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Being evil is not easy... (KOTOR)


I just started a new game - still in Taris. I just got the healer to tell me his secret about the Republic soliders he's helping, then blackmailed into giving me all his money (bugger all) to not dob him in to the Sith. Now I feel like a real dick and I'm sure that's the least evil thing I'm going to do :(


The worst part was selling those Promised Land maps to the shopkeeper below Taris. I felt so bad. The old man was so pissed at me. :(


Scary Euro Man
6.8 said:
The worst part was selling those Promised Land maps to the shopkeeper below Taris.

Really? Obviously you didn't get fully into the spirit of the dark side. Even I had a faint twinge of guilt when

Mission refused to become one of my evil minions, and tried to persuade Zaalbar to leave with her, so I abused the life debt he'd sworn to me and forced him to kill her.

That was faintly nasty. :)


I couldn't go through with being bad :(

I kept on trying to do "mean" things, but I'd never really do that nasty stuff, so I ended up around the middle. I didn't complete my second run-through but I imagine it would've stayed the same up until the the FINAL CHOICE.


Unconfirmed Member
iapetus said:
Really? Obviously you didn't get fully into the spirit of the dark side. Even I had a faint twinge of guilt when

Mission refused to become one of my evil minions, and tried to persuade Zaalbar to leave with her, so I abused the life debt he'd sworn to me and forced him to kill her.

That was faintly nasty. :)

Oh man that's neat :D, never before have I been sold on a game because of a single spoiler sentence but I nearly got it earlier today, sat on the fence and ended up with 3 oldies instead, if you really can be that evil (and more) I've gotta get this, soon, must have!


iapetus said:
Mission refused to become one of my evil minions, and tried to persuade Zaalbar to leave with her, so I abused the life debt he'd sworn to me and forced him to kill her.


I must try playing evil again! I quit doing so, because I was just in the mood for caring and hearting.


This is the main reason I haven't played through KOTOR a second time (despite greatly enjoying it). I've already played the good side, and I don't think I can bring myself to do all the despicable things on the dark side.


I felt really bad when I took a skull plate from a poor woman on Tatooine. She needed the money but I just took it! :(


Knows the Score
iapetus said:
Really? Obviously you didn't get fully into the spirit of the dark side. Even I had a faint twinge of guilt when

That was faintly nasty. :)

That was probably my favourite bit in it, I laughed a hearty evil laugh for a long time after that.


Haha, my girlfriend was watching me play (because my evil character was a girl) when I got at that point. She was like "ooooooh you're a girl". Then I took the plate, she was complaining at how mean I was.

Of course she's never seen a SW movie of her life, but I thought it was pretty funny to see her go apeshit at stuff I did in a game. :D


"It's not easy being mean" - Kermit the Frog

Well, sort of. I'd enjoy going through Evil, though, I'm all about horrible catastrophes.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I played through KOTOR 4 times. 2 times on good side, twice on evil. My first play was on the good side, its cakewalk compared to the evil side :p When i played evil though, i found some of the decisions very hard to make, it was just too damn evil, so i was semi evil, mostly a cocky jerk rather than a sith lord. 2nd time i played evil, i went all the way to hell, damn it was fun in the end :D

Cant wait for kotor 2, especially with ex black isle employees working on it.
KOTOR would be so boring to me if it didn't allow you to go dark side. It's just so much more fun. The depths to which you can go to rob, cheat, steal, maim, kill, etc. is pretty impressive. One of the best moments in the game comes when
a Sith soldier in a Tattooine cantina talks shit to you, thinking you're a common worker. You can enlighten him on the error of his ways with a nice, friendly Force Choke. :D You can also Force Persuade lots of NPCs to do some really hilarious (and evil) things--including telling one poor SOB to shut up--literally. He never says a word to you for the rest of the game afterwards.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I didn't realize this forum was so full of lightweights... being evil in KOTOR bothered you? Wow... I thought that was the whole point of the game. ;)


