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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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dralla said:
so what does everyone want out of the next "map pack". I'm thinking Rush on Panama Canal. Conquest on Port Valdez
Saw this on the BC2 forums:

What we have know map names what is in the steam file

CONQUEST Conquest 32 player server

levels/mp_001 Panama Canal mp_001
levels/mp_003 Laguna Alta mp_003
levels/mp_005 Atacama Desert mp_005
levels/mp_007 White Pass mp_007
levels/mp_009cq Laguna Presa mp_009cq
levels/mp_006cq Arica Harbor mp_006cq
????????????? Port Valdez mp_012cq
????????????? Nelson Bay mp_008cq

RUSH Rush 32 player server

levels/mp_002 Valparaiso mp_002
levels/mp_004 Isla Inocentes mp_004
levels/mp_006 Arica Harbor mp_006
levels/mp_008 Nelson Bay mp_008
levels/mp_012gr Port Valdez mp_012gr
levels/mp_003 Laguna Alta mp_03
????????????? Atacama Desert mp_005gr
????????????? White Pass mp_007gr
????????????? Laguna Presa mp_009gr

SQRUSH Squad Rush 4v4

levels/mp_001sr Panama Canal mp_001sr
levels/mp_002sr Valparisio mp_002sr
levels/mp_005sr Atacama Desert mp_005sr
levels/mp_012sr Port Valdez mp_012sr
??????????????? Laguna Alta mp_003sr
??????????????? Laguna Presa mp_009sr

SQDM Squad DeathMatch 4v4v4v4

levels/mp_004sdm Isla Inocentes mp_004sdm
levels/mp_006sdm Arica Harbor mp_006sdm
levels/mp_007sdm White Pass mp_007sdm
levels/mp_009sdm Laguna Presa mp_009sdm
???????????????? Panama Canal mp_001sdm
???????????????? Nelson Bay mp_008sdm

Doesn't look like there's going to be a Panama Rush. Hopefully I am wrong and these are just the next few sets.


Here's some images of the mode packs (Port Valdez has the grenade launcher buggy).


And to answer your question: White Pass Rush and Atacama Rush :D

Oooh Nelson Bay Conquest is set in the daytime.
Laguna Alta is pretty small for a rush map...

Nelson Bay in the day for Conquest? BOOOOOOOOO

dralla said:
o the choke point between b and c on Valdez is gonna be crazy
unless they change up some geometry (like they did with Arica Harbor), the Russian team is screwed! attacing and defending B is gonna be way easier from the American side.
endlessflood said:
@Mr Sandman: that list shows Laguna Alta Rush as already being available, and Laguna Presa Rush as still to come.
I think he mistyped it or something because if you look all the Rush/Conquest maps they go in even pairs and Alta is the odd one out. Perhaps he meant just Presa.

Ever since day 1 I could tell White Pass was meant to be a Rush map. It'll be a short one like NB though. Perhaps IO, maybe one Bradley.

Also Karkand would make a bad ass Rush map. They'd definitely have to retool it for consoles. I dunno how though. PC exclusive?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
God good... I just sat down and played this for the first time in months thanks to school and other shit

HOLY SHIT this game is fucking best EVAER! Man, this game is soooooo gooooooooooooood

I'm gunna buy the shit out of every dlc and give me bf vietnam exp


Corky said:
God good... I just sat down and played this for the first time in months thanks to school and other shit

HOLY SHIT this game is fucking best EVAER! Man, this game is soooooo gooooooooooooood

I'm gunna buy the shit out of every dlc and give me bf vietnam exp
Fuck yeah it is! I can't wait to get home and test it on my new rig + 23" led moni.... I wannnt to go home to playyy :lol


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Slayer-33 said:
Fuck yeah it is! I can't wait to get home and test it on my new rig + 23" led moni.... I wannnt to go home to playyy :lol

tell me about it :D! I got summer vacation now and nobody is home. So I crank up the shit out my home-theatre setup + wartapes and let the bass rip the shit out the walls xD


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Last night i took down an Apache with a tank in Atacama.
I felt so awesome afterwards.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
The Faceless Master said:
last night i took down several apaches and havocs with a tank in atacama... one of them was even in the air when i did it! :D
Well yeah, taking down a ground chopper is not as awesome as a flying one.
The one i took down was flying.


