-- Madrigal vs. Mike: Groundwork, baby! Neat to see how this came together.
-- Hector vs Gus: Oh shit, the pills didn't work. Looks like we were thrown for a loop and it was in fact something more violent that put Hector in that wheelchair.
-- Hamlin vs. Chuck: This is going about how I expected. Sad but mostly predictable, so far. We saw this coming from the insurance mention.
-- Jimmy vs. Irene vs. Hamlin: I think we're supposed to realize how low Jimmy is sinking. I guess I just didn't expect it to be so fucking sad. I bet this doesn't turn out like Jimmy thinks it will.
-- Kim vs. sleep: Wonderful foreshadowing. Amazing cut, excellent shot to end.
Fine episode, if mostly just moving pieces into position for a big showdown. I liked the quite literal visual metaphor of Kim pushing a car out of a rut but nearly careening into an oil derrick before pumping the breaks. It works on a few levels if you consider Jimmy the rut, the oil derrick to be $$$$, and pumping the breaks to be respecting her own health at the cost of her career.