To a certain degree this is definitely true, but you're probably willing to admit that survivability and K/D don't always have a linear correlation ie. I'm certain there are a lot of people with an average K/D between 1.5 and 2.0 who would stomp some people who choose their fights with K/D in mind and thus hover closer to a 3.0 ratio. Not to mention something like rush, where a superior K/D certainly helps, but maintaining that K/D is a lot more difficult when you attack.
I'm not arguing K/D doesn't matter at all, I'm arguing that staring at a number and basing your evaluation of a player on that statistic gives you a very skewed idea of their skill, and thinking you're a bad player because you have a lower K/D is a bit silly. Depending on the role I choose to play in a match my K/D varies wildly between 1 and 3, but that usually has no bearing on how valuable I was to my team in winning the match.
and i fly the transport choppers all day everyday in Conquest modes barely getting kills but i still get a good amount of points and have a big impact on winning the map for our team.
KD Ratio is not that important in Battlefield. I would look at the SPM(score per minute) ratio instead to see who is a decent player.
The "skill" number would be nice if it would work properly.