Well, I believe that the point it's when they are in air.

I did it twice by the way. It's incredible that's it's far easier to touch a helicopter with a tank than the tracer dart gun. :lol
Fersis said:
Well yeah, taking down a ground chopper is not as awesome as a flying one.
The one i took down was flying.
it's awesome when you're spawn camping their base and some genius thinks "yeah, maybe this time is the time! this time is the time that i can make it off the ground!"
The Faceless Master said:
it's awesome when you're spawn camping their base and some genius thinks "yeah, maybe this time is the time! this time is the time that i can make it off the ground!"
I hope that my sarcasm meter overloading isn't for naught.:D


Let me just say that last night wasn't too much fun. It really sucks when you play against good teams in which every single player knows what to do and works for the objectives and your team doesn't do anything at all =/
Not even a GAF squad could save the day :(


I blame karma for last night's losses. When I entered the first game, we were spawn camping the other team for what seemed like the entire match. :lol

But, yeah we lost too many tanks while they didn't which really hurt us in the end.

It's also worth pointing out that we did not have a single FULL match for the entire night. That sucked.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
speaking of kewl shit, I was playing some rush for the first time in a long while this morning

I was on the defenders team and we were playing on the arica harbour map.
I pick the engineer in order to try out my recently aquired carl gustav.

In the horizon I spot the usual, snipers rushing to the cliffs and a tank brigade menacingly shelling us from afar. After a couple of seconds I spot this humvee, driven by some dude and filled with his bros speeding towards me. I'm waiting behind the concrete wall spying on him through a hole shot out by a tank shell. As he is speeding towards the barbed wires and the ramp/elevation on the defenders camps edge, I realize....this dude is going to fly!

I run like a madman and try to position myself in such a way hoping to get lucky and have him soar above me. Just as I reach my mark, he hits the "ramp" and starts flying over my head in slow-motion. By now the tanks have advanced and snipers are trying ruin my day. Shits flying and blowing up EVERYWHERE

And now I have some straight up " Free Willy " shit on my hands, but instead of an orca I have a humvee over me, and instead of a child : I'm a soldier holding a rocket-launcher.I follow his flight-path, never losing my aim and just when he hits the zenith and blocks out the sun I squeeze the trigger and let the rocket fly.

*BIGASSEXPLOSION* bullseye! The humvee ( or whats left of it and its crew ) spins several times in the air subsequently landing on its side and slides before it hits a barack. I stare at the burning wreckage feeling like the baddest mofo on the planet as I'm showered with points

sooo gooood


Arucardo said:
Can't wait for the Vietnam expansion, I want to fly vietnam era choppers so bad now.

Same here.
The Vietnam trailer is my most epic moment of the last E3! Believe me.
I'd love to go back to 'Nam with this graphics!

Anyway what will Vietnam Expansion be?

1. An expansion linked to BC2 sold separately like Onslaught
2. A standalone game like 1943



I really really hate that the Vietnam expansion is going to fragment the community. Either it's going to be a complete bomb like Special Forces, Euro Force, and Armored Fury were on PC or it'll be a huge hit and noone will play Vanilla BC2. :(
No_Style said:
I blame karma for last night's losses. When I entered the first game, we were spawn camping the other team for what seemed like the entire match. :lol

But, yeah we lost too many tanks while they didn't which really hurt us in the end.

