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Best story ever?

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
"The game opens with our hero--a plucky, wisecracking preteen named Josh who has an affinity for lizards--strapped into a chair in his neighbor's basement. It seems that Josh had been investigating his neighbor when he discovered an evil plot to bring a mutated lizard army into our universe to take over the world. As Josh is being interrogated by the bad guys, something goes wrong, and Josh is teleported into the lizard dimension, becoming a lizard in the process. "

Quoted from gamespots Scaler review



Guns N' Poops said:
Xenogears, bitches. Fear the Perfect Work.

PS: Oh, never mind :D LOL, great logic @Scaler

jiggle said:
That'd be second on my list, with MGS2 as a close third. And Final Fantasy VII as a fourth...and so it goes...

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
So my ironie joke thread turned into honest discussion.....

Imo Planescape had most original story ever,but not the best although a good one,storywise i loved the 2 Max Payne games and Mafia,MGS also pretty good but hard to follow


Well it's pretty much discussable what a very good story includes.
For example: Metal Gear Solid's story didn't go that deep, it was a story that was better than average but nothing special...though Hideo Kojima worked the story pretty good out with beautiful cinematics, superb boss fights.. so the overall product was superb
On the other hand there was Metal Gear Solid 2, it's story is really special but it had many plotholes, one of the results of Hideo Kojima because he didn't work the second story that good out.

Besides the Metal Gear franchise I also think both Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger have good story's, and ofcourse Xenogears.



The runners up if limited to console games (PC adventure games would own most of these)
Silent Hill 2
Suikoden II


Gamedude said:
Besides the Metal Gear franchise I also think both Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger have good story's, and ofcourse Xenogears.

I thought CC had one of the best plot twists EVER, but the overall story was a little weak IMO. Baten Kaitos is similar in that respect.
those who say MGS and those who will eventually say Zelda are so so wrong.

Deus Ex and Planescape:Torment are the tops.
followed by anachronox.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Templar Wizard said:
those who say MGS and those who will eventually say Zelda are so so wrong.

Deus Ex and Planescape:Torment are the tops.
followed by anachronox.

MGS was really good in that regard, though. The actual storylines were interesting and feature the absolute best direction/presentation of any game ever made (speaking in terms of MGS2 on that one).

Zelda, on the other hand...
sorry dark i have to disagree with you, any story with a character who tells you their motivation, whilst dying, is pretty bad storytelling. every single one of them doing it is just plain retarded.

although i enjoy the gameplay of the mgs series, i could never rate that overblown plothole filled turd of a script as a good story.

planescape on the other hand....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Templar Wizard said:
sorry dark i have to disagree with you, any story with a character who tells you their motivation, whilst dying, is pretty bad storytelling. every single one of them doing it is just plain retarded.

although i enjoy the gameplay of the mgs series, i could never rate that overblown plothole filled turd of a script as a good story.

planescape on the other hand....

They are so incredibly different, why compare?

The actual presentation of MGS blows the shit out of everything else, though. That probably helps quite a bit...


Fleming said:
"The game opens with our hero--a plucky, wisecracking preteen named Josh who has an affinity for lizards--strapped into a chair in his neighbor's basement. It seems that Josh had been investigating his neighbor when he discovered an evil plot to bring a mutated lizard army into our universe to take over the world. As Josh is being interrogated by the bad guys, something goes wrong, and Josh is teleported into the lizard dimension, becoming a lizard in the process. "

Quoted from gamespots Scaler review


Blaster Master
the codec sessions or the overblown cut-scenes? ;)

i agree on the cut-scene presentation, nothing really comes close, but in terms of content its pretty dire.
but i guess it comes down to personal preference too, im not a supporter of 3rd person cutscenes as a storytelling device, most do it, but i think it spoils the interactivity.
we have a 'new way' of doing it and i think it will be successful...

anyways the reason why Deus Ex and PT are rated so highly by people is that you the player can affect the story, unlike MGS.

edit: to address your point, different yes, but a good story is a good story. regardless if it is a comic book or an opera. mgs, imho, is not a good story (due to plotholes and garbage dialogue)


MGS doesn't have a really great story IMO, it's very well presented though.

My pick would have to go to Deus Ex out of all the games i've played, though i really want to check out planescape because my friends keep bugging me about it and it sounds really good.
Fleming said:
"The game opens with our hero--a plucky, wisecracking preteen named Josh who has an affinity for lizards--strapped into a chair in his neighbor's basement. It seems that Josh had been investigating his neighbor when he discovered an evil plot to bring a mutated lizard army into our universe to take over the world. As Josh is being interrogated by the bad guys, something goes wrong, and Josh is teleported into the lizard dimension, becoming a lizard in the process. "

Quoted from gamespots Scaler review


I think I had a dream that went something like that, c'ept it was about dogs. Actually, now that I think about it, there wasn't a neighbor involved either. Or a mutated army. Or seperate universes. I guess it was just about my dog riding in the car. Pretty sweet dream though. I demand reperations.

As far as fucked up videogame stories go, the newest one that sticks out in my mind is that Xbox game from From, Metal Wolf Chaos. The one where the President of the US takes control of a gigantic mech to save us all.

1up's preview:

In 2040 A.D., the President doesn't combat enemies using congress and legislation; he mans a government-developed vertical tank to deliver hurt. The story behind From Software's latest Xbox offering is strange and intriguing. In the near future, the United States will be stripped of its liberty and invaded by a massive terrorist organization. With all major metropolises in shackles, the 47th President of the United States takes matters into his own hands by summoning a top-secret battle suit powerful enough to level cities and those who have seized them. From the footsteps of the Lincoln Memorial, the President loads up the robot suit and embarks on his mission with more firepower than a cranky Harry Truman.

