i still haven't unlocked those guns. i need to get the REX for an assignment...
You can finish it in an afternoon on Easy. Just abuse the spot/squad attack order if doing it on Hard. Easy-peasy.
i still haven't unlocked those guns. i need to get the REX for an assignment...
You get the Rex pretty early too... not like the others where you have to play a bunch.
Nah, the other two are just redoing the ending. Which is only an issue with the save corruption thing if you don't back up after finishing.
Right... but you have to get to the ending. Was my point. lol
Not if you save at the checkpoint before the ending (which is pretty obvious), back up the save. Do one ending. Should save to Battlelog. Redo with backed up save. Boom, both done from the checkpoint at the end.
Playing the one round triggered the award of all the service star battle packs (remember that promise from months ago?) that you were owed.So I log in to Battlelog to play the new maps, at this point I have 1 unopened battlepack.
I exit the game, and when I come back and log in to Battlelog:
why can't I hold all these battlepacks.jpg
So I log in to Battlelog to play the new maps, at this point I have 1 unopened battlepack.
I exit the game, and when I come back and log in to Battlelog:
why can't I hold all these battlepacks.jpg
Service stars. You just started after the patch which brought that in a year after DICE intended it.
Playing the one round triggered the award of all the service star battle packs (remember that promise from months ago?) that you were owed.
whoda thunk mcc would be more broken than bf4
makes me teary eyed
I don't think it was posted before, but this is quite stupid.
What are the dogtags people are talking about?
Are they the gold ones?
And if that bow doesn't unlock for everyone who has done the other three phantom assignments when the first group of no-lifers makes it into the room then DICE can eat a dick.No.
They're the ones you find in the map (GOOD FUCKING LUCK) of Final Stand that are NEEDED for the Bow room of Phantom Program.
And if that bow doesn't unlock for everyone who has done the other three phantom assignments when the first group of no-lifers makes it into the room then DICE can eat a dick.
And if that bow doesn't unlock for everyone who has done the other three phantom assignments when the first group of no-lifers makes it into the room then DICE can eat a dick.
They made the GOL assignment. One shudders to think what else they have in mind
In my 100- hours of playing this game, i have never gotten a kill with a jet.Once people figured out you don't need to exactly be ON the tower (just IN it) for Caspian, that became somewhat easier.
But the Jet requirements for non-pilots? Fuck outta here, DICE. ;___;
Once people figured out you don't need to exactly be ON the tower (just IN it) for Caspian, that became somewhat easier.
But the Jet requirements for non-pilots? Fuck outta here, DICE. ;___;
There are so many ways to do this, even if you suck it's doable. I suck at almost everything in this game and if I got the 20 kills (and the 3 ribbons for the UCAV) then ANYONE can do it!
I'm thinking I'm going to have to dive bomb my KDR in Hanger 21 against pods. But I simply REFUSE to sit there and be some pro-pilot dick's toy while attempting to get these kills.
lol this makes so much more sense, I just saw that I had toooooons of battlepacks and I was so damn confused. I'm unlocking so much shit!
I also like the battle pack style where you open each item individually!
I've gotten some of the hidden dogtagsby knifing people who have them. I have four of them from Karelia it looks like. Think 3 of them had it...think I knifed one guy twice.
Paracel Storm or any Naval Strike map with attack jets (laser guided missiles) or stealth jets if you have the laser guided unlocked for them.
Naval strike in particular has a lot of boats with passengers that will get you a kill, even if you don't destroy the boat with one pass. You can also look for attack boats in situations where they might've taken damage (trying to get a flag) and your laser guided missiles (60 damage) might kill it and give you 1-4 kills.
If you find yourself in a map with the opposing team having an ace pilot, just leave and try another server. It's annoying and will take time but if you set your mind to it, you'll get it done in a week at worst.
You don't own them that way. You have to be able to EQUIP them for the room which that method won't give you.
Had a lovely little moment where i shot up 1 infantry with the jet, crashed it into another and then took out the remaining 2 guys capping E. Then i got shot by a recon from across the map lol
Once people figured out you don't need to exactly be ON the tower (just IN it) for Caspian, that became somewhat easier.
But the Jet requirements for non-pilots? Fuck outta here, DICE. ;___;
I have put ~500 hours into BF4. I love this game. However the latest Final Stand maps and environment just suck. IF BF5 is more of this I will not be happy.
jet assignment was easier than perfect landing.
This ESL BF4 tournament is sooo boring; never heard of any of these players.
I don't get how BF4 barely gets 1000 viewers any other day, but every time there is an ESL thing 3000 people pop up to watch. wat
oh fook they got the bow unlocked. the code is 1290 429 397648 970
oh fook they got the bow unlocked. the code is 1290 429 397648 970
Is anyone else having a problem connecting to multiplayer on PS4?