It's also worth pointing out that we did not have a single FULL match for the entire night. That sucked.
in a game i played this morning, we were spawn camping the Russian team on Laguna Alta and they actually managed to work out a plan, pull it together and escape. first, they shatred shootng smoke everywhere, then a guy rode out on a quad and died in our AT Mines, then another rode out and used a jihad quad on our tank, then another jihaded 'their' tank, which we had, and then it was a battle of us throwing everything in there thru the smoke until their vehicles spawned and they rode out in the quads and died, made a mad bumrush at the entrance with whoever was left throwing grenades etc and then their tank emerged and had a clear path to A because they really worked their way out of there.

too bad they only had 50 tickets, and we had triple that, but i was impressed that they pushed us back.
Wthermans said:
I really really hate that the Vietnam expansion is going to fragment the community. Either it's going to be a complete bomb like Special Forces, Euro Force, and Armored Fury were on PC or it'll be a huge hit and noone will play Vanilla BC2. :(

Added you, but a little too late, sorry. Might be playing tonight.

I'm not too worried about the fragmentation. I think enough people will be starving for new maps that the majority of the community will purchase it. The REAL issue will be how DICE/EA handle the map rotations.

Had some good games w/gaffers yesterday, except when we got autobalanced onto separate teams. They were having their way with us while we defended on Valparaiso. It was me and my buddy (plus the rest of the defenders) vs. about 4 gaffers. Luckily, suicide hill bailed us out :lol

Unfortunately, my game crashed right as we won :(

Enjoying the patch. So happy that I get points after death. XM8C is my new favorite engy gun, and I like the M3, though I didn't have a "this gun is amazing" moment like I did with the T88 last patch.


Just had one game without people being immortal or warping <3 Pretty good, got second place even though it was on Nelson Bay. Killed three guys with a 40 mm shotgun blast, but only two were added up as a double kill? Got within 8k points of lvl 35.

Then my brother takes over, starts Laguna Presa as a MG3 medic and shit hits the fan. Epic, epic game, took 45 minutes and gave him around 6k combat score and 7k award score (okay, gold star included). MvP, too, and normally him being MvP means his teams lost, not this time though. 43/40 kd. He always goes on rampages, then dies countless times without ever killing someone :lol

Overall not bad considering he hasn´t played in over a month and I played ~30 mins in the last month.

Now we´re lvl 35 and it made me happy, but now the lvl bar is almost empty and this makes me sad [/penny-arcade]


Wow, I may just start playing again. I loaded it up last night for the first time in over 3 weeks and got the update, which obliterated all of my previous keybinds...but that was the smoothest, lag free game I've played in ages. It was shocking, actually. PC version btw. I'd forgotten how fun it is to play w/o lag rubberbanding and how much easier it is to shoot moving targets when they're not teleporting away. Thanks DICE.


Finally getting some time to play this recently. Really, really liking it so far. I'm still horrible and don't really know what I'm doing, usually around .6 or .7 K/D but it's a blast. And I still don't know what's going on with stats and unlocks.

Do some servers unlock stuff for everyone? I was able to use defibs, ammo kits, etc. before I even had enough points to unlock them. And I guess the stats weren't syncing right or something - I know I made a rank or two the day before and had more stuff unlocked, but then when I played the next day it said I still needed more points to get them and I was demoted a rank.

I got the M1 Garand from the veteran thingie and it is pretty badass too.


No_Style said:
I blame karma for last night's losses. When I entered the first game, we were spawn camping the other team for what seemed like the entire match. :lol

But, yeah we lost too many tanks while they didn't which really hurt us in the end.

It's also worth pointing out that we did not have a single FULL match for the entire night. That sucked.

Yeah, i was thinking that when the other team rolled in on our spawn on Laguna Presa. Still, I've never seen a spawn locked down like we had on Laguna Alta. They were so backed up they couldn't touch their quads or anything. No dice on their smoke attempts eithers.


Wthermans said:
I really really hate that the Vietnam expansion is going to fragment the community. Either it's going to be a complete bomb like Special Forces, Euro Force, and Armored Fury were on PC or it'll be a huge hit and noone will play Vanilla BC2. :(
Honestly the idea of going back in time 40 years seems pretty dumb to me and I'd much rather have the new weaponry found in the original BC2. I might buy it but I don't know if I'll ever quit playin the original.


