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Battlefield Portal Explainer Reveals an Absurd Amount of Customisation


Gold Member
Right now people are septic about the game but I think this mode is where it's all about.

I don't think there has ever been a more customizable mode before on any other game of the same genre.
Jesus christ. So a few things... First of all, this is all I've wanted to see in a trailer before the game launched. Not 20 second gameplay snippets, a FULL gameplay trailer. This just sold me on the game as well as Portal.

Second, how has it taken them this long to release a trailer lie this for the game.

Third, I can't to play Hardcore mode on all maps, including the new ones with BF3 soldiers, classes and vehicles (hopefully including the new vehicles such as the Apache and VTOL Osprey as well).
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Gold Member
Third, I can't to play Hardcore mode on all maps, including the new ones with BF3 soldiers, classes and vehicles (hopefully including the new vehicles such as the Apache and VTOL Osprey as well).
You can give the BF3 soldiers new or even WW2 weapons if you want. You can give WW2 soldiers modern weapons etc.


King of Gaslighting
I just watched the trailer; I didn't know they were remaking maps from the older games and putting them in.

. . . now, the only negative I can see is, after they going to monitize the outstanding content (BF2, Vietnam, etc).


Right now people are septic about the game but I think this mode is where it's all about.

I don't think there has ever been a more customizable mode before on any other game of the same genre.
Closest thing I can think of is Halo MCC, it has a custom game browser and it’s so much better for it.

The amount of different game modes you have and also servers that run 24/7 Blood Gulch.

It adds a whole other layer to the game that makes it feel fresh due to the ever changing modes.

I think this is what will give 2042 the edge
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Imagine reading a couple of months back

"no single player, no content, pass."

Core 2042 experience + Hunt / Tarkov game mode + BF 1942 - BC 2 - 3 maps with FULL customisation using the new graphical engine, including the new weather system. And fucking free DLC coming up
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Gold Member
Imagine reading a couple of months back

"no single player, no content, pass."

Core 2042 experience + Hunt / Tarkov game mode + BF 1942 - BC 2 - 3 maps with FULL customisation using the new graphical engine, including the new weather system. And fucking free DLC coming up
Thing is, we already new about most of these things back then, but people ignored it.
This is the shit you need if you want your game to be relevant a year from now. And if everything goes well, it will be relevant even 5 years from now. Can't wait.


So basically they didn't create a complete new package therefore they're giving us tools to make our own content? What a joke


Writes a lot, says very little
This mode will save battlefield 2042

lolz, no it won't. I feel many of the OGs will be in this mode, but to be fair those same OGs buy every BF, play many of the old ones on a rotation and those players are not the majority, they are actually a small minority. I know...I'm part of that minoirity of players lol What I can say is that, we don't make up 90% of the people that buy BF, Portal is there for those hardcore.

Funny enough, I only figured out some of those stats from even looking at the older BF games in terms of how many still played them, how many servers up for Hardcore vs normal mode etc. The OGs simply don't make up the majority, shit i wish we did, but I don't see anything that suggest playing older maps will save BF 2042 if it needed saving lol I think it will do just fine and the majority will play those new maps with those operators etc, the vets will help themselves to Portal. All you have to do is look at how many play BFV, BF4 and BF1 right now and you'll see its not the majority of people who bought those games, but the vets that stayed behind to continue the good fight.

I never saw Portal as this thing to get majority sales, I see Portal as a love letter to fans of the series that play that shit religiously who even care about those old maps. I read on some Facebook comment under a BF video where someone was like "we want new maps, not this copy and paste shit" lol That is how some of those players feel, they won't even know the names of those classic maps that we all get hype for let alone recall all the old rules and features, like not being able to go prone on Bad Company series, or being able to destroy the M-Com station with explosives etc

but shit maybe I'm wrong, maybe over time those older maps continuing to be added will get more old fans to jump on and the larger new maps and hazard mode etc will get the new gamers in or something. Either way, its a day 1 for me even if it didn't have the Portal mode as I play all BF titles

S SZips I'll likely do something like 20 or so hours on the new maps to get the hang of all the new features, movement etc and then jump on Portal for the feels lol
Ceadeus Ceadeus Agreed, but that is what is so surprising about this crying over specialist. This mode is very rare as I can't even recall 1 MP title that has ever done something weird like this, even I years ago jokingly stated that people triggered over BFV story would have a field day if they one day made a BF where all the maps existed in some alternate universe (although I was saying it like the whole game would be this BF Universe type thing vs just a mode) , as in the story was just about some group of people that made a time machine and all heck broke loose and.....here you go all maps in all wars lol Never did I think that would actually be a thing, even jokingly as it sounds like pure fanfiction.

I've seen more good in BF 2042's features, then bad. The community simply exaggerates too much.

THEAP99 THEAP99 you forgot this /s

If they removed choice like you saw in BF1 and BFV that would have been better? To not have server options and rule options for the community? I feel many would just cry about that and I feel that was a just thing to complain about, but to then cry over that more options of customization are given is a bit silly, as to why I hope you just forgot this /s lol
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Oh god the horrible browser shit is coming back

but those maps tho. Men if they can get the classic iconic maps back of the old games into the new one i will sure get it.
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The marketing for this game has been just awful. This kind of blog should have been put out 6 weeks ago, and had a cool deep dive into it with footage and devs walking through a setup and then gameplay.

I mean I'm glad it's out there and gives me some more positive vibes towards the game after I was turned off from the beta but damn these little 90 second teasers with quick 8 second gameplay clips should have been for the summer time. We're a week away from the launch.


Gold Member
I still would of taken a remake of 2142 over this...

Still I'm not buying on launch but depending on how the community evolves around it, I might pick it up down the line if there's enough Bad Company 2 servers. It all depends on how much legs this bolt on mode has, if it fails to retain players there's not much pointing buying the title in the first place.
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Imagine reading a couple of months back

"no single player, no content, pass."

Core 2042 experience + Hunt / Tarkov game mode + BF 1942 - BC 2 - 3 maps with FULL customisation using the new graphical engine, including the new weather system. And fucking free DLC coming up
"new graphical engine"? its the same shitty frostbite engine from 10 years ago


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I really like this tool, but how do you get people to play exactly your map or game mode or whatever


Writes a lot, says very little
"new graphical engine"? its the same shitty frostbite engine from 10 years ago

No its not. The base is Frostbite, but the assets graphically are not the same

It would be like saying some shit like a game using Unreal today will look like a game using Unreal 10 years ago simply cause the engine is called Ureal lol It doesn't even fucking make any sense and sounds like you are looking for 1 word thats the same, thus using this odd logic is exactly the same lol
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