Holy Order Sol
depths20XX said:I don't think it's too bad. It definetly isn't nearly as bad as that horrible Powerman 5000 sounding song that would play in every fight in DMC3.
That had the best lyrics ever though.
depths20XX said:I don't think it's too bad. It definetly isn't nearly as bad as that horrible Powerman 5000 sounding song that would play in every fight in DMC3.
canova said:good to know.
I downloaded both versions and compared.
- 360 version has much better graphic, but the controller feels awkward, the R1 button and the attack button are too close for comfort.
- PS3 version has washed-out color and not as sharp, though not nearly as bad as what others have described here. But the controller feels just perfect.
So I'm still debating which one to get
Since no1 is phased by this. I'll ask. What?canova said:- 360 version has much better graphic, but the controller feels awkward, the R1 button and the attack button are too close for comfort.
2San said:Since no1 is phased by this. I'll ask. What?
It's not like you accidentally press the RB when you press Y and how is this different from the PS3 version? o____O
As mentioned before the lock on button is useless anyhow.
-PXG- said:Just beat it on Normal. Holy shit, what a ride. Props to Kamiya, Platinum and SEGA. Now start working on the sequel. Just make sure it doesn't end up like DMC2.
Rez said:you never really need to lock on. I never do.
Rez said:you never really need to lock on. I never do.
The only time you only really need to explicitly lock on is if you want kilgore to home in on an enemy.Rez said:you never really need to lock on. I never do.
Once you finish the last level, it starts you back on the Prologue on the next highest difficulty, but all of the levels and weapons and things remain unlocked. It's exactly the same as it is before you finish except there's an option to look at your awards for each level.Mrbob said:Yeah the only time I feel to the to hit RB is when I want to do a Stilleto. Is there a newgame+ with this title? I notice you can chapter select ( I think I'm on chapter 10 right now) and replay levels, which I'll do with my new items. Can I do this after I finish the game as well or do I have to do it beforehand? I figure once I move up in difficulty I'll have to start over with all my weapons and accessories.
I have to give some props to the voice acting too. The story is absurd and over the top (as it should be in this type of game), but the voice acting is overall very solid. Especially the voice actress for Bayonetta. Delivery is so good on all her lines.
Rez said:yeah, they should totally have their legal team patch the game
why you waste money on legal department foolz
but no serious you sick burned them dawg
Fimbulvetr said:They're pretty late to the party but the escapist did an article on the Bayonetta sexuality issue.
And yes, there is more at that site than Zero Punctuation and their idiot filled forums, it surprised me too.
Dave1988 said:That's a great idea, dawg! Seeing how the port turned out, they'd probably do a better job than the monkeys assigned to the job in the first place.
I'm not sure how to approach this...>_>DenogginizerOS said:So, I am a big fan of the Ninja Gaiden games, God of War games, I am NOT a Devil May Cry fan, and I am getting Dante's Inferno. Bayonetta appeals to me as far as the action, but the story elements and music seem extremely cheesy. Does the gameplay offer anything beyond what I have seen in NG and GoW?
DenogginizerOS said:So, I am a big fan of the Ninja Gaiden games, God of War games, I am NOT a Devil May Cry fan, and I am getting Dante's Inferno. Bayonetta appeals to me as far as the action, but the story elements and music seem extremely cheesy. Does the gameplay offer anything beyond what I have seen in NG and GoW?
CcrooK said:So someone explain to me why this game has the obsession with "Fly me to the Moon" all over with the music?
LiK said:you finished the game yet? story-related
CcrooK said:So someone explain to me why this game has the obsession with "Fly me to the Moon" all over with the music?
CcrooK said:I did but still just not connecting the dots.
It's more like DMC3 than anything. Ninja Gaiden and God of War play differently, so I don't think it's a fair comparison.XenoRaven said:I'm not sure how to approach this...>_>
Aske said:Oh - you meant a different story related thing : )
Still, the moon and the Umbra is a recurrent theme throughout the game.
canova said:- 360 version has much better graphic, but the controller feels awkward, the R1 button and the attack button are too close for comfort.
CcrooK said:So someone explain to me why this game has the obsession with "Fly me to the Moon" all over with the music?
BaronLundi said:So yeah, dodge offset ? Totally not getting the hang of it.
e.g. you're supposed to P - K(hold) - dodge - release dodge/release K - P ? What's the time frame for resuming the combo ? I seem to systematically begin a new combo after the dodge. Any pointer to train properly?
NIN90 said:Do the Alfheims where you can only hurt enemies with wicked weave attack. And yes, the timing can be a bit tricky. Just try it with PKP over and over.
You mean in the prologue where you need to get like 7 tortures? That verse was so freaking shitty on Hard. Mainly because I refused to remove my ice skates but still. Try itDabookerman said:So I started my Climax run. Fuck sake I don't ever remember the camera being so erratic during Verse 2 of act 1. The camera's going all over the place!
I almost never take off the ice skates. It took some getting use to but now everything seems like slow motion without them.Minamu said:You mean in the prologue where you need to get like 7 tortures? That verse was so freaking shitty on Hard. Mainly because I refused to remove my ice skates but still. Try itI basically stood in a corner on Hard & spammed Taunt to get MP... And used that 2 free MP orbs accessory. Helped a lot.
Yeah I like them too. Dunno why I never bothered with testing until very recently. I just don't like animation going from standing still to moving in random direction. Something is off with that making it hard to reach those witch statues & the cannons in chapter 15. Other than that, very nice stuff.Zertez said:I almost never take off the ice skates. It took some getting use to but now everything seems like slow motion without them.
nevernow said:Here comes my lame first post ever on GAF:
you can't release a game in 2010 which doesn't allow button remapping.
Eyemus Lutt said:So I've been playing this game for a while now, and I just don't get the love for this game. The combat is just not fun and the movement doesn't feel right and it's way too similar to DMC and Ninja Gaiden which are game's I just don't have any fun with. I prefer the more slower combat games like God of War and tried the Dante's Inferno Demo which seems better suited to the combat I like, and I even enjoyed the Darksiders combat a lot more than Bayonetta, but I guess because it's trying to copy God of War.
I guess I've been disappointed by Platinum games this gen with both games being totally underwhelming, after I enjoyed their previous efforts on last gen systems.
nevernow said:Here comes my lame first post ever on GAF:
you can't release a game in 2010 which doesn't allow button remapping.