra. No spoilers in it as you won't have any idea what's going on or where it is until you're there.



FlyinJ said:
That may be what is causing the horrible stuttering after you play the game for more than 30 minutes.

I did notice that Origin was taking 10-20% CPU and Firefox would take between 5-30 CPU at times. Maybe when they both decide to spike the CPU it causes the stutter too.

Pretty crappy.

Can you kill off Firefox once you're in a game?

Yes, you can kill the browser as soon as the game client starts if you're starved for memory.


Been playing TDM. Really fast ranking and unlocking to be had there. Not as much fun though. They really shrink the maps for TDM. And there's some kind of glitch or weirdness where you'll have the other team spawn on you. I got a lot of dirty kills that way.

Oh also ran into my first aimbotter today. He was going 30-0 and ending the TDMs real fast.


Just beat the singleplayer. Some of the QTE's are fucking atrocious, but other than that it was pretty good. The set pieces are really what makes the game enjoyable.


&Divius said:
Alright I picked it up for €35 from Greenmangaming, but now I am looking for bro's since noone I know uses Origin. So, feel free to add me GAF. Origin ID = DonDivius. I'm from the EU.

Also, Is there/will there be a GAF server? US or EU based?

Downloading this sucker now, ETA 1 hour.
We have a european GAF platoon, join us: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391300797177/

And even though the community server is located in the US, it didn't feel like that at all.


Nafai1123 said:
Just beat the singleplayer. Some of the QTE's are fucking atrocious, but other than that it was pretty good. The set pieces are really what makes the game enjoyable.

There was just one moment in the game that annoyed the shit out of me.

You were too slow! So-and-so got away!

Urg. Fuck that part.


I just finished the single player on normal. It was very enjoyable except for a few scenes were I died constantly in unfair situations. That and quick time events - they were atrocious. The end was pretty abrupt and felt a bit empty. Still, there were some great missions.

Now to play Multiplayer for the next year or more....


Anyone having jitter issues with mouse movement? It doesn't seem to be performance related, it just bounces all over the place if I move and look around at the same time. Edges go crazy.


Arment said:
Nice. Thanks. Looks like there's going to be a Razer giveaway soon too.

just as im getting a Razer mouse today! never used a gaming mouse before i currently use a 5 year old wireless logitec mouse that came with my keyboard... so hoping i notice the difference :p


Had my first run in with cheaters on a German server, on Metro Conquest he teleported everyone on top of the station to a non combat zone and we fell to our deaths killing us all instantly. Occasionally blew us up with C4 and the hacker was 24-0 before I left.

Reminiscent of my Counter-Strike days.


Junior Member
dmg04 said:
What the fuck is wrong with this game?

Earlier i had issues with my Xbox freezing due to the servers going down.
Booted up campaign, jumped through the window, and bam. Frozen.

What the fuck is wrong with this game? Is it my copy? Is it my xbox? Is it poor ass software? This happened once every 2 or so hours in the beta. Now it's happening again in the retail.

Fix your shit, DICE.

Man, i'm sorry but I think you're XBOX is dying. Slowly, and painfully...


Man if you turn your sensitivity up on PS3 the aiming gets really bad really fast :/ It goes from being linear to having a low sensitivity zone in the center and very high sensitivity on the outside. Feels really disconnected
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