They left out the best part. The best part was that they said the dead basketball player was a drug dealer.What the fuck??
So yeah Baylor is probably the second scummiest university in the country
They left out the best part. The best part was that they said the dead basketball player was a drug dealer.What the fuck??
Is only Brakes getting fired? I don't see how they aren't gutting the entire staff
Is only Brakes getting fired? I don't see how they aren't gutting the entire staff
Additional members of the Administration and Athletics program have also been dismissed. Neither these individuals nor the disciplinary actions will be identified publicly.
Is only Brakes getting fired? I don't see how they aren't gutting the entire staff
Ashamed to have gone to Baylor
Ashamed to have gone to Baylor
I hope the rape victims sue that college into the fucking ground.
Everyone should be brought to trial - the rapists and the assholes who covered it up.
Take away Baylor's sports scholarships and all NCAA eligibility - PERMANENTLY.
Holy shit. Goodbye Baylor.
Randy Scott
One #Baylor accuser had HER athletic scholarship reduced to the point SHE had to leave school.
I think their football team will be okay.
For now, DC Phil Bennett is being promoted to interim HC and Kendall Briles is still on staff... I would guess next season is when they clean house and bring in new coaching staff. Hopefully kids that just signed their LOI are able to leave without penalty.
People itt seriously think briles is going to coach another game at a big program? Lol if Jim tressel never got another chance, no way will briles.
Holy shit.. They really are trying to take Penn State's crown.How does that even happen... time to burn it all down.
Wouldn't surprise me if Briles ends up as an NFL coach next season though.
People itt seriously think briles is going to coach another game at a big program? Lol if Jim tressel never got another chance, no way will briles.
Randy Scott
One #Baylor accuser had HER athletic scholarship reduced to the point SHE had to leave school.
Remember that Bennett is the guy who was pushing for Sam Ukwuachu to be brought back to the team. He's as dirty as Briles.
The way some schools have completely dismissed a coach's lack of judgment, character and previous transgressions in the past just for the sake of having a winning football program makes me think that some school is going to think he's worth the risk as we've seen with guys like Bobby Petrino. Granted, Petrino didn't have anything like this happen under his watch at his previous schools, and it may not happen with Briles, but I absolutely believe a school will consider him once this blows over in the media.
Having said all of that, I'd be glad if this were the end of his coaching career. Dude is a piece of shit through and through..
I think their football team will be okay.
For now, DC Phil Bennett is being promoted to interim HC and Kendall Briles is still on staff... I would guess next season is when they clean house and bring in new coaching staff. Hopefully kids that just signed their LOI are able to leave without penalty.
Taylor Hamm
All of Baylor's 2016 signees are eligible to be released from their LOIs http://baylor.247sports.com/Season/2016-Football/Commits
You can feel ashamed, but also be a force for change. Alumni steering funds away from the school and painting it in a negative light might get their ass in gear and result in real changes to the school.
Holy shit.. They really are trying to take Penn State's crown.
Burn this bitch to the ground someone.. Pls?
How can the AD and KEN MUTHAFUKIN STAR, still remain employed? I sincerely hope the school gets closed down and people go to jail.
A Baylor player already went on a little mini rant defending his former coach. This kind of shit is a perfect example of why if the NCAA had any moral compass they should have nuked Penn St off the map, and should hand Baylor the death penalty (and should be more open to using it in general). Dumbfucks like this guy infest college football programs, from the players and fans all the way up the ladder, who think any reprehensible behavior should be excused because "he coached me good". It's a fucking toxic mentality and I wish the ncaa held these programs more accountable and constantly held the threat of "this could all go away if you don't keep yourself in check" over their head. But instead the ncaa is morally bankrupt so we will probably continue to live in a world where Reggie Bush's parents taking a house from an agent is a worse offense than covering up for rape and pedophilia.
First that made me laugh.The feds have experience with that. You could ask them.
And lets not be crazy comparing this to Penn state. That was its own special brand of fucked.
First that made me laugh.
Second maybe a bit of hyperbole on my part.. But still pretty fucked.
I think their football team will be okay.
For now, DC Phil Bennett is being promoted to interim HC and Kendall Briles is still on staff... I would guess next season is when they clean house and bring in new coaching staff. Hopefully kids that just signed their LOI are able to leave without penalty.
Not to mention the little episode with NCAA and University of Miami. Apparently, the NCAA had Nevin Shapiro's defense attorney on their payroll.