I cringed at a few parts, I'm always a chaotic good Paladin type player. It was so hard to be evil, yet.....so deliciously satisfying!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
DarienA said:
I didn't realize this forum was so full of lightweights... being evil in KOTOR bothered you? Wow... I thought that was the whole point of the game. ;)


Leaving the poor wounded wookie in the forest to die by not even helping him didnt even make you look for an alternative to save him without gaining good side force points? You have no heart! :p

The poor wookie, *sniff*


6.8 said:
The worst part was selling those Promised Land maps to the shopkeeper below Taris. I felt so bad. The old man was so pissed at me. :(

Wow, i completed the game 3 times, and with each turn i experienced new sidesquests and side storys. I learnt the history of the Sandmen last time, interesting stuff.

I loved taunting my companions, CArth especially

Oni Jazar

KOTOR has one of the best lines you can choose.

After you rescue someone from a dark sith lord he's like "Thanks for saving me!"

one of the options is, "I saved you... FOR LAST!" and you waste him. hehe :)


throwing the little stowaway girl off the ship as soon as I saw her got to me partly because it was just so mean and partly beause I was wondering why I couldn't do it while we were in space.


i found some of the decisions very hard to make, it was just too damn evil, so i was semi evil, mostly a cocky jerk rather than a sith lord.
I just laughed out loud at this for some reason.

KOTOR has one of the best lines you can choose.

After you rescue someone from a dark sith lord he's like "Thanks for saving me!"

one of the options is, "I saved you... FOR LAST!" and you waste him. hehe
Damn, where is that? It seems there are so many instances where you think you're being evil killing someone straight off but then the true evil comes from holding off a bit. How do you guys find this stuff?


Banstick Emeritus
Midas said:
I felt really bad when I took a skull plate from a poor woman on Tatooine. She needed the money but I just took it! :(

I'm playing through as evil this time and just did that last night!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Sith academy planet irrc, when you go toward the cantina there's 2 or 3 peoples who want to get into the academy and some sith is torturing them or something like that, been a while.


I just didn't have the heart to be evil either. I hated doing all those evil things. It's funny, when I played through it on the Light Side, I kept seeing all those evil options and thinking "damn... if only... I'm so tempted to pick one and tell these people to take a goddamned hike instead of being a goodie-two-shoes and helping out...". Of course, now I can't stand it.

The only thing keeping me going really is my intense desire to use Force Lightning on anything that moves. The one Dark Side moment I REALLY enjoyed was:

Telling that prissy droid on Dantooine that I'd destroy him, as per his wishes... but I'd tell his master that he was still alive out there. Then I used Force Lightning on him and he died. And then I cackled.


Chili Con Carnage!
Its gonna be so great in KOTOR2 when other characters follow your allignment, i imagine some of the dark side conversations will be hilarious.


Junior Member
Freeburn said:
Oh man that's neat :D, never before have I been sold on a game because of a single spoiler sentence but I nearly got it earlier today, sat on the fence and ended up with 3 oldies instead, if you really can be that evil (and more) I've gotta get this, soon, must have!

I know. That sounds kinda cool. I might pick it up for slow August. How long does it take, hour wise?
Fowler said:
Telling that prissy droid on Dantooine that I'd destroy him, as per his wishes... but I'd tell his master that he was still alive out there. Then I used Force Lightning on him and he died. And then I cackled.

Heh. I did the same thing. Dumb droid.

There were a few parts where I felt I was being too damn evil though.
On Tatooine there's a woman selling some plate to get money to feed herself and her daughter because her husband disappeared on a hunt. I threatened her life and took the plate and she runs off. I felt so rotten after that.

I guess it depends on who you're being evil to. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it isn't.


