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Battlefield Bad Company 2 |OT| See, Spot, Run

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TheSeks said:
That's fine. Maybe vsrobot and yeef can help me get Half Loaded finally in Uncharted 2 so I can double Badge of Honor my way up to "Come Get Some." :lol

I've been seeing you on the UC2 MP a fair bit. How is it? Solid community? I dabbled in it after beating the single player and didn't really go back to it, got sucked into BC2! :D


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
greenjerk said:
I've been seeing you on the UC2 MP a fair bit. How is it? Solid community? I dabbled in it after beating the single player and didn't really go back to it, got sucked into BC2! :D

I mostly play with Yeef or vs, or randoms. But there is a community there. Dwindling due to ND's changes to the multiplayer (can't blame the community), I like it. But it's love/hate for people.

For the most part vs team killing me with grenades is the thing that generally makes the night for me when I play.

(triple kill, go to grab the treasure to throw it to the team to move it to capture)
TheSeks (grenade) vsrobot
"Good Going, vs. >:|"


Okay, MoH is stable enough to play now. No crashing.

However, the hit detection is fucking garbage right now, the controls are super god damn loose, and the control scheme makes no fucking sense (L2 to change to secondary weapon, O to crouch and R3 to knife? Wtf is that shit?"

Plus, the GUI is trash atm. I can barely read anything that pops up on there.

And there's always a delay when you die, so stare at nothing for a second, and then you get to watch your dead body for like 5 seconds. That's REALLY exciting.

Then, I tried to make a match with Jtrizzy and I go to the play with a friend screen and try to scroll down... cause it shows all of my offline buddies on top. Get about half way through my friends list and the cursor goes off screen and it stops scrolling.

Wonderful. I can't even fucking get far enough down on the list to find and invite him.

Fuck this game.

I don't have high hopes for this game, beta or not.

Anyway, I tried. I'm done for the weekend. No more FPS's for me.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You obviously haven't played Warhawk which pulls the same shit with the friends list, strike.



1stStrike said:
Okay, MoH is stable enough to play now. No crashing.

However, the hit detection is fucking garbage right now, the controls are super god damn loose, and the control scheme makes no fucking sense (L2 to change to secondary weapon, O to crouch and R3 to knife? Wtf is that shit?"

Plus, the GUI is trash atm. I can barely read anything that pops up on there.

And there's always a delay when you die, so stare at nothing for a second, and then you get to watch your dead body for like 5 seconds. That's REALLY exciting.

Then, I tried to make a match with Jtrizzy and I go to the play with a friend screen and try to scroll down... cause it shows all of my offline buddies on top. Get about half way through my friends list and the cursor goes off screen and it stops scrolling.

Wonderful. I can't even fucking get far enough down on the list to find and invite him.

Fuck this game.

I don't have high hopes for this game, beta or not.

Anyway, I tried. I'm done for the weekend. No more FPS's for me.

Yeah, I played a little yesterday morning and while I'm hoping things get polished up by demo time, there's an awful lot i don't like about MoH and you hit on most of them. Controls do feel really loose and the death lag is really annoying. Again, I realize it's a beta but the friends list stuff and the fact that it doesn't save my display settings (even after an update) is very sloppy.


TheSeks said:
You obviously haven't played Warhawk which pulls the same shit with the friends list, strike.


I used to play warhawk, but only with IRL friends. We'd all get online and have a blast with it. But, it got old.

green: Yea, it is really fucking sloppy. I mean, hell, they pushed back the 360 beta AGAIN cause shit is so fucked up. I'm definitely not going to buy this game unless some pretty amazing shit happens between now and release.
Jtrizzy said:
My favorite AR is the M416. No one else seems to really like it, but it's just so well rounded. It does need magnum ammo though.

So I've pretty much gotten the hang of conquest and it's pretty fun. I'm trying to get the pin where you "obtain a squad attack order and a squad defend order"

It seems you get the attack order just by pressing select on a flag when it is neutral or controlled by the other team. Is this correct, and how do I get the defend order? Do I press select on the flag when the other team is capturing it? I tried for 2-3 games last night and got one defend order but couldn't get both to happen in the same round.

