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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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Just have 2.0 and et tu brute (knife 5 friends) left...so let's say I send friend requests to these fools I've already knifed 2-3 times and enough of them accept. Win?
The Faceless Master said:
in the demo, you didn't need to do that, you could just sprint-jump up the hillside.

you can still get up on the hills between the 2nd and 3rd bases too, as long as you park a vehicle just right... from there, you can get all the way around to the far right of the 3rd base, and even all the way up and behind the 4th base, all the way to the helipad.

there's all sorts of map goodies on many of the maps. some very known, some not so much... nowadays, everyone seems to know you can just drive down the river and around back on Laguna Presa, so much so that i get kills from putting AT Mines down there.
Thanks for that, I'll have to experiment a bit with my vehicle parking I guess :D


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I have yet to know what the hell Faceless is talking about "driving around the back" in Laguna Presa. I keep driving under the bridge to get around and stuck in trees in out-of-bounds and suicide in the process. *siigh*

Came back to this today for about five minutes. First game I joined was lag city with the killcam itself lagging along with teammates lagging. Popped the game out and went back to Uncharted 2. It's a shame, as I really want to play Bad Company 2. But if I can't make shots without them not-registering (but the game showing I'm firing) and can't move, I won't play.
TheSeks said:
I have yet to know what the hell Faceless is talking about "driving around the back" in Laguna Presa. I keep driving under the bridge to get around and stuck in trees in out-of-bounds and suicide in the process. *siigh*

Came back to this today for about five minutes. First game I joined was lag city with the killcam itself lagging along with teammates lagging. Popped the game out and went back to Uncharted 2. It's a shame, as I really want to play Bad Company 2. But if I can't make shots without them not-registering (but the game showing I'm firing) and can't move, I won't play.
on the infamous 3rd base, in the jeep or quad, you take the high road, going towards the bridge. then you take the slight left down that foot path right before the bridge and make a slight right to avoid the tree, drive over the rocks and then just drive down the river bed until you get to the back of the base. when you see the road, make a hard right and drive right up the back road. should take 7-8 seconds.



Ah, I forgot how much I love this game!

I was on Isla Inocentes attacking the first island. We already destroyed A and we were having a hell of a time destroying B. Someone on my team was able to plant while I was over by A behind the shack with only 8 rounds left for my smg. I somehow manage to run up the stairs, kill a guy that started shooting at me, follow behind the enemy team the ENTIRE way down the stairs and over to B. Three enemies were huddled around the bomb trying to defuse. I sprint over, knife one of them, then knife another one before the third guy finally kills me and the bomb blows up. :lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Faceless Master said:
on the infamous 3rd base, in the jeep or quad, you take the high road, going towards the bridge. then you take the slight left down that foot path right before the bridge and make a slight right to avoid the tree, drive over the rocks and then just drive down the river bed until you get to the back of the base. when you see the road, make a hard right and drive right up the back road. should take 7-8 seconds.


Ohhhhh, I see now. I should try that sometime. Maybe when the PS3 servers stop acting up. :|


Mw182006 said:
Just have 2.0 and et tu brute (knife 5 friends) left...so let's say I send friend requests to these fools I've already knifed 2-3 times and enough of them accept. Win?

They needed to be your friends before you knifed them, it doesn't work if you do it in reverse like you want too.


Taking a bit of a break. We've been playing for a while (5 or 6 gaffers) with no lag. I had a pretty epic moment today, but a retarded team so it was wasted, but bad ass all the same. First of all, I got not one, but TWO 8+ kill streaks. So now I only need 3 more combat excellence pins and I've got my 50.

So, I'm on Isla (seems to be the bad ass map of the day) at the second set of mcoms. I take the high road along the right side (jumped onto the ridge) and run to the enemy base. I shoot an assault, then an engineer, jump down and kill a medic, kill another assault... and now I just lost count. I was destroying them left and right. I think I got 13 or 14 kills in a row before I finally got sniped by someone. I ended that game with 3 combat efficiency pins, a nemesis pin, and a combat excellence pin.

Team was so bad that they couldn't even get over the hill to the last set of mcoms. They armed A once the entire time. I don't even think anyone was piloting the helicopter either (I know I took it out with the UAV at least once).


Go to a new server and we play against these douchebags on arica harbor that are straight up C4ing ALL of the mcoms (they had 47 tickets left on one they C4'd). They ended up winning only because of their extremely lame tactics. The entire team was fucking easy; we were kicking their asses the whole match.

We got em back, though. Me and crak just land mine'd all of their mcoms and then when we were defending we locked their asses out and shut them down on the first set. Most of them rage quit when we went to Laguna Presa.