If the NCAA can't even follow any rules, how are we supposed to feel if institutions like Baylor and Penn State look the other way?
Haha, Diana from Deadspin just went scorched earth on Baylor.
Good. This is the most transparent attempt to obfuscate accountability I've seen in a lonnnnng time.
I am 100% confident Art Briles will get show cause and never coach D1 again
A Baylor player already went on a little mini rant defending his former coach. This kind of shit is a perfect example of why if the NCAA had any moral compass they should have nuked Penn St off the map, and should hand Baylor the death penalty (and should be more open to using it in general). Dumbfucks like this guy infest college football programs, from the players and fans all the way up the ladder, who think any reprehensible behavior should be excused because "he coached me good". It's a fucking toxic mentality and I wish the ncaa held these programs more accountable and constantly held the threat of "this could all go away if you don't keep yourself in check" over their head. But instead the ncaa is morally bankrupt so we will probably continue to live in a world where Reggie Bush's parents taking a house from an agent is a worse offense than covering up for rape and pedophilia.
How can the AD and KEN MUTHAFUKIN STAR, still remain employed? I sincerely hope the school gets closed down and people go to jail.
Haha, Diana from Deadspin just went scorched earth on Baylor.
Good. This is the most transparent attempt to obfuscate accountability I've seen in a lonnnnng time.
If there's one thing the Penn State case has shown, it's not so much that the NCAA won't death penalty a program for transgressions like this (I mean, it's probably true that they won't death penalty a major conference program again), but that they can't. Penn State sued them for the lackluster punishment that they did receive, and indications are that they would have won. Once you get beyond the basic cheating on the field or screwing with eligibility/amateurism, the NCAA doesn't really have any teeth when it comes to what they can do in terms of punishing programs. To focus on the "other Baylor incident", the punishment there wasn't even because one of the players killed another player, or that one of the players was dealing drugs on the side, it was because the coach was paying both players (and others), was telling players he would pay them when recruiting them, and lied to the NCAA directly about it. If Baylor athletics is going to get killed right now, it would have to be the Department of Education that did it, not the NCAA.
This. The NCAA can't do anything about it, I'm sure they want too, I'm sure that there is overwhelming desire to shut the thing down.
But they can't, they don't have the ability to do so.
Title IX is all DoE. NCAA can actually do something about this (as Title IX infractions are in their bylays I think where for some reason they didn't have the foresight to ban and facilitate childrape), but they'll let the DoE to the heavy lifting instead.
And given the scope and breadth of the issue here, I expect a litany of jail time, sentences handed out, massive fines, a SHITLOAD of lawsuits, removal of federal funding.
And maybe, if we get lucky, the total shutdown of the Baylor football program.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. Sect. 1681 (20 United States Code section 1681) et seq. (Title IX), is a Federal statute that was created to prohibit sex discrimination in education programs that receive Federal financial assistance. Nearly every educational institution is a recipient of Federal funds and, thus, is required to comply with Title IX. The regulation implementing the Title IX statute is at 34 C.F.R. (34 Code of Federal Regulations) Part 106.
Title IX is enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education. OCR has authority to develop policy on the regulations it enforces. In regard to athletics programs, OCR developed an Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Interpretation that was issued December 11, 1979, 44 Fed. Reg. 71413 et seq (1979). The 1979 Policy Interpretation remains current policy. In general, courts defer to the policies of the agencies with enforcement authority.
It's so depressing and horrific how children and women are sacrificed for college football. As long as the team is winning, who cares if people are ruined in the process, right?
Fuckin' Football cults.
At least actions are being taken against those allowed this disgusting behavior to continue.
This went way beyond Football.
As fucked up as it is, the University probably used the program as a scapegoat to ignore the larger issue of the sexual assault atmosphere on campus.
But now the fed is involved so.
The Feds needs to introduce some serious consequences to make a point to other colleges that the mishandling of rape victims should not be a fucking thing. If some valuable programs have to nuked in the process, then let it happen.
Slowly but surely i think people are finally starting to understand that colleges and universities are not your friends, they do not exist to help you, they exist to make money.
Ridiculous tuition, sports, it doesnt matter, they'll take money however they can get it. They even have the audacity to ask their students to donate to the university after they've graduated.
The sooner people treat these institutions like corporations the better off everyone will be.
the pats will take him as an assistantPeople itt seriously think briles is going to coach another game at a big program? Lol if Jim tressel never got another chance, no way will briles.