FerranMG said:
I loved it when (twice) I sniped the heli driver while flying.

I couldn't believe it. :D

I did that 3 times in a game on Isla Innocentes last week. I was bored and our team was dominating them on defense, so I just went to a little island and kept shooting them down. It's pretty hilarious.


Mr. Snrub said:
Added you, but a little too late, sorry. Might be playing tonight.

You better

Mr. Snrub said:
Enjoying the patch. So happy that I get points after death. XM8C is my new favorite engy gun, and I like the M3, though I didn't have a "this gun is amazing" moment like I did with the T88 last patch.

Ive been using the 9A91. Thing is a beast now but the XM8C is awesome also.


Cornbread78 said:
So who from PS3 GAF will be Rockin' this game tonight, it's either this or RDR GAF Posse' LOL.

I'll likely be on playing one or the other :D


Last night I stayed on a little after the olimpai, jtrizzy and nostyle went offline, just to finish up my 3 marksmen kills on Isla. So I get my 3 marksmen kills and our team is just stinking it up, still stuck on the first two m-com stations. Somehow we get A but no one is making a move on B. Our team is raining mortar strikes on B but both our blackhawks are sitting un-used. I'm in a full squad but they're way off in the bushes.

Nothings working, the team won't move in and we're getting low on tickets now.. less than 20.
The enemy team is camping in a nice semi-circle around B, hiding behind what's left of the cement barriers so the only thing i can think of is to grab a gunboat and grenade B from a distance.

I hop in maneuver to a spot where I'm covered fairly well and start volleying. After about my third group of shots, I see the m-com flashing. +50 damage, +50 damage... and then the gun boat starts moving! My freaking retarded random squad mate spawned on me and starts driving away and takes me out of cover. I started yelling into the mic for him to fucking stop! He doesn't so i start yelling at him about what I was doing. Finally he stops. We're way out in the open now so i tell him to switch spots and cover me while i try to finish off B. We're down to 8 tickets, 7... I start hitting the m-com again *POW* sniper nails me. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


off to bed.
19Kilo said:
Finally getting some time to play this recently. Really, really liking it so far. I'm still horrible and don't really know what I'm doing, usually around .6 or .7 K/D but it's a blast. And I still don't know what's going on with stats and unlocks.

Do some servers unlock stuff for everyone? I was able to use defibs, ammo kits, etc. before I even had enough points to unlock them. And I guess the stats weren't syncing right or something - I know I made a rank or two the day before and had more stuff unlocked, but then when I played the next day it said I still needed more points to get them and I was demoted a rank.

I got the M1 Garand from the veteran thingie and it is pretty badass too.
Battlefield Veterans get to use the kit specialty items without unlocking them.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
greenjerk said:
I'll likely be on playing one or the other :D


Last night I stayed on a little after the olimpai, jtrizzy and nostyle went offline, just to finish up my 3 marksmen kills on Isla. So I get my 3 marksmen kills and our team is just stinking it up, still stuck on the first two m-com stations. Somehow we get A but no one is making a move on B. Our team is raining mortar strikes on B but both our blackhawks are sitting un-used. I'm in a full squad but they're way off in the bushes.

Nothings working, the team won't move in and we're getting low on tickets now.. less than 20.
The enemy team is camping in a nice semi-circle around B, hiding behind what's left of the cement barriers so the only thing i can think of is to grab a gunboat and grenade B from a distance.

I hop in maneuver to a spot where I'm covered fairly well and start volleying. After about my third group of shots, I see the m-com flashing. +50 damage, +50 damage... and then the gun boat starts moving! My freaking retarded random squad mate spawned on me and starts driving away and takes me out of cover. I started yelling into the mic for him to fucking stop! He doesn't so i start yelling at him about what I was doing. Finally he stops. We're way out in the open now so i tell him to switch spots and cover me while i try to finish off B. We're down to 8 tickets, 7... I start hitting the m-com again *POW* sniper nails me. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


off to bed.

