I... really can't see Ben Affleck taking directions from Zack fucking Snyder.
I... really can't see Ben Affleck taking directions from Zack fucking Snyder.
There were those rumors they wanted him to direct the Justice League movie, right? Maybe this is a way to get him to do it and hopefully it's a way to get Snyder and Goyer to eventually fuck off from the franchise.
On the flip side, he probably wants to take a break from smaller movies and dive into that blockbuster cash for a while.
Matt Damon playing Robin, do it WB!
If I remember correctly he didn't want to do JL because he didn't feel comfortable taking on such a huge project as a director yet. He might be doing this as a way to kind of learn from Snyder.
Now before the lol's, directing these huge movies takes a lot of skill. While the likes of Snyder and Bay might not be ideal for a story driven film, they are very gifted when it comes to the organizational skills needed to pull these huge productions together. If Ben can get a hands on experience he might reconsider doing a JL movie.
not only this but Affleck made two good movies that resolve around team efforts.
while playing the central character in a relative toned down style.
which fits Batman within JL. (patriarchal, weary).
I do expect his Batman to be a little to angsty though, and really wish he at least brings dem muscles up to Batman standards.
Superheroes are not the best characters to portray, but being a physical fit really elevates it (aka Cavill/Butler).
rumor is the Batman gig comes with directing Justice League since Affleck only directs movies he stars in.
for the millions he will receive to star in MoS2, he can shut up and take it I suppose.
I hope that's not the case. He's such a shit director. His acting isn't very good either.
I hope that's not the case. He's such a shit director His acting isn't very good either.
Gone Baby Gone was very good. Everything else is shit. I don't know how he has convinced so many people that his shit movies are good.
If he gets back to The Town level of fitness he should be fine. I mean I love Keaton but he wasn't rock hard under his suit.
What was wrong with Daredevil had little to do with Affleck and in the Director's Cut it is even a decent effort.
Why, did the Director cut off his chin?
he has a ben affleck chin in the arkham games and it suits him fine.
he has a ben affleck chin in the arkham games and it suits him fine.
Gears of Batman isn't what I'd call the best design the character has had.
I couldn't watch past 13 seconds.
They need to do a comic storyline where someone blinds Batman.
I mean, he's fucking Batman.
I couldn't watch past 13 seconds.
Once he is past his initial annoyance he does make some good points and his Batman fan boy kicks in.
He just cant get over the fact he cant imagine Bruce Wayne standing there, all he will think is "That is Ben Affleck"
I tend to agree
i beg to differ. I'm disappointed that nolan didn't make gary oldman take roids to play commissioner gordon
[Ben] has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne.
Fuck this premise