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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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Funny thing just happened. On Presa Rush at the hummer part I was in their base doing road kills when my team planted the charge. So I went to see if I could run over any potential defusers. I ended up hitting a group of six or so running to defuse it. Like GTAIV Time Square, people were flying off the bumper.

Then on Isla, the pilot crash landed on the island and as a gunner on the mini gun I ended up mowing down six guys running to defuse. Heh.


I'm looking for some peeps on the X360 to play with, preferably from EU/AUS. Gamertag is in my profile. Got lots of space available on my friends list so add away!
Mr Sandman said:
Funny thing just happened. On Presa Rush at the hummer part I was in their base doing road kills when my team planted the charge. So I went to see if I could run over any potential defusers. I ended up hitting a group of six or so running to defuse it. Like GTAIV Time Square, people were flying off the bumper.

Then on Isla, the pilot crash landed on the island and as a gunner on the mini gun I ended up mowing down six guys running to defuse. Heh.

So epic every time this happens!

How come I/we never catch you online? It's been awhile.
Binabik15 said:
Do you lay down several rounds of mines on a set of m-coms, every time one is blown up? I just hate being engi without my rpg-7.

The stats page is fucking awesome, showing which stars you get next and all. I´m pretty surprised I have 15 2.0 kills, probably from tank shelling m-coms.

Except for one situation earlier today, C4´d a building, got at least two guys with c4 and the building collapsed, four or five guys were killed, but I got killed from the blast and it didn´t show whether it was 2.0 or straight c4. :D
it depends on the section we're on. for some areas, i'll lay mines and switch to rpg's when i die (Port Valdez), for others, i'll go with mines until we win or fall back (start of Arica Harbor) unless a very specific situation is happening where i *NEED* rockets right on spawn (like a tank rolling into the base and no squadmates have one) and other situations, i don't use mines at all. it also depends on teammates and squadmates too, if i'm playing with people who set mines, i will just go rpg7 all the way on Valparaiso.
Mr. Snrub said:
So epic every time this happens!

How come I/we never catch you online? It's been awhile.
I get on at weird times. Usually late at night. I did play with you on Nelson Bay a day or two ago, then I think you left. :(


played a ton tonight solo on PC. Rediscovered the m16a2 today and boy o boy.... incredible gun medium range. Went 22-1 on defense on islas. Gotta love pushing up to the hill and destroying snipers/idiots.:D
scoobs said:
played a ton tonight solo on PC. Rediscovered the m16a2 today and boy o boy.... incredible gun medium range. Went 22-1 on defense on islas. Gotta love pushing up to the hill and destroying snipers/idiots.:D
The M16 just clicks with me. Usually I do good with my favorites like the G3 or M14, but sometimes I just can't get a feel for them (rarely). That never happens with the M16 + Red Dot with me. It never lets me down. :D

The patch has spawned a lot of noobs it seems. Every (yes every) game on different servers I played the last few hours were stacked. Low ranks vs high ranks with me on the low side, getting steamrolled. Pretty frustrating. Actually, it could be because it's the weekend and the people with lives are playing. Heh.


The M16 is too inaccurate for my tastes. Get in any sort of fire fight and you're screwed.

I love the AN-94, but aside from that, I've taken a liking to the AKS. I just wish SMG damage wasn't such garbage. I put 13 bullets into someone's chest the other day and they killed me with 8% life left over.


Mr Sandman said:
The M16 just clicks with me. Usually I do good with my favorites like the G3 or M14, but sometimes I just can't get a feel for them (rarely). That never happens with the M16 + Red Dot with me. It never lets me down. :D

The patch has spawned a lot of noobs it seems. Every (yes every) game on different servers I played the last few hours were stacked. Low ranks vs high ranks with me on the low side, getting steamrolled. Pretty frustrating. Actually, it could be because it's the weekend and the people with lives are playing. Heh.
I truly don't understand people like you (yes I'm judging you :D ) How the hell does anyone get any kills with the g3/m14??? I've tried and tried to understand them and I never end up liking them half as much as any of the assault rifles.
1stStrike said:
The M16 is too inaccurate for my tastes. Get in any sort of fire fight and you're screwed.

I love the AN-94, but aside from that, I've taken a liking to the AKS. I just wish SMG damage wasn't such garbage. I put 13 bullets into someone's chest the other day and they killed me with 8% life left over.
That sucks. I find it extremely accurate for my playstyle. I guess I just have it ingrained in my head how the burst is spread (basically a vertical line). Aim for center mass and the spread will move up to the head. Also, it works a lot better if you don't fire it too fast (you can fire it pretty quickly though). I can't stand it with an ACOG though. The red dot is fine for even long distance shots for me.

scoobs said:
I truly don't understand people like you (yes I'm judging you :D ) How the hell does anyone get any kills with the g3/m14??? I've tried and tried to understand them and I never end up liking them half as much as any of the assault rifles.
I guess you could say it's an acquired
taste. :D With the G3 you've got to treat it as if it was semi auto in most cases.
scoobs said:
I truly don't understand people like you (yes I'm judging you :D ) How the hell does anyone get any kills with the g3/m14??? I've tried and tried to understand them and I never end up liking them half as much as any of the assault rifles.
the M14 is great, and the G3 is a mean little puppy. the G3 doesn't really take much getting used to, but with the M14 (or Garand) you just have to run with it for a while to get the hang of things...