Hitler Stole My Potato said:
1up's preview:

In 2040 A.D., the President doesn't combat enemies using congress and legislation; he mans a government-developed vertical tank to deliver hurt. The story behind From Software's latest Xbox offering is strange and intriguing. In the near future, the United States will be stripped of its liberty and invaded by a massive terrorist organization. With all major metropolises in shackles, the 47th President of the United States takes matters into his own hands by summoning a top-secret battle suit powerful enough to level cities and those who have seized them. From the footsteps of the Lincoln Memorial, the President loads up the robot suit and embarks on his mission with more firepower than a cranky Harry Truman.


Kerry/Bush WHO? This men for president, he knows what is to be done.

Sho Nuff

Templar Wizard said:
those who say MGS and those who will eventually say Zelda are so so wrong.

Deus Ex and Planescape:Torment are the tops.
followed by anachronox.


Spare me your stupid angsty Japanese crap!


PSO. :)

Also: "The story begins when Mary-Kate and Ashley are sold a pair of
enchanted necklaces. When they combine the two halves a spell is cast over
the mall, sealing most of the stores and people as if time stands still.
Mary-Kate and Ashley are trapped in the mall until they can win the five
magic gems missing from the enchanted necklace."
bjork said:
Also: "The story begins when Mary-Kate and Ashley are sold a pair of
enchanted necklaces. When they combine the two halves a spell is cast over
the mall, sealing most of the stores and people as if time stands still.
Mary-Kate and Ashley are trapped in the mall until they can win the five
magic gems missing from the enchanted necklace."

I smell a movie in the makin'. That's gold, Jerry! Gold!


Matlock said:

-Bad Dudes

They really need to make a mirror world version of Bad Dudes:



The writing in torment was top-notch, that's why it's so good.

"Time is not your enemy, forever is. "

"Nameless One : You're going to eat me?
Ghrist: Aye, as soon as ye finish with ye damn fool questions.
Nameless One : You can try, but you'll die from a bellyache as I gut you.
Ghrist: I'll take that chance. "

"Fall-from-Grace : You know, Nordrom, you are perhaps the cutest little rogue modron I have ever encountered.
Nordom : 'Cutest' is a subjective term. I prefer the designation "fearsome cubed warrior".
Fall-from-Grace : Of course! That's why you're so cute. "

Dak'kon : When a mind does not *know* itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken.

Morte : Hey Nordom, knock-knock.
Nordom : Why do you persist in addressing me as a door?
Morte : It's a joke, you stupid polygon! You're supposed to answer "Who's there?"
Nordom : I know who is there. It is you. Why would I ask a question when I already know the answer?
Morte : Just forget it.

Vhailor : When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe.
Nameless One : I see.
Vhailor : No, you do not see. Pray you never will.

Vhailor : Justice is not blind, for I am her eyes.

Fell: It is *torment*. It is that which draws all tormented souls to you. The flesh knows it suffers, even when the mind has forgotten. And so you wear the rune always.

Fear names. Names have power in identity. Others can use names as weapons.
Names are a hook that can be used to track you across the planes.
Remain nameless, and you shall be safe.

Transcendent One : I am that which walks with all life. My voice is a death rattle, a last breath in the throat, the whisper of a dying man.

Another game with very good writing and story is IMHO Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri


good credit (by proxy)
I thought we were supposed to (insert: laugh/cry/denounce Nintendo's marketing team) at the quote of the story in the topic thread? Where am I?



some more : :D

Nordom: "Attention: Morte. I have a question. Do you have a destiny? A
Morte: "Is Annah still wearing clothes?"
Nordom: "Affirmatory."
Morte: "Then the answer is yes."

Morte: "Women are the reason I became a monk... and the reason I changed back..."

Vhailor: "Let my words carry you: JUSTICE is a TEACHER. In your PUNISHMENT, gain STRENGTH. Through your PUNISHMENT, achieve PERFECTION."

Vhalior: NOTHING that lives is innocent. Yet LAW rises ABOVE the flesh and blood. FROM IMPERFECTION PERFECTION MAY BE MADE.

Ravel: "What can change the nature of a man?"

The Silent King: "..."

Trias: “Powerful is that one. You shall not best him, and you shall not be able to wrest your mortality from his cold grip. It is lost to you. You have embarked on an errand undertaken only by fools.”

Nameless One: “Every time I die, Vhailor, I have lost my memories. I have no sense of self, no sense of who I am or was, and I bear thousands of scars in the mind and body from wounds I cannot remember. Death rejects me, and I fear I shall never be able to be at peace.”

Nameless One: Hold on to your logic, Nordom. You will find it a greater shield than most of the passions that rule the planes.
Nordom: “The issue no longer equals total logic.”

Nameless one: There is nothing that can be done. Memories are gone, perhaps never to return. With every death I lose a part of me.
How can one be immortal and still die?

Dak'kon: “Know that flesh cannot mark steel. Know that steel may mark flesh. In knowing this, Zerthimon became free.”

Dak'kon: “Endure. In enduring, grow strong.”


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I hope a Japanese RPG comes out with a plot featuring a tortured pseudo-medieval-futuristic adolescent hero who must battle a magical evil with an enormous sword. That would be great. if he teams up with some guys and girls of different heights, attitudes and hair colors, that will totally pwn.

Then I hope he defeats the magical force at great cost to himself and his band of friends. That would be super original and rad.


Miyazaki gets a free pass.

Musashi Wins!

I read that Scaler information as well, and I couldn't help but think about this one conspiracy wacko called David Icke. I believe he's British. Anyhow, he's sold a shitload of books and makes various appearances on TV and radio, and part of his overarching theory is that the world is controlled by transdimensional Lizards. And that George Bush Sr. is one. I wonder if the developers knew of that wacko.
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