Overall, some good games tonight. I was fucking all these douchebags up. When I fuck people up, you know they suck. :lol
TheSeks said:
Ohhhhh, I see now. I should try that sometime. Maybe when the PS3 servers stop acting up. :|
Don't forget to cut laps at the top there in the humvee (in 3rd person view of course) while laughing maniacally. Watch the road kills pile up :D
Ballistictiger said:
I played about 2 games with TKAwesome then I stopped anyways. About an hours play.

Hell yeah you did, that last match was a photo finish. We were the only people in the game too, the rest of our team were hanging out at the spawn point the whole match.
We had a couple of people doing that today also and even when my friend was playing on my PS3. Half his team were recons :lol

One thing I notice and my friend also. He has his own account of my PS3 and have no VIP attached to his account, but a week ago he was able to access VIP maps like Nelson bay and Laguna Presa. He still can, it's like he got VIPed out of nowhere.

Is it open to everybody now or did he lucked out or something?


Mw182006 said:
So you still get your 2.0 kills if you die as well? I'm assuming there's no way to get out of the attic? Or do you bolt when you see them coming and try to make it outside?
Yes part of the tactic is getting -10 points if you catch my drift. But , I say there is about a 75% chance of getting a 2.0 kill.


Ah, the spam is finally over. For those of you nerds out there, clamd crashed on my VPS and was sending me a message every 3 minutes going, I HAVE CRASHED AND YOU NEED TO FIX ME (pretty much). I get those email on my blackberry too, so my phone kept going off. Really annoying.

Sad thing is, the site ran so smoothly for so long (it's a managed VPS) that I never needed to login. And now, when I actually needed to, I've forgotten all the login info :lol

The system admin I was talking to was probably shaking his head at me. I'm like, dude, I have to remember a looooot of passwords and shit. I can't remember one that I haven't used in over a year :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I tried to play last night... lag again. :(


Fersis said:
I tried to play last night... lag again. :(

Was great for us. You're in South America, right? I'd think that you would be getting some lag no matter which american server you played on. When I was in south korea I always had some lag playing BC2, but it was always stable enough where I could play the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
1stStrike said:
Was great for us. You're in South America, right? I'd think that you would be getting some lag no matter which american server you played on. When I was in south korea I always had some lag playing BC2, but it was always stable enough where I could play the game.
Dunno dood, the game worked perfectly until the patch. I had no lag whatsoever until that.



You have the two providers, right? I'm sure you can get some of their IP addresses relatively easy (generally, their own website for one). Just do a traceroute to the them both and see what kind of latency you're getting.


bfbcs.com just added a new section to the stats page called "next events"... pretty cool, shows the 8 stars you're closest to getting and how many kills you need to get it. I didn't realize i was so close with a bunch of the assault rifles....


greenjerk said:
bfbcs.com just added a new section to the stats page called "next events"... pretty cool, shows the 8 stars you're closest to getting and how many kills you need to get it. I didn't realize i was so close with a bunch of the assault rifles....

That's pretty rad. The only things I care about in my "next events" section are heavy vehicles and the saiga. The rest of them are rather undesirable for me, which is why they are where they are :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
1stStrike said:
You have the two providers, right? I'm sure you can get some of their IP addresses relatively easy (generally, their own website for one). Just do a traceroute to the them both and see what kind of latency you're getting.
Every game works fine online, its just BFBC2 with crazy lag.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I wasn't any good yesterday... and the lag was real mild. Missed opportunity.

Probably because I was trying to get stars on all weapons and using LMG's makes me want to end myself. Man, I can't wait till I'm done with those. And then I only have the pea shooter semi auto sniper rifles left. (which I also hate)


recklessmind said:
I wasn't any good yesterday... and the lag was real mild. Missed opportunity.

Probably because I was trying to get stars on all weapons and using LMG's makes me want to end myself. Man, I can't wait till I'm done with those. And then I only have the pea shooter semi auto sniper rifles left. (which I also hate)

Yea, and you suck at driving Bradley's.

For those that weren't there, this is out it went.

"Dude, wait, stop. I'm trying to -- no, no don't drive up, we're getting shot at -- WAIT WAIT" *BOOM*



TheThunder said:
Cool stuff.

Also wow I still have another vehicle perk to unlock after the next one, I thought Optics was the last one.


No dude, you still need the glory of alternate fire. It gives you rockets on the bradley (which do a shit ton of damage), guns on the tank (which is nice when you're trying to hold off multiple people between you and the gunner, or just don't have a gunner), guns on the UAV so you can fly around and annoy the shit out of people, etc. :lol


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
1stStrike said:
Yea, and you suck at driving Bradley's.