Help! these last few pins are annoying. I have to get the vehicle pins and one more spec act as well.
start capping the flag, then once the bar is blue, put a squad order on it, you'll see a blue order instead of a red one. it's really easy to do this on the first flag at the start of the game.
1stStrike said:
I used to play warhawk, but only with IRL friends. We'd all get online and have a blast with it. But, it got old.

green: Yea, it is really fucking sloppy. I mean, hell, they pushed back the 360 beta AGAIN cause shit is so fucked up. I'm definitely not going to buy this game unless some pretty amazing shit happens between now and release.
My thoughts exactly...I want MOH to be real good but EA/Dice are slipping...


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
1stStrike said:

Okay, so... I have money again. I might buy onslaught and play it.

I'll need some help with hardcore... I beat all the levels on normal.
Finished all the Onslaught achievements tonight. Atacama was by far the hardest. Bad Company 2 is still one of my favorite multiplayer games this generation. And definitely my favorite this year so far.
ToyMachine228 said:
Finished all the Onslaught achievements tonight. Atacama was by far the hardest. Bad Company 2 is still one of my favorite multiplayer games this generation. And definitely my favorite this year so far.
Atacama? wow... Isla Inocentes was terrible when i did it, the chopper was a huge choke point. on Atacama, it was much easier to take out.


Finally got all of the pins tonight except for one. Any advice on getting the 2 kills on a boat?

They need to address the C4 on UAV, C4 on crates, as well as spawn camping in Conquest...especially on Atacama. I was trying to join games on that one to get the road kill pins, and every time my team was already pinned inside the base.

Why not block the other team from entering the others spawn in Conquest?
Corky said:
can you play onslaught singleplayer?

Make a private game.
You have to be online to do so though.

I've been doing that to experiment on different guns/setups.

Unfortunately the AI still really isn't near as good/bullet-sponge as a human.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Eternal Sleeper said:
Make a private game.
You have to be online to do so though.

I've been doing that to experiment on different guns/setups.

Unfortunately the AI still really isn't near as good/bullet-sponge as a human.

oh cool, thats nice, I've always wanted to fool around the MP without the interference of human players. Learning to fly the choppers, learning how to take down buildings with c4, find cool vantage points etc


I had one of the most weird BFBC2 matches last night.

I met a Japanese girl, level 28 and a plays as a pretty good Recon. I haven't used my Japanese in nearly an year (so much rust!) and it was very nice to talk with a native again. Had some nice chats with her since her boyfriend works in Oita (where I lived when I was in Japan).

So, what's wrong here?

- Japanese girl (most likely a 100% fujoshi since she's playing at 5am)
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360 AND plays Battlefield?

I think I've gotten a martian in my friendlist! :lol
Jtrizzy said:
Finally got all of the pins tonight except for one. Any advice on getting the 2 kills on a boat?

They need to address the C4 on UAV, C4 on crates, as well as spawn camping in Conquest...especially on Atacama. I was trying to join games on that one to get the road kill pins, and every time my team was already pinned inside the base.

Why not block the other team from entering the others spawn in Conquest?
for the boat kills, either pull up in a patrol boat on Isla Inocentes near B and shoot people, or pull up somewhere on a Jetski and turn around and shoot people from the back seat.

C4 on UAV is tough to defend against, but C4 on crates is legit. guard the crates! and as for Conquest, don't get spawn camped... wherever they draw the line for the 'do not enter zone' will be camped.

manzo said:
I had one of the most weird BFBC2 matches last night.

I met a Japanese girl, level 28 and a plays as a pretty good Recon. I haven't used my Japanese in nearly an year (so much rust!) and it was very nice to talk with a native again. Had some nice chats with her since her boyfriend works in Oita (where I lived when I was in Japan).

So, what's wrong here?

- Japanese girl (most likely a 100% fujoshi since she's playing at 5am)
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360 AND plays Battlefield?

I think I've gotten a martian in my friendlist! :lol
battlefield series is (relatively) popular in japan, i've played with and against a ton of japanese players in BC1, 1943 and BC2, and heard that the PC versions are also semi-popular there too.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
manzo said:
I had one of the most weird BFBC2 matches last night.

I met a Japanese girl, level 28 and a plays as a pretty good Recon. I haven't used my Japanese in nearly an year (so much rust!) and it was very nice to talk with a native again. Had some nice chats with her since her boyfriend works in Oita (where I lived when I was in Japan).

So, what's wrong here?

- Japanese girl (most likely a 100% fujoshi since she's playing at 5am)
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360
- Japanese girl with an Xbox 360 AND plays Battlefield?