Mr Sandman said:
That sucks. I find it extremely accurate for my playstyle. I guess I just have it ingrained in my head how the burst is spread (basically a vertical line). Aim for center mass and the spread will move up to the head. Also, it works a lot better if you don't fire it too fast (you can fire it pretty quickly though). I can't stand it with an ACOG though. The red dot is fine for even long distance shots for me.

I guess you could say it's an acquired
taste. :D With the G3 you've got to treat it as if it was semi auto in most cases.
lol you could say I have some skill in this game.. I'm not gonna bust out stats or anything :D I just don't see any advantages these guns have over the better AR's.


I love the ACOG. I've come to really rely on it.

However, the G3 (once I got used to the site) is quite nice. I've been getting more and more kills with it, and I've found that I've been using iron sights more on classes outside of assault, while taking advantage of the extra perks I can use.

Also, you really don't need magnum ammo at all with the G3. That gun does some beastly damage.


duracell017 said:

Man last nite was frustrating as hell. lol. Kinda making rethink on how to play this game. Fun times with Todahawk, Olimpia, NoStyle

Yeah same here, i played squadless most of the night :(

After a few randoms quit i tried to squad-up with you guys but the game dumped me with this clan of whiny schmucks. "GeeEEeeeeez, i hit him like 8 tiiiiimes" The tone and sound of these guys would've been hilarious if it wasn't so god-awful annoying. Imagine the worst stereotype for a geeky, videogame introvert and my squad had three of them. One reminded me of Comic Book Guy buy higher and more pathetic. I eventually had to mute all 3 of them.

And i'm almost embarrassed to say that I rezzed one of the dipshits a few times right in front of mounted MG while I safely hid behind a wall.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
hey guys, whats the number in the white square I see online ( and on some of your stat-graphs ) sometimes?


Corky said:
hey guys, whats the number in the white square I see online ( and on some of your stat-graphs ) sometimes?

It's your leet factor. The hire the number, the more leet you are.

Veteran status from buying previous Battlefield's and such. Unlocks the M1 Garand.


Had a few epic games today.

One started 4 vs 3 as defenders on Port Valdez, I layed down some mines and waited to get killed. Didn´t happen, I camped the wall mounted MG behind alpha until a tank killed it. I ran out of ammo completely 4 (!!!) times and in the end had 2 full killstreaks before finally dieing defending bravo. Spawned again, killed one guy, died again, bam, game over. The game was full in the end, but I was at the top with a very comfortable buffer between me and the sceond guy. Tank mined 4 or 5 tanks, sniped snipers with my G3, it was awesome. 17-2 without magnum ammo :lol

Had another game on Laguna Presa and I have to admit, I lame´d a couple of m-coms with c4. Turn it on and throw c4 at the same time, blow up if shot at or wait until defenders come and pull the trigger. Destoyed the last m-com of the game with the guided missile launcher. Destroyed 6 m-coms in this game, got first with 3k points, around 1k more than the second, but managed to get ZERO c4 kills and had overall 2 or 3 more deaths than kills.

I don´t know why, I simply die more than I kill whenever I play assault, only class where I have an overall k/D <1.

So pretty good games today, but what I really wanted were some god damned C4 kills and grenade kills, only insignias I´m missing. I got two of each :/

Edit: had a very bad game in the beginning, my skill level got cut from 191 to 159 :lol IT´s now back up 191. How is this even calculated, sometimes I feel like I´m destroying left and right and my lvl drops, other times I do jack all the whole game and it increases.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
greenjerk said:
And i'm almost embarrassed to say that I rezzed one of the dipshits a few times right in front of mounted MG while I safely hid behind a wall.

:lol Sometimes I wish there was FF so i could stab and revive worthless recons over and over.


I destroy people with the M16+ACOG, the accuracy is great on it, IMO.

I finally got the SA done for Recon, took fooooorever, I hate sniping in this game (any game really, aside from Halo), just doesn't fit my playstyle.


My favorite AR is the M416. No one else seems to really like it, but it's just so well rounded. It does need magnum ammo though.