For those that weren't there, this is out it went.

"Dude, wait, stop. I'm trying to -- no, no don't drive up, we're getting shot at -- WAIT WAIT" *BOOM*


I should tell my side of the story...

It all began with some recon douche intentionally crashing the Hind nearly on top of us (we'd been ripping it up) and then making a mad suicidal sprint straight toward our Bradley. Now maybe my instincts were wrong, but I figured he meant us harm in the form of a quick C4 murder suicide. So I rammed that shit into reverse, crashing into all sorts of rocks, houses, and things trying to get away from the jihadist and was able to kill him. Meanwhile stirke is yelling at me "what are you doing".

I'm like, "Bro I had to kill that recon guy".

Strike asks, "What recon?"


Then after that we start moving up the hill and shooting some dudes... mortars land right behind us so I drive up the mountain into an RPG shower. :lol

Strike is mad, we are both dead, and I admit maybe I advanced too far.

Either way we were getting rolled in that server, and we quarreled, but I think we are still friends.
1stStrike said:

No dude, you still need the glory of alternate fire. It gives you rockets on the bradley (which do a shit ton of damage), guns on the tank (which is nice when you're trying to hold off multiple people between you and the gunner, or just don't have a gunner), guns on the UAV so you can fly around and annoy the shit out of people, etc. :lol
But I already have that. It came with that EA code.


recklessmind said:
I should tell my side of the story...

It all began with some recon douche intentionally crashing the Hind nearly on top of us (we'd been ripping it up) and then making a mad suicidal sprint straight toward our Bradley. Now maybe my instincts were wrong, but I figured he meant us harm in the form of a quick C4 murder suicide. So I rammed that shit into reverse, crashing into all sorts of rocks, houses, and things trying to get away from the jihadist and was able to kill him. Meanwhile stirke is yelling at me "what are you doing".

I'm like, "Bro I had to kill that recon guy".

Strike asks, "What recon?"


Then after that we start moving up the hill and shooting some dudes... mortars land right behind us so I drive up the mountain into an RPG shower. :lol

Strike is mad, we are both dead, and I admit maybe I advanced too far.

Either way we were getting rolled in that server, and we quarreled, but I think we are still friends.

Psh, you haven't seen me quarrel yet. That was just mild annoyance :lol

Still, the whole backing into everything and freaking out was unnecessary. Just had to spot the guy, I'd have shot him with the guns (or just hopped out of the bradley and killed him) and then I'd have resumed picking people off whenever they poked their heads over the hill.


TheThunder said:
But I already have that. It came with that EA code.

Then wth are you missing? Smoke? I thought alt fire came after optics. *scratches his head*

Shit starts to blend together after a while
MrPing1000 said:
I got the game this week for pc.

Whats with the random connection loss every hour or so? It's very frustrating.

Never had that problem, PC connection for the most part works great.

PS3 Patch incoming tomorrow (a hint of things to come for all platforms?):


On Thursday 3rd June the PlayStation 3 Bad Company 2 servers will go down for maintenance. On your side of things at around 08:00 UTC (09:00 UK, 10:00 Europe, 02:00 Pacific) you will start to see prompts to update your PS3 when you next put Battlefield: Bad Company 2 in your disc drive.

The update includes the following changes:
Kit images added in spawn menu
Fixed the "required rank" field on the unlock items specified on the W&G page
Added M14, NS 2000 and G3 in-game unlock pop-up when the requirements for unlocking them are reached
Added a server side check of the veteran status of the players
Award bugfix for "Win all 4 game modes" (it had marksman headshot as a dependency)
Garand did not track anything, Thompson tracked Garand.
Increased the penalty points for TeamKill and TeamDamage
Increased the reward points for Objective Actions (Flag Cap/Assist, Arm/Disarm/Destroy/Damage/TeamDestroy/TeamDamage)

Fixed veteran rank number not showing up in ingame scoreboard
The southpaw setting now works for the anti-air gun and the Stationary AT
Collectible weapon messages fixed

Now you can go out and get your Garand stats you have all been waiting for.

This update will go out on PS3 in all regions except Japan which will follow shortly.

Woohoo, Garand and 4 game modes fixed, and the increased penalty/reward points is more than welcome!
1stStrike said:
Then wth are you missing? Smoke? I thought alt fire came after optics. *scratches his head*

Shit starts to blend together after a while

Don't know and don't care really. I use vehicles to get from point a to point b and then bail out :lol

Mr. Snrub said:
Never had that problem, PC connection for the most part works great.