I think I've gotten a martian in my friendlist! :lol

That's actually pretty cool. :lol


I played some onslaught with dreamgazer last night. I think he wanted to rip my head off at the end because I was doing so shitty and we kept losing. Then, I didn't realize that if you PICK a specific map it just keeps replaying that map over and over again, so we had to recreate... eventually gave up. I did beat Atacama Desert and Isla Innocents, though. Overall, it's actually pretty fun, though I can see how it'd get repetitive.

Went to some rush games later, and we ended up against another crappy team (6 gaffers + randoms on our team).

I had a pretty cool spot on defense (second set of mcoms) nelson bay. Was playing as an engineer, going after some guys that were trying to arm A. Ran out of bullets, grabbed some random dudes M416, sprayed the guys at the MCOM and killed them, couldn't find my kit again (I think it vanished) so I just went with the M416. Killed another guy, then ran down the hill looking for the dude(s) throwing grenades... ran into three of them, sprayed them all with the M416 and got myself 3 kills.

Ran back up the hill feeling pretty pimp.

So, yea, the M416 isn't too bad.

Anyway, happy 4th of July folks. I'm off to talk to old people/family members I don't remember and watch things explode while drinking heavily.


recklessmind said:
I'll need some help with hardcore... I beat all the levels on normal.

Dammit, i still haven't played Onslaught with any Gaffers. Not sure how much i'll be on today now.... got shit to do and prolly heading to eat and watch fireworks later.


Heh, so after being the biggest fan of the first BC online, I waited until yesterday to actually buy BC2. The rest of my summer is probably now gone.
Anyone else's game keep freezing? I cant play a game without it freezing and then I have to manually restart the comp. Never had any issues back when I use to play during release.


Server side ticket settings for PC is great. Conquest rounds are so much better at 200 tickets. I was playing on Arica Harbour Conquest and the server was set to 400 tickets. Now that was a long round lol. I had around 45 kills and 6000 points and came first. 10000 total score. Played about 4-5 rounds this afternoon and I came first for 3 of them. Second last round I went 21-0 when we joined a new panama canal server. Didnt come first sadly as we joined mid round but I did have the most kills. Had to pick up 3 different weapons because of running out of ammo lol.

So I really like the new patch but I think the hit boxes maybe slightly to large. Have stopped playing assault as the smg's are so good at any range.

Will be playing tonight if anyone wants to have some fun on PC

Steam: Spl1nter3
BFBC2: Spl1nter
GhostRidah said:
Anyone else's game keep freezing? I cant play a game without it freezing and then I have to manually restart the comp. Never had any issues back when I use to play during release.
The game used to freeze and CTD a LOT until I ditched my shitty Athlon 64 X2 for a Phenom II X4. Haven't had a crash since (months ago). What's your CPU?

Spl1nter said:
Server side ticket settings for PC is great. Conquest rounds are so much better at 200 tickets. I was playing on Arica Harbour Conquest and the server was set to 400 tickets. Now that was a long round lol. I had around 45 kills and 6000 points and came first. 10000 total score. Played about 4-5 rounds this afternoon and I came first for 3 of them. Second last round I went 21-0 when we joined a new panama canal server. Didnt come first sadly as we joined mid round but I did have the most kills. Had to pick up 3 different weapons because of running out of ammo lol.

So I really like the new patch but I think the hit boxes maybe slightly to large. Have stopped playing assault as the smg's are so good at any range.

Will be playing tonight if anyone wants to have some fun on PC

Steam: Spl1nter3
BFBC2: Spl1nter
I might be on, I'll add you anyway.

Also, did the Arica Harbor Conquest match you play have over 24 players? AH + 24 players = awesome. AH + 32 players = clusterfuck carl spam. lol The only map where I hate 32 players on. If it gets over 24 it should expand into the train yard imo.


Mr Sandman said:
The game used to freeze and CTD a LOT until I ditched my shitty Athlon 64 X2 for a Phenom II X4. Haven't had a crash since (months ago). What's your CPU?

I might be on, I'll add you anyway.

Also, did the Arica Harbor Conquest match you play have over 24 players? AH + 24 players = awesome. AH + 32 players = clusterfuck carl spam. lol The only map where I hate 32 players on. If it gets over 24 it should expand into the train yard imo.

It was 32 players but there really wasnt much cg spam thank god. Instead most people were medics and assault. It actually played okay. I find Arica and White pass are usually better around 24. Panama Canal is easily the best map especially at 32 players and 200+ tickets.