So I've pretty much gotten the hang of conquest and it's pretty fun. I'm trying to get the pin where you "obtain a squad attack order and a squad defend order"

It seems you get the attack order just by pressing select on a flag when it is neutral or controlled by the other team. Is this correct, and how do I get the defend order? Do I press select on the flag when the other team is capturing it? I tried for 2-3 games last night and got one defend order but couldn't get both to happen in the same round.

Help! these last few pins are annoying. I have to get the vehicle pins and one more spec act as well.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
recklessmind said:
:lol Sometimes I wish there was FF so i could stab and revive worthless recons over and over.
When a recon is pissing me off I usually tracer dart them in the face :D.


Everything is tsundere to me
Jtrizzy said:
My favorite AR is the M416. No one else seems to really like it, but it's just so well rounded. It does need magnum ammo though.

So I've pretty much gotten the hang of conquest and it's pretty fun. I'm trying to get the pin where you "obtain a squad attack order and a squad defend order"

It seems you get the attack order just by pressing select on a flag when it is neutral or controlled by the other team. Is this correct, and how do I get the defend order? Do I press select on the flag when the other team is capturing it? I tried for 2-3 games last night and got one defend order but couldn't get both to happen in the same round.

Help! these last few pins are annoying. I have to get the vehicle pins and one more spec act as well.
I used it quite a bit, but I was working on platinuming the AN94. My rig is still in storage though, and I won't have access until August. It's soooo far away ;____;


yeah I just got my first platinum last night with the M416. I'm going to get the next with the spec act ump or carl g, whichever comes first to get the 2x platinum pin.
I'll probably be on bc2 pc for most of the day if any gaffers would care to join in the fun, I'm usually on xfire voice chat so let me know if you have it, and we can strategize and such lol. My name on bc is: Mr Nightman


recklessmind said:
:lol Sometimes I wish there was FF so i could stab and revive worthless recons over and over.

If there was FF i would probably end up spending half my time smiting worthless team-mates.... Gawd, I'm starting to sound like Seks!

@Jtrizzy: you're not alone, i like the M416. I'm usually running assault with the AN-94 but I switch up to the 416 or the XM8 on occasion.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
greenjerk said:
If there was FF i would probably end up spending half my time smiting worthless team-mates.... Gawd, I'm starting to sound like Seks!



Fucking weekends, man. Every god damn fucking game I join is full of retards.

I was in one arica harbor conquest game where both guys on my squad stood by A the entire time and didn't move. When they died they ran into the same spot.



1stStrike said:
Fucking weekends, man. Every god damn fucking game I join is full of retards.

I was in one arica harbor conquest game where both guys on my squad stood by A the entire time and didn't move. When they died they ran into the same spot.


exact same feelings. I cant play everyone is just fuckin retarded.


Spl1nter said:
exact same feelings. I cant play everyone is just fuckin retarded.

I fucking give up. Tried to go and get the update for the MoH beta, but the game wouldn't start so I'm re-dling it. I'm not playing BC2 till the weekend is over.

We were in a conquest game and me, dreamgazer and cruzader were the only ones trying to cap flags. The entire team was just fucking off in one spot doing not a damn thing. Then I got disconnected, rejoined, and got disconnected again. Then the game wouldn't update my stats, just sat there for a minute doing nothing.

God damn, I can't even enjoy the fucking game with all of this shit.


Well that sucks I was just about to join you guys. If anyone wants to play tonight just send me an invite or add me...my PSN is Jtrizzy

Strike/Dreamgazer--I demand you return and show me how to get these last few pins.

As far as the frustration of playing in bad games, I think we just need to be more willing to switch servers. Although it does make it hard to get 6-8 gaffers on one team like last night. That shit is fun, even though it's too easy at times.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Gonna be playing later with Dizzy-4U.


Wow, the game has been running a lot better on the PC for me since the update :D Was also glad to see they shifted the chat to the upper left.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Jtrizzy said:
Fersis what system are you on?
Godlike PS3.

1stStrike said:
Fersis = Godlike PS3 player

Jtrizzy: I'm too pissed off right now. If I even do get back online today it'll be to play MoH.

Hey Jtrizzy, its says you reached the PSN friends limit. Cant add you.


add me Fersis if you want to play. Jtrizzy is my username. I wouldn't mind playing a little of that beta, even though melee on R3 drives me insane. If we can get a big group together like last night for BC2 it will be fun.

edit--I deleted someone


I'm about to hop in the MoH beta a bit to play some. Finished DLing the patch. Hoping for less annoyance there. If I still end up pissed off then it's anime time till I pass out for the night.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
greenjerk said:

I don't think i'll be on tonight, watchign UFC 116 with my wife. I don't think we're doing much for the 4th so I'll probably be on and off throughout the day.

That's fine. Maybe vsrobot and yeef can help me get Half Loaded finally in Uncharted 2 so I can double Badge of Honor my way up to "Come Get Some." :lol
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