If you're okay with your $35 purchase crashing on you every hour or so, then sure, go for it.B4 ps4 for 35 GAF, yay or nay? quick please...!
If you're okay with your $35 purchase crashing on you every hour or so, then sure, go for it.B4 ps4 for 35 GAF, yay or nay? quick please...!
B4 ps4 for 35 GAF, yay or nay? quick please...!
If you're okay with your $35 purchase crashing on you every hour or so, then sure, go for it.
ok, what's the status of the game like now? Still broken?
I wanna pick this up with my ps4 =/
Played for about 5 hours last night and had it crash once. Had a ton of fun though.ok, what's the status of the game like now? Still broken?
I wanna pick this up with my ps4 =/
Anyone else having problems connecting? US at least?
How's the Xbox One version holding up? can you play 64 player CQ?
So... Double XP week stacks with boosts. I dumped a 25% boost but that doubled, too. Instead of 125% I'm getting 150%. I will dump my 200% when my friends get on and I technically should be at 500% total.
How's the Xbox One version holding up? can you play 64 player CQ?
When you are in a game press options and look in the bottom right corner. Go over to it and it should show you all the boosts you do you activate a boost?
Seems all version have trouble. It crashes on all platforms.
xbone version has frame rate problem all the 64 maps.
So gaf, is this a game problem or is my ps4 melting?
Bought my ps4 yesterday, played kz fine, played ghosts fine, played resogun fine, however during a round of conquest on paracel storm I spawned with artifacting coming from the antenna of the OP boat type thing. It went away within a few seconds and hasn't been seen
It seemed network related as I was rubber banding, is this possible?
Should I be worried?
So gaf, is this a game problem or is my ps4 melting?
Bought my ps4 yesterday, played kz fine, played ghosts fine, played resogun fine, however during a round of conquest on paracel storm I spawned with artifacting coming from the antenna of the OP boat type thing. It went away within a few seconds and hasn't been seen
It seemed network related as I was rubber banding, is this possible?
Should I be worried?
I've had zero connection issues in the last 3 days or so. The game is a ton of fun.
Did they release another patch today or something? Last thing I want is to wind up with a corrupt save file, would hate to lose time spent when NBA2K14 and COD are perfectly it! I really do not have any issues lately. such a fun game
Highly regretting picking this game up. It's been in its wrapper for a week due to all the complaints I've been reading in this thread, and it's gone on sale since then on my FPS platform of choice (PC). Sounds like DICE has a huge problem on its hands. Hoping they'll figure things out sooner than later, because I'd really like to play this.
play it! I really do not have any issues lately. such a fun gameHighly regretting picking this game up. It's been in its wrapper for a week due to all the complaints I've been reading in this thread, and it's gone on sale since then on my FPS platform of choice (PC). Sounds like DICE has a huge problem on its hands. Hoping they'll figure things out sooner than later, because I'd really like to play this.
My experience so far: 2 crash in six hours full of bliss.
I had zero issues this afternoon. All the problems hit tonight for some strange reason.Played for about 4 hours straight earlier today without a single issue. Game is amazing now.
Won't be opening my PS4 until Christmas but I grabbed one of the BF4 Amazon codes anyway, I'm expecting all issues to be resolved by then. What about this party system I keep hearing about though, has DICE said anything about it cause it sounds terrible?
Won't be opening my PS4 until Christmas but I grabbed one of the BF4 Amazon codes anyway, I'm expecting all issues to be resolved by then. What about this party system I keep hearing about though, has DICE said anything about it cause it sounds terrible?
Fucking hell I really want to pick this up but it's a sad state of affairs Dice is shitting this release up to the maximum.
Why can we not get consumer organizations informed about this product blatantly not working and almost no response from DICE?
If the single player doesn't work, and the multiplayer doesn't work then how the FUCK can they sell this shit in stores and actually get away with it?
I mean gamers supposed to have a bigger voice in all this, let them know we aren't going to stand for this fucking bullshit.
Problem is, next to Killzone what other PS4 game do I buy :/. Certainly not Knack ( looks to short and uninteresting for 60 euro's ), AC4 ( played this a bit on PS3 and while it's cool it's not worth 60 to start again at 1080p. ) or NFS Rivals ( the PS3 game sucks, and while the PS4 version is probably better, Most Wanted or Hot Pursuit seem like the better games )......
Yeah seems like some great Q&A Frances :/ :/ :/.
The game is working much better on PS4 now. Conquest is awesome.
Anyone have any tips for those Slam things the engineer class has? Are they just like mines??? I noticed you can set them on walls. Do they require a separate explosion to detonate???
yayB4 ps4 for 35 GAF, yay or nay? quick please...!
Game bug I am assuming since every other game I have doesn't do this. I frequently get green flashing squares that look like checkered flags when on the spawn map after pressing X to designate a location. It's not jarring or anything but its weird. Seeing how many issues this game has it's not surprising.
Also, neither is the level design. In Siege of Shanghai, the main spectacle of the map is the giant building and the "LEVOLUTION (OMG)" that occurs when you take the base. Unfortunately, the bases are underground so if you are doing your job (as you should be), you will not get to witness it. It's absolutely idiotic that they did this as everyone is fighting in the basement of the mall and will not get to see it happen unless you slack off outside.
do not be alarmed, I come in the name of the lord...but nah. shit like that happens when the servers are fucking up. i had a piece of the damn that broke floating in the sky for a couple seconds then the game kicked me out lol
Yeah.If I buy premium today, will I get all four of the perks from Nov.?
If I buy premium today, will I get all four of the perks from Nov.?
Battlefield thread, man. Issues thread, at that. There's an OT floating around for BF4 game discussion.Contrast and Resogun are staying on as the PS4 freebies I believe for December.