I had an incredible game winning save a few nights ago. 5 tickets left, MCOM has basically no energy left so I'm guarding it with my life, and two guys come in who I kill. But by the time I'm done with them theres a chopper with c4 bearing down on my to blow the mcom. I whip out sir carl and blow him up about 20 feet from the mcom to end the game.


Neo Member
GhostRidah said:
Anyone else's game keep freezing? I cant play a game without it freezing and then I have to manually restart the comp. Never had any issues back when I use to play during release.

Do you still freeze on non-punkbuster servers? It's just that punkbuster seems to have a conflict with onboard sound drivers and myself and many others get hard freezes all the time. Punkbuster have recognised the issue but as of yet done nothing about it :/
Spl1nter said:
Server side ticket settings for PC is great. Conquest rounds are so much better at 200 tickets. I was playing on Arica Harbour Conquest and the server was set to 400 tickets. Now that was a long round lol. I had around 45 kills and 6000 points and came first. 10000 total score. Played about 4-5 rounds this afternoon and I came first for 3 of them. Second last round I went 21-0 when we joined a new panama canal server. Didnt come first sadly as we joined mid round but I did have the most kills. Had to pick up 3 different weapons because of running out of ammo lol.

So I really like the new patch but I think the hit boxes maybe slightly to large. Have stopped playing assault as the smg's are so good at any range.

Will be playing tonight if anyone wants to have some fun on PC

Steam: Spl1nter3
BFBC2: Spl1nter
I'm hoping to be on later-no work tomorrow!


Eternal Sleeper said:
For what system?
TheSeks said:
I actually consiered putting "(besides Faceless)" in there but it wouldn't exactly run parallel with what I was trying to say, because I really wasn't the BIGGEST fan, per se, and I knew that. I was just saying that I enjoyed it a bunch and am surprised at myself that I waited so long to buy BC2.

Façade said:
Do you still freeze on non-punkbuster servers? It's just that punkbuster seems to have a conflict with onboard sound drivers and myself and many others get hard freezes all the time. Punkbuster have recognised the issue but as of yet done nothing about it :/
will test, I did some searching and it seems its like you said on board realtek drivers causing issues.

Thanks, I hope for a fix soon =/
Spl1nter said:
Server side ticket settings for PC is great. Conquest rounds are so much better at 200 tickets. I was playing on Arica Harbour Conquest and the server was set to 400 tickets. Now that was a long round lol. I had around 45 kills and 6000 points and came first. 10000 total score. Played about 4-5 rounds this afternoon and I came first for 3 of them. Second last round I went 21-0 when we joined a new panama canal server. Didnt come first sadly as we joined mid round but I did have the most kills. Had to pick up 3 different weapons because of running out of ammo lol.
Oh man 350 tickets on consoles are just as long :lol Got this last night with a similar epic story, it was a marathon match.


Platinum get!
Since the weather ruined my beach trip this afternoon I decided to finish the remainder of the SP mode where I left a few months ago and destroy all the satellite links to get the trophies. It took a few hours to complete all of them but finally got my platinum trophy. For the most part the SP mode is boring but towards the end it got a little bit better and I liked the fact that most levels are short.


olimpia84 said:
Platinum get!
Since the weather ruined my beach trip this afternoon I decided to finish the remainder of the SP mode where I left a few months ago and destroy all the satellite links to get the trophies. It took a few hours to complete all of them but finally got my platinum trophy. For the most part the SP mode is boring but towards the end it got a little bit better and I liked the fact that most levels are short.

I have 11 destruction 2.0 kills left to get for platinum... that and the onslaught trophies now :(
Got my first hate message today.
Guy told me to get off my f***ing UAV and face him like a man.
Ironically while I was a defender I knifed him and became his nemesis :lol (before I got to read the message)


Good Rush games today with gaffers. I apologize for being in a sniper-only mode but I figured since the other team was so bad I would take advantage and add towards getting 500 kills with sniper rifles (which I'll probably never get it since I don't ever play as a sniping recon).
olimpia84 said:
Good Rush games today with gaffers. I apologize for being in a sniper-only mode but I figured since the other team was so bad I would take advantage and add towards getting 500 kills with sniper rifles (which I'll probably never get it since I don't ever play as a sniping recon).

An easier way to do that is to just take the VSS, attach 4x scope, magnum and use it as an assault rifle for non-vehicle maps (nelson bay rush, arica conquest.)

I'm 4/5 way done with the 500 sniper kills thing, despite of only starting to use the VSS like a week ago. And let tell you - I can't snipe at all >.>.