PS3 Patch incoming tomorrow (a hint of things to come for all platforms?):




Mr. Snrub said:
Never had that problem, PC connection for the most part works great.

PS3 Patch incoming tomorrow (a hint of things to come for all platforms?):


Woohoo, Garand and 4 game modes fixed, and the increased penalty/reward points is more than welcome!

What the fuck? PS3 gets an update before xbox? Bizarre.

I don't really care so much for the client side patch so long as the server side shit fixes our lag.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
1stStrike said:
What the fuck? PS3 gets an update before xbox? Bizarre.

I don't really care so much for the client side patch so long as the server side shit fixes our lag.
PS3 is the lead platform.

EDIT: Sadly the biggest bug its not fixed yet on consoles... CONQUEST HORN!!!
(That and the 'getting stuck on the respawn screen' bug)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Dubbedinenglish said:
Oh man! Who else is going on a Garand binge!! Fear the ping peeps, fear it.

It's going to be WWII for a few days. :lol
TheThunder said:
But I already have that. It came with that EA code.
you have it unlocked, but it still shows as an upcoming unlock. that's how all the early unlocks are. they still show up in their normal rotation, you just get nothing when they come up since you already have them.
Dubbedinenglish said:
Oh man! Who else is going on a Garand binge!! Fear the ping peeps, fear it.
Garand stats were tracked though. It's the Thompson stats that didn't track, but the Thompson showed Stars from the Garand.

Fersis said:
PS3 is the lead platform.

EDIT: Sadly the biggest bug its not fixed yet on consoles... CONQUEST HORN!!!
(That and the 'getting stuck on the respawn screen' bug)
i don't see "Isla Inocentes fence" in there...
MrPing1000 said:
I got the game this week for pc.

Whats with the random connection loss every hour or so? It's very frustrating.

Never had connection issues, are you using server browser and joining actual servers or just doing the PLAY NOW option, which tends to put you into shitty games with shit pings.


Mr. Snrub said:
Never had that problem, PC connection for the most part works great.

PS3 Patch incoming tomorrow (a hint of things to come for all platforms?):


Woohoo, Garand and 4 game modes fixed, and the increased penalty/reward points is more than welcome!

Sweet, increased reward points for objectives, etc. is awesome. I'm curious how much they'll bump things up. We'll probably have insane amounts of people rushing in for caps, etc.


Meh, didn´t have a single enjoyable game today in two 45 minutes sittings several hours apart. I think it´s time again to shelve this game again. Medic death squads back in full force, AN-94 rape, tons of shotgun hits not registering, asshole sniper squads, people getting shot while my knife hits them etc. And on top of it forces every time into Nelson Bay, Nelson Bay, fucking Nelson Bay*.

It´s a bit funny, yesterday I would´ve ordered a headset just for this (forget to go to checkout before turning off the computer), today I hated almost every minute. Might come back after another map pack.

*I just quit mid-game, first some asshole assault plants ten or more c4s on OUR bravo, then blows the whole building up. Probably tried to get some destruction 2.0, stupid asshole. In the mean time I killed a medic who shot our base with our mg, he comes back with two friends covering him, I kill his friends, he kills me, I come back, shoot them all in the back, he snipes me with his m60 while shrugging off my slugs, I come back to shoot him in the back while my team watches...yeah, that´s how I want to spend my evening. Not.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Violater said:
No mention of the lag.
Theres no news about that besides that they're working on it.
But no info if they found the issue or not.


greenjerk said:
So you still get your 2.0 kills if you die as well? I'm assuming there's no way to get out of the attic? Or do you bolt when you see them coming and try to make it outside?

@Cornbread: still sitting on 4 of 20 :(

yup, I'm still stuck right around there too, we need to find a public room and make everyone quite out, then just keep blowing each other up in building or something... They're fricken impossible. It's the only online trophy I have left to get....

- Server was full again last night Striker....


Cornbread78 said:
yup, I'm still stuck right around there too, we need to find a public room and make everyone quite out, then just keep blowing each other up in building or something... They're fricken impossible. It's the only online trophy I have left to get....

- Server was full again last night Striker....

Dude, everyone's server was full last night. I tried to get into a couple of games, Dreamgazer sent me a couple of invites, etc. I ended up just going to another server on my own. Eventually we got some people in there, but it took time. Not my fault!
Fersis said:
Theres no news about that besides that they're working on it.
But no info if they found the issue or not.
WHAT !!!

I thought the whole "servers will be down for maintenance" was for reducing the lag&connection issues.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
TheThunder said:
WHAT !!!

I thought the whole "servers will be down for maintenance" was for reducing the lag&connection issues.
Well they didnt say anything about that.
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