Took me 47 hours on the first run, but then again I was trying to do most quests. I know I haven't done all of them, but I figure I did 90% of them.
Took me 61 hours on KOTOR PC version Dark Side, and I did 95% of the quests--only thing I missed was Juhani (in hindsight, not killing her and instead pretending to convert her to the Light Side, then turning her to the Dark Side would have been better, but I was going for not a single Light Side point earned the entire game--I was fully Dark Side before leaving Dantooine).


I'm a bit fuzzy on the details but I seem to remember that it's possible to get Juhani back without earning a Light Side point... I know I had her in my Dark Side run and I was also determined to do it without a Light Side point.


Woah, I´m usually a saint in every game, it´s just my nature and it´s hard to me be nasty (even in a videogame).

So I ended being like the most nice Jedi in the story of the galaxy
And no kiss at the end, I wanted to be a pure Jedi, no woman for me

I don´t play a game two times (multiple endings piss me), but I did an exception wih KOTOR because I was tempetd to see the Dark Side, I felt so bad that I stop playing it (I will come back eventually).

I felt incredibly guilty about selling the map because I spent a lot of time searching for the pieces in my first game, so much that it was boring and only kept with it because I really wanted to help that poor people. I felt great when I managed to give the map to the old man and saw all them leaving with a new hope. Selling the map was an horrible experience

Hehe, the most funny thing I have done at Dark Side, and I don´t regret it, was killing that two families in Dantoonie, sons and parents. In the original game didn´t know how to get the best solution for four because I didn´t test the most nasty answers, but at the Dark Side I discovered it... when all was starting to seem nice for eveyone and I had the option to lie them... I reckon I enjoyed the moment

Killing Juhani was the second most horrible thing I did, you can drive Juhani to the Light Side and was one of my favourite character, I felt proud of helping her, so killing her that way was quite sad for me


needs to show more effort.
being evil was quite fun.

I wish Kotor had let you tread more of a middle ground though.

Evil is more fun than good but I prefer to be nuetral. I don't like going out of my way to be either good or evil. You kill who you need to die and take what you need without ever trying to actually be one way or the other. Thats my prefered playing style.
snaildog said:
I just started a new game - still in Taris. I just got the healer to tell me his secret about the Republic soliders he's helping, then blackmailed into giving me all his money (bugger all) to not dob him in to the Sith. Now I feel like a real dick and I'm sure that's the least evil thing I'm going to do :(

LOL, yeah, I felt exactly the same way. For the first half of the game, it was really painful. Some of the reaction you get from Jolee are hilarious though.
The Shadow said:
There were a few parts where I felt I was being too damn evil though.
On Tatooine there's a woman selling some plate to get money to feed herself and her daughter because her husband disappeared on a hunt. I threatened her life and took the plate and she runs off. I felt so rotten after that.

THAT, was definitely one of the most evil things I did, but I used force persuation
and afterward, she snapped out of it, and realized what I had done, calling me a monster and saying her and her children you starve to death. Evil.

I don't know if anyone else did this, but
on the last planet, when you meet back up with the team on the beach, I got Zeke to kill Mission. Really, really, EVIL!
Fowler said:
I'm a bit fuzzy on the details but I seem to remember that it's possible to get Juhani back without earning a Light Side point... I know I had her in my Dark Side run and I was also determined to do it without a Light Side point.

Nope, impossible, you either can kill her or convince her to join you. Doing the latter earns you a Light Side point.


I had a hard time being evil too (at first). Got kinda far in the game evil (about 60% through before other things came my way). My favorite thing was
telling the guy who wanted to become a Sith that in order to get into the academy, he should attack the guard. Then you talk to someone else, and you see him fighting the guard and dying in the background.

I also loved the choices you could end up saying.

"I always wanted a Wookie slave!"
"Why wont this nightmare end?!"


I wanted to go evil, but couldn't do it. I was a total goodie two shoes. My friend went through on evil a while later, and I couldn't believe some of the stuff
In the end he killed most of the other team members.. freaky.
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