(Hence I'll never get the 100 marksman headshot insignia.)


sniping is actually really easy in this game if you spot the person first, then use the triangle to aim.

Had my best game ever tonight, going 44-16 (Rush) or something crazy like that. All with the M16, which I never knew I liked so much...was only doing it for the spec act. I like the M16 far more than the AN-94 though, it's just so easy to get head shots with.

Olimpia---another great option for getting that one is to use the T-88 Sniper Rifle with a red dot scope. It's like a shotgun that holds ten rounds. If you combine it with mortars you can spot people as well, and just shoot at the orange triangle. It also works well at mid range and up close.


greenjerk said:
I have 11 destruction 2.0 kills left to get for platinum... that and the onslaught trophies now :(

Destruction 2.0 kills when not trying to get them: 15

Destruction 2.0 when really, really trying to get them: 0


At least I got boatloads of points over the weekend for arming and then c4´ing crates. Feels cheap, but hey, ace pins are sexy.

One question to the gandmasters of destruction: the AT on top of the building/container on Valparaiso simply wasn´t there during a game yesterday, why? Any other cheap way to hit the crates on top of the meatgrinder hill w/o the UAV? I Bradley´d one crate during this game, but another round was a brutal slaughter in the defender´s favour.

I´ve never lost as many games as an attacker as at this hill. Well, maybe the last set on Arica Harbour, but there you can at least snipe defenders for points :lol

olimpia84 said:
Good Rush games today with gaffers. I apologize for being in a sniper-only mode but I figured since the other team was so bad I would take advantage and add towards getting 500 kills with sniper rifles (which I'll probably never get it since I don't ever play as a sniping recon).

Not a good excuse, soldier :p Some people rock the cal .50 plus red dot, if you´re a good shot you can one hit kill people, it´s like using a super deadly shotgun with slugs. It takes long to reload, though, too long for me :lol

PS: Jtrizzy, I played a lot yesterday and you weren´t on. Nobody besides some random guy adding me on my friends list is playing anymore, I need a good squat buddy.
Jtrizzy said:
sniping is actually really easy in this game if you spot the person first, then use the triangle to aim.

I know, but it doesn't always work out for me. Not to mention, you always have to worry about being counter-sniped/taken out/not contributing as much as you could possibly do with other class/setups.
Binabik15 said:
Destruction 2.0 kills when not trying to get them: 15

Destruction 2.0 when really, really trying to get them: 0


At least I got boatloads of points over the weekend for arming and then c4´ing crates. Feels cheap, but hey, ace pins are sexy.

One question to the gandmasters of destruction: the AT on top of the building/container on Valparaiso simply wasn´t there during a game yesterday, why? Any other cheap way to hit the crates on top of the meatgrinder hill w/o the UAV? I Bradley´d one crate during this game, but another round was a brutal slaughter in the defender´s favour.

I´ve never lost as many games as an attacker as at this hill. Well, maybe the last set on Arica Harbour, but there you can at least snipe defenders for points :lol

Not a good excuse, soldier :p Some people rock the cal .50 plus red dot, if you´re a good shot you can one hit kill people, it´s like using a super deadly shotgun with slugs. It takes long to reload, though, too long for me :lol

PS: Jtrizzy, I played a lot yesterday and you weren´t on. Nobody besides some random guy adding me on my friends list is playing anymore, I need a good squat buddy.

To get more D.20 kills -> Mortar, Nelson Bay.

Valparaiso's Stationary AT may be gone if the defenders mortared/destroyed it after the get pushed back.

Other alternatives for crate B:
1) UAV with reload or optics.
2) Just arm the thing
3) Instead of driving the Bradley straight down the hill - turn right half way down the hill onto the road that is parallel to the Stationary AT trailer. From there the Bardley can hit the crate while shielding itself behind 2 rocks.

I got my m95 SPECACT trophy by doing the reddot + magnum ammo combo. However, it is extremely slow, and will not help out when going against a large crowd. The VSS is just easier for people who aren't comfortable with sniping.



Already losing sleep because of this damn game. :lol

But shit, leveling up is so slow. Or maybe I just suck! ..And I feel really far behind everyone. I'm sitting with a Level 2 soldier and these 33s are shitting on me left and right with equipment that I've never even seen before. I know, I know.. the game's been out for awhile and it's my fault for starting into it so late.. but can ya give a guy a break?
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