That is bad. I've had it happen but never quite as bad as that... I've had it happen enough though playing with randoms that every time I use a water craft I leave my squad first. Dipshits.

Btw... sorry to bail on you guys last night but my game froze and I was too tired to jump back into a match. Went to bed.


Cornbread78 said:
So who from PS3 GAF will be Rockin' this game tonight, it's either this or RDR GAF Posse' LOL.

I'm up for either one. I still haven't had a chance to play RDR MP either so add me if you want it's Jtrizzy
mm04 said:
Wow, I may just start playing again. I loaded it up last night for the first time in over 3 weeks and got the update, which obliterated all of my previous keybinds...but that was the smoothest, lag free game I've played in ages. It was shocking, actually. PC version btw. I'd forgotten how fun it is to play w/o lag rubberbanding and how much easier it is to shoot moving targets when they're not teleporting away. Thanks DICE.

PC GAF is pretty active now. We all use the GAF mumble server, too. My info:

Steam: anton_sugar
EA: Anton Sugar


greenjerk said:
I'll likely be on playing one or the other :D


Last night I stayed on a little after the olimpai, jtrizzy and nostyle went offline, just to finish up my 3 marksmen kills on Isla. So I get my 3 marksmen kills and our team is just stinking it up, still stuck on the first two m-com stations. Somehow we get A but no one is making a move on B. Our team is raining mortar strikes on B but both our blackhawks are sitting un-used. I'm in a full squad but they're way off in the bushes.

Nothings working, the team won't move in and we're getting low on tickets now.. less than 20.
The enemy team is camping in a nice semi-circle around B, hiding behind what's left of the cement barriers so the only thing i can think of is to grab a gunboat and grenade B from a distance.

I hop in maneuver to a spot where I'm covered fairly well and start volleying. After about my third group of shots, I see the m-com flashing. +50 damage, +50 damage... and then the gun boat starts moving! My freaking retarded random squad mate spawned on me and starts driving away and takes me out of cover. I started yelling into the mic for him to fucking stop! He doesn't so i start yelling at him about what I was doing. Finally he stops. We're way out in the open now so i tell him to switch spots and cover me while i try to finish off B. We're down to 8 tickets, 7... I start hitting the m-com again *POW* sniper nails me. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


off to bed.

Next time I see you in a boat I'm going to tracer dart you, drive out to the middle of the water, and jump out. :lol


olimpia84 said:
I really don't know how some of you still play Rush, it's so broken it's not even funny.
Care to elaborate? I've played HC Rush pretty much all the time now and I don't see what's so broken about it besides the horrible teams every now and then, feels like you're playing with eight year olds :lol .
The Faceless Master said:
in a game i played this morning, we were spawn camping the Russian team on Laguna Alta and they actually managed to work out a plan, pull it together and escape. first, they shatred shootng smoke everywhere, then a guy rode out on a quad and died in our AT Mines, then another rode out and used a jihad quad on our tank, then another jihaded 'their' tank, which we had, and then it was a battle of us throwing everything in there thru the smoke until their vehicles spawned and they rode out in the quads and died, made a mad bumrush at the entrance with whoever was left throwing grenades etc and then their tank emerged and had a clear path to A because they really worked their way out of there.

too bad they only had 50 tickets, and we had triple that, but i was impressed that they pushed us back.
I managed to do something similar alone once. Sat on an ammo box and kept shooting smoke, got on a quad and drove out and luckily found a path through both tanks and made it to the creek. I felt like a running back busting through the goal line at the 1 for a td, lol. I rode through swerving to avoid fire but I was being hit the whole time and was pretty sure I was going to die. miraculously I survived and hid in some bushes waiting for my squad mates to spawn on me and then head for a flag, felt fucking great!. The idiots kept spawning and dying at the base :/ God, I was so pissed off. Went to try to capture A alone and they